
思前想后  sī qián xiǎng hòu







  • 思前想后,觉得只有买房最合适。
    He to think twice before buying that only the most suitable.

  • 环顾四周,思前想后,唯有‘革命’一法。
    When looking all around, to think twice before Only 'revolutionary' one law.

  • 思前想后,他产生了转向房地投资的想法。
    Think many times, he arose to change room ground to the idea of investment.

  • 环顾四周,思前想后,唯有“革命”一法。
    Looking around, think twice before, only "revolution" one law.

  • 思前想后,还是不买了。
    Think twice before, or do not buy.

  • 而对于国民党的态度让人思前想后不禁唏嘘不已。
    As for the KMT's attitude of people think twice before after they could not help.

  • 不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后、紧张不安。
    Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing.

  • 思前想后我不得不在重复一句话:世上只有妈妈好!
    After thinking I had to repeat the sentence: Mom is the Best!

  • 不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后,紧张不安。
    Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing.

  • 思前想后最后还是觉得已经习惯我的世界有你存在。
    The former would like to think after the end I think that the world has a habit of your existence.

  • 马利亚思前想后,都不明白这句话的意思,就惶恐不安。
    Mary was very upset because of his words. She wondered what kind of greeting this could be.

  • 要是他死了,我就不会在过去几周里一直思前想后到现在了。
    If he were dead, I would never think of now and the last few weeks.

  • 我不是自己想像中那麽差劲,思前想后都系钟意做番我自己。
    I wanna be myself, don't care what you think about me!

  • 将一长串资料建档归类后,他坐在月球梭中,思前想后,不禁感慨丛生。
    After classifying a long series of data, he sat in the Moon Shuttle, thinking. Unavoidably, there were regrets.

  • 吸烟可以使人在烟雾中思前想后,寻找种种自我解救的办法,使心境渐开。
    Smoking can make persons ponder on the past and future in the smog , look for all sorts of methods saved oneself, make the mental state held gradually.

  • 他们犹豫不决,思前想后,走访当地居民,咨询周围同事,并不急于认购。
    They hesitate to think twice before visiting local residents, the surrounding colleagues, not eager to share.

  • 不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后,紧张不安。你的内心总是知道答案的。
    Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing. You'll always know the answer in your heart.

  • 不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后、紧张不安。你的内心总是知道答案的。
    Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing. You'll always know the answer in your heart.

  • 我是个爱思前想后的人,让我毫无目标地摸黑前进对我来说,是一件很痛苦的事情。
    I am the man who like considering my past and my future. It is a very painful matter that let me go forward goallessly.

  • 思前想后,决定就在家乡宴请当年那些光着屁股一起长大的玩伴,表达我的思乡和感恩之情。
    I think many times, the decision is in home town fete in those days the playmate that those smooth buttocks are brought up together, convey me consider countryside and the condition that be thankful.

  • 我想人们最大的问题在于行动之前过分地思前想后,似乎把事情复杂化了,不能迈开尝试的第一步。
    I think the biggest problem people have is to over-analyze an opportunity before they get into action. We seem to over complicate situations instead of just giving things a go.

  • 思前想后,思来想去,觉得家庭不是一种经营。家庭是经营这个说法是有听说过的。但我非常不认同。
    If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

  • 他正在这样思前想后,忽然看见太阳把刚刚来到斜坡顶上紧挨着他背后的一个人的影子投射在他的眼前。
    In the midst of his preoccupations, he perceived, from a shadow cast by the sun, that some one had halted on the crest of the slope immediately behind him.

  • 他心里还加上这么一句:“当初需要人钻到车子底下救我出来时,马德兰先生却没有象我这样思前想后。”
    " He added in his conscience: "M. Madeleine did not stop to deliberate when it was a question of thrusting himself under the cart for the purpose of dragging me out.

  • 以前找到一个,可惜跟我的专业没有任何关系,再说我对那份工作没有那份热心,思前想后了很久,还是决定放弃。
    Frankly speaking, you are lost. You rely on the hope that fewer experienced Chinese skilled worker come to NZ can give you some opportunity to secure a job in NZ.

  • 围棋则不同,感觉很容易学,不管是人还是电脑,而实际是如此的复杂和深奥以致一个人需要思前想后多年的时间才能成为高手。
    Go is different. Deceptively easy to learn, either for a computer or a human, it is a game of such depth and complexity that it can take years for a person to become a strong player.

  • “现在已经没有多少时间留给管理层来思前想后了,但这一切取决于管理层。因此,我不可能就此事给你们答案。”费拉拉分析到。
    "There isn't much time for the club to sort that out, but it's all down to them, so I cannot possibly comment, " concluded Ferrara.

  • 他心情颓丧,不过有了信心,然而仍在迟疑不决,总之,想到他将采取的行动仍不免胆战心惊,他一面思前想后,一面望着街垒里面。
    As he meditated thus, dejected but resolute, hesitating in every direction, and, in short, shuddering at what he was about to do, his glance strayed to the interior of the barricade.

  • 同样的,拿政府支出来说,许多的政府都想要给其破碎的经济注入尽可能多的资金,想气球一样膨胀的国债,却不得不让政府思前想后
    Similarly with public spending: much as governments might love to pump more cash into their fragile economies, ballooning national debts will make that hard.

  • 一个星期后林伯重新考虑后还是买下了这套9楼的单位,原来他回家后思前想后,为了孙子将来的教育着想,最终还是决定咬咬牙买下房子。
    Uncle Lam reconsider a week after the 9, or buy a unit, the original home of his to think twice before To my future education about, and ultimately decided to bite or grit one's teeth buy houses.

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