
忧国忧民  yōu guó yōu mín








  • 面对现实,他忧国忧民
    Face to these, he so worried about country and people.

  • 忧国忧民,与人民同呼吸共患难,具有高尚的品格。
    She was worried about the country and people, enjoyed life or suffered from hardship with people, and has her esteemed personality.

  • 他怀有一种忧国忧民的意识,以图唤起中华民族的觉醒。
    He was concerned about his country and his people. He was a loyal minister.

  • 苏轼是北宋著名的文学家,同时也是一位忧国忧民的政治家。
    SU Shi was a famous litterateur and also a great statesman who worried about his country and people of North Song.

  • 困难、认愤升华成“忧国忧民”之情绪,诗,便这样形成了。
    Troubles in living and dignity amount to his poetic emotion, showing concern for his country and people.

  • 他的“忧国忧民”,让信以为真的网友们热血澎湃,大加赞赏。
    His " care nation concern civilian " , the netizens that let believe warm blood is insurgent, admire substantially.

  • 这种社会现实,使他产生了强烈的忧国忧民和痛恨帝国主义之心。
    This social reality so that he care for a strong heart and hate imperialism.

  • 透过其诗作,我们可以感知其深厚的革命情怀和深深的忧国忧民意识。
    We can perceive his profound feelings and his deep care for the fate of the nation through his verses.

  • 他以草野之人的身份行忧国忧民之举,则是对儒家思想的继承和超越。
    Although as a countryside man, Du Fu always cared about the country and the people. This is the inheritance and surmounting to Confucianism.

  • 这些都反映了作者关注现实、为人生而艺术的艺术观和忧国忧民的情操。
    His works reveal his concern about society and the people and his devotion to art.

  • 三义庙祭祀的是三位英雄,敬的是忠义、道义、仁义、信义,忧国忧民的大义。
    The temple represents people's worship to loyalty, morality, benevolence, faith, and concern for the nation and its people.

  • 同学们,今日北大的学子们,你们正是中国知识界忧国忧民伟大传统的继承者。
    Indeed, you, the students of Peking University today, are heirs to a great tradition of intellectual engagement with your country.

  • 容闳回国后,看到了清政府的腐朽落后和国家的贫弱。面对现实,他忧国忧民
    When RongHong came back home, he saw the degenerate government and poverty country. faced the fact, he concerned about the country and the people.

  • 容闳回国后,看到了清政府的腐朽落后和国家的贫弱。面对现实,他忧国忧民
    After RongHong come back from the Units Statics, seeing the poor anb corruption behind of Qing goverment. face the reality , he worried about the country and people.

  • 不管是从传统些的“保护地球”角度还是基于忧国忧民的“小大人”视角都是如此。
    Wether it be from a more traditional "save the planet"-perspective or in the eyes of the "big boys" worrying about security and the economy.

  • 位卑,未敢忘忧国忧民,心中常牵挂的是:食品的安全、金色的农村、绿色的田野…
    Underprivileged, Do not forget the motherland and the people, Hearts are often concerned about the: Food Safety, Golden rural, Green field…

  • 作为一代文坛宗匠,欧在他诗文中议政论道,表现出忧国忧民、以天下为己任的责任感。
    As a great master of the time, Ou Yangxiu discussed political affairs which showed his sense of responsibility on his country and people.

  • 民间传说屈原于五月初五投江自尽,他为忧国忧民,不满苛政而死,成为人们崇敬的伟人。
    Folklore Qu Yuan voted on May Chu Wu Jiang himself, for his care for the fate, dissatisfied with the misrule death, become a great man revered.

  • 1967年,他举办了20世纪著名摄影师作品展览《忧国忧民的摄影师》,并结集出版。
    In 1967, he presented an exhibition of renowned 20th-century photographers, "The Concerned Photographer, " and collected their works in a book.

  • 流放,忧国忧民《离骚》、《天问》、《九歌》等不朽诗篇,影响深远(因而,端午节称诗人节)。
    In exile, wrote a care for the Li Sao, Heaven, Nine Songs and other immortal poems, far-reaching (and thus, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as a poet). 278 BC, the Qin Chu Kyoto break.

  • 正是在这种形势下,以晏阳初、梁漱溟等一批忧国忧民的知识分子为主体,开始了其“乡村建设运动”。
    Exactly under this kind of situation, a beach of knowledge member such as James Yen, Liang Shuming and etc. started the "rural construction campaign".

  • 忧国忧民其实就是忧企,在市场经济中企业的重要性应该是首位的。惟有企业,创造并增进了世界财富。
    "It is actually worrying about enterprise if someone concerns about one's country and one's people", so the importance of the firm should be the first place in market economy.

  • 赵炳龙是明代著名的白族诗人,他的诗歌作品忧国忧民,思想深刻,有屈原似的哀怨,也有屈原似的忠诚。
    Zhao Binglong is a famous Bai poet in Ming dynasty. His poems, imbued with a Qu Yuan style of pathos and loyalty, reflect a burning concern for his country and people, and profound thoughts as well.

  • 杜甫云安诗包括三个方面的重要内容:云安诗的山川风物,云安诗中的诗人交游、云安诗中的忧国忧民情怀。
    This essay has discussed the important contents of the poems in Yun An in three aspects: the landscape, making friends by the poet and the feelings concerned about the poet s country and his people.

  • Lafont表示,忧国忧民的环境主义者们应该把整个建筑行业都考虑在内,而不应该仅仅责怪水泥行业。
    Instead of blaming the cement industry, he says, anxious environmentalists should take on the construction industry as a whole.

  • 他创造了“忧国忧民的摄影师”一词,用来说明对自己拍摄对象的情感投入,这些拍摄对象往往使新闻客观性的界线变得模糊不清。
    He coined the term "concerned photography" to describe an emotional engagement with his subjects that often blurred the border of journalistic objectivity.

  • 史学大师陈寅恪的爱国之情,主要包括他的“归正首丘”之义,对国家领土完整的关注,对民族气节的尊崇,以及忧国忧民的忧患意识。
    CHEN Yin que, a historian and patriot, had an infinite deep feeling towards his country and his people, and was always concerned about the territorial integrity of his motherland.

  • 道家也能欣赏儒家的这一点,但是它就是要警告你,这世间可能原来不错,说不定以前就是有一批人像你们这么忧国忧民,所以才搞成这个样子。
    Taoism Confucianism can also appreciate this point, but it is to warn you, this world may be the original well, maybe the past is a group portrait so you care for, so it turned into this way.

  • 其前期诗歌所表现出来的忧国忧民的淑世精神由于大政治环境的缓和转化为个人远离故土的怀乡愁绪,但诗人北岛仍然时时保持理性,对人性加以思考。
    Furthermore, although nostalgia mood has been expressed in the overseas poems because of getting away from native land, he still performed as a responsible poet, considering a lot of human nature.

  • 提出了自己对于国家、人民前途的深刻思考,积极探索国家民族富强之路,热情描绘新生事物和祖国秀美山川,表现了一个忧国忧民、热爱生活的诗人形象。
    He enthusiastically described the new things and the beautiful scenery of his country. He presented the image of a poet who loved life and cared for the country and its people.

  • 忧国忧民造句相关
