
心术不正  xīn shù bù zhèng







  • 我不相信汤姆,他看起来心术不正
    I don't trust Tom, he looks bad.

  • 奸诈刁钻、心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。
    Deceitful was cunning, plan loose Mongolia also did not mix.

  • 奸诈刁钻、心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。
    Treacherous Diaozuan, the intention unrighteousness Peng Meng also has come in mixed.

  • 他是个心术不正的人。
    He was a person with sinister designs.

  • 品行不端,心术不正,就没有领导资格。讲德,首先是政治上要强。
    Moral dishonourable, harbor evil intentions, did not lead a qualification.

  • 制造核燃料的技术一旦落到心术不正的人手中,就会被滥用于制造炸弹。
    Fuel-making technologies in the wrong hands can be abused for bomb-making.

  • 武侠小说里,能够挑起武林大波澜的角色,往往是武功高强、心术不正的大杀手;
    In martial arts novels, the one who sets the martial arts world on its head is often a powerful but malevolent killer.

  • 对于明星来说,这很危险,我很担心会有心术不正的人把这些号码拿去做其他用途。
    For the star, this is very dangerous, I am very worried about the possibility of human intention is not to take these numbers do it for other purposes.

  • 如果这项技术那些心术不正的人手里,或许某一天你可能在街道遇到另外一个“你”。
    If cloning technology falls into the wrong hands, there could be far greater problems than coming face to face with another you on the street some day.

  • 好心的老人对他的妻子说:「他也许是个心术不正的人,但是我们若有能力,就应该帮助他。
    "He may be an evil man but we should try to help him if we can. " the old man said to his wife.

  • 好哇!奥立弗,在我见过的所有阴险狡猾、心术不正的孤儿中间,你可算得最不要脸的一个。
    Well! Of all the artful and designing orphans that ever I see, Oliver, you are one of the most bare-facedest.

  • 对于那些心术不正、贪赃枉法者,这时,就很容易在政策的设计中,就早早地埋下“寻租点”。
    For those who bought improper, graft, then, easily in the design of policies on early planted in the "rent-seeking point."

  • 心术不正的科学家以睪固酮或其代用商品为原料,将其结构略做修改,便得到近似的活性衍生物。
    Rogue scientists start with testosterone or its commercially available analogues and then make minor structural modifications to yield similarly active derivatives.

  • 若我们心术不正,我们会发现自己无法祷告,即使我们试图继续祷告,天上的门也不会为我们打开。
    If we try crooked ways, we shall find that we cannot pray, and if we pretend to do so, we shall find our prayers shut out of heaven.

  • 这种雇佣关系着实微妙,如果不慎雇了一个心术不正的当地人,你最终的下场很有可能就是死翘翘。
    It is the trickiest relationship in the business. Trust the wrong local fixer and you may end up dead.

  • 刘说“张钰的心术不正,她从来不知道应该怎样做人。”还说,实际上,张从未真正踏入过这个圈子。
    "Zhang has a vicious mentality and she never learned how to be a real person, " Liu said, adding that Zhang has actually never been in the industry.

  • 「黑影」于是成立了《第八号当铺》,专门吸引心术不正、崇拜不劳而获的人类,来夺取他们的灵魂。
    Hence, he makes use of the greediness and desire mankind to lure them to "The Pawnshop No. 8".

  • 回答邓布利多上述的话时,麦格教授说:“‘我不是说他心术不正……可是您不能不看到他很粗心。’”
    In response to the above quote by Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall said: "'I'm not saying his heart isn't in the right place… but you can't pretend he's not careless."

  • 但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信他的心上人是自由地背离他的,因而他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。
    But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him — and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.

  • 不到一年,他的小店就因业绩惨淡而被迫关门。他跟心术不正的巴斯兄弟作了几笔失败的生意,结果倾家荡产。
    Within a year, poor sales forced him to close the store, and bad business deals with the shady Baath Brothers left him destitute.

  • 但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信她的心上人是自由地背离他的——因而他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。
    Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has "come between" oneself and a beloved.

  • 但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信她的心上人是自由地背离他的——因而他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。
    But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him——and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.

  • 虽然我们不提倡采取浪费人力物力的对簿公堂之作法,但姑息仁忍有时会给下一个心术不正者提供绝佳的参考案例。
    Though we do not advocate solving things in the courtroom, it is a good reference for bad character person to do such kind thing.

  • 有些心术不正的科学家利用他们的知似去做些违法的事情。他们利用科学创造出的武器在战争中破坏了数以千计的家庭。
    Some evil scientists have used their knowledge to do some illegal things. They may use science for the creation of weapons to destroy thousands of lives in wars.

  • 然而,他批评美国会计制度以规则为本的风格,并表示,一些心术不正的人因此得以违反会计法精神(如果不是会计法条文的话)。
    Nevertheless, he criticises the rules-based style of US accounting and says it enabled devious minds to breach the spirit, if not the letter, of the law.

  • 所以,我觉得卜卦绝对是中国一大文化遗产,是值得保护的,但是同时也要严厉打击那些心术不正的算命先生,好清理这个区域才是。
    So i think augure is our value culture, and should be protected. but meanwhile , the bad eggs should also be attacked to clean this area.

  • 所以,我觉得卜卦绝对是中国一大文化遗产,是值得保护的,但是同时也要严厉打击那些心术不正的算命先生,好清理这个区域才是。
    Only because some people who does not know real augure , but still go out to cheat the innoncent people, this area was disturbed.

  • 而我就不同了,我从不用毒去害人,就是偶尔有人用我的羽毛去做些图谋不轨的事,也只是极少数心术不正的人所为,并不关我什么事。
    And I hate, I never go to harm is occasionally, poisoned by my feathers to do bad things, and devise a just man did just that does not shut me anything.

  • 但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信他(她)的心爱的人是情愿地离他(她)而去的——因而他(她)归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。
    But the rejected lover or mate can not afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him——and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.

  • 但是,遭离弃的情人或配偶无法相信他(她)的亲爱的人是甘愿地离他(她)而去的——因此他(她)归咎于插足者心术不正或诱人有招。
    ord to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him——and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper.

  • 心术不正造句相关
