
急转直下  jí zhuǎn zhí xià







  • 前方的军事局势急转直下
    The military on the front went swiftly ahead.

  • 股票市场行情急转直下
    The stock market turned down sharply.

  • 这条山间小道急转直下通到一个小山谷。
    The mountain path descended precipitously to a small valley.

  • 本周的情况急转直下,美国市场持续不断的传来坏消息。
    The week's status is even worse; we consistently get bad news from US market.

  • 可如今哪个政客不会对美国资本主义的急转直下大表忧心呢?
    What politician doesn't these days profess concern about the sharp elbows of American capitalism?

  • 有一个更好的角色要让她来扮演,这样一来就使情况急转直下了。
    Things were precipitated by the offer of a better part.

  • 不到四年之后,当我写这些文字时,蒋介石的处境已经急转直下
    Less than four years later, as I wrote these words, the prospects of Chiang had undergone a cataclysmic change.

  • 与此相反,一度席卷中国市场的韩国网游企业却急转直下风光不再。
    On the other hand, China had swept through the South Korean online business market has suddenly passed their prime.

  • 这是大事件发生的一周,但是也可能急转直下,用暴风雨般猛烈的方式结束。
    Great things can be born at times like these but so too can situations come to a stormy end.

  • 事件更使全球经济急转直下。节目探讨事件对本港玩具业及旅游业等的影响。
    The program explores the influence of this global trend on the toy-making and tourism industries of Hong Kong.

  • 欠税企业名单的公开,却意外地透视出今年房地产行业急转直下的经营状况。
    The list of public enterprises taxes, but the real estate industry this year unexpectedly turned out the X-ray operation.

  • 据说这一事件引起了使外交形势急转直下的作用,因此我不能不发表如看法。
    Given the key part that this incident is said to have played in the diplomatic scene, I can't refrain from registering my view.

  • 但是随后局面急转直下,在半决赛中日本队0-2输给了表现出色的澳大利亚。
    Things then took a turn for the worse, with the team losing 2-0 to an impressive Australia side in the ensuing semi-final.

  • 很快我们发现我们的生活急转直下,然后失去控制,在看不见任何的品格迷失掉。
    Soon we find out life, our life is out of control in a downward turn, lost without any viewable able character.

  • 但是市场行情的急转直下引发一些显迫切的问题,这些银行究竟对自己的客户有多少了解?
    But the market came off a significant number of pressing problems, whether these banks to their customers know how many?

  • 由于市场竞争过激,而盈利模式不明朗,风投的兴趣也急转直下,很多公司都是“昙花一现”。
    " Excessive competition in the market, Profit model uncertainty, the wind also came for the interest, many companies are "flash in the pan.

  • 如果大盘走势急转直下,龙头股纷纷跳水,指数连续快速跌,此时,投资者更要谨防空头陷阱。
    If the market trend came to a standstill, leading shares have been diving, the index for the rapid decline, at this time, investors should beware of bear traps.

  • 如果大盘走势急转直下,龙头股纷纷跳水,指数连续快速跌,此时,投资者更要谨防空头陷阱。
    If the market trend came to a standstill, leading shares have been diving, the index for the rapid decline, at this time, investors must beware of empty traps.

  • 在诸如中国这些市场,已经有相当大的涨幅,短期可能发生调整,也有可能急转直下变成低估市场。
    As some markets such as China, have run up sharply, there may be some near term consolidation, as well as rotation into cheaper markets.

  • 经历了一段趋同繁荣之后,葡萄牙的经济在2000年急转直下,为了摆脱困境,他曾经痛苦地挣扎。
    Portugal has struggled to dig itself out of the rut it fell into when its convergence boom turned to bust in 2000.

  • 我们继续向西前行会看到一个向南急转直下,崎岖陡峭的巨大裂口,这就是位于亚利桑那州的大峡谷。
    As we continue west we also take a sharp dive south. We want to see the huge hole in the Earth, called the Grand Canyon in the state of Arizona.

  • 青岛双星(000599)公告,进入四季度以来,轮胎产品的市场需求急转直下,销售量明显减少。
    Qingdao Double Star (000, 599) notice, to enter the fourth quarter, the tire market demand for rapid deterioration, sales decreased significantly.

  • 值得指出的是,楼市暴跌论的危害从结果看,表现为可能误导市场预期急转直下,带动不必要的杀跌。
    It is worth noting that collapse of the property market to see results from the harm that might mislead market expectations for performance assessment, leading to unnecessary habit.

  • 发展中国家所言甚是,与1990年的数据相比,美国的贡献微乎其微,但是从现在开始情形急转直下
    Developing countries are right that America's offer is unimpressive compared with 1990 figures, but the trajectory from now on is pretty steep.

  • 台大医院发言人林鹤雄说,陈定南的病情自上周三起便急转直下,当时他就已经陷入昏迷,再也没醒过来。
    NTUH spokesman Lin He-hsiung said Chen's health took a sudden downward spiral last Wednesday when he fell into a coma from which he never regained consciousness.

  • 但后来情况急转直下,新任CEO开始热衷于大规模开门店,而生搬法国营店经验的缺陷很快显现出来。
    But then came the situation, the new CEO eager to start large-scale open-door shop, and the Health Guide experience of France moved quickly to show the deficiencies.

  • 1950年开始人生命运急转直下,接连的政治运动和莫须有的罪名,把他打成了反革命并两次入狱几十年;
    But since 1950s, successive political movements and unwarranted charge turned him into a counter-revolutionist and he was put into the prison twice for several decades.

  • 投资界,借来的钱就像一把双刃剑:市场好的话能改善回报,而市况急转直下时这些债恨不得能要了借钱人的命。
    In the investment world, borrowed money is a double-edged sword: It improves returns in good times, but can be lethal when markets quickly sour.

  • 情况忽然急转直下,西德尼-卡尔顿和罗瑞先生大出意外,弄得莫名其妙。他们请求克朗彻先生别生气,作个解释。
    Sydney Carton, who, with Mr. Lorry, had been lost in amazement at this turn of the business, here requested Mr. Cruncher to moderate and explain himself.

  • 1996年,北京市房地产投资“火爆”的形势急转直下,当年投资328。2亿元,由增长70%降7%。
    In 1996, Beijing real estate investment "unpopular" the situation worse, then investment 328. 2 billion, decreased by 7% to 70% growth.

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