
德高望重  dé gāo wàng zhòng








  • 他在本镇德高望重、素有贤名。
    He has a good reputation, and is highly respected in our town.

  • 有着花白头发和胡须的德高望重的智者。
    a venerable sage with white hair and beard.

  • 她曾猜想他可能是一个德高望重的老人。
    She had imagined he would be a sage old man.

  • 德高望重的医生把他们的知识传授给学生们。
    Highly respected medicine men passed on their knowledge to the school students.

  • 专业评审团将邀请德高望重的行业专家出任评审团顾问。
    The expert judgement panel shall invite the industry experts enjoying high prestidge and respect as the panel consultant.

  • 无需任何语言,这是所有人对这位德高望重学者的最高致敬。
    Undoubtedly this was the best way to salute the reverend scholar.

  • 这就是苏格拉底之所以是一个德高望重的伟大哲学家的原因。
    This is why Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

  • 祭典上的礼生通常由德高望重的人担任,是小学童们的最高目标。
    Only prestigious man could have the chance to be a ritual master at ceremonies, which was the highest goal for young learners.

  • 你的事业前进的一位德高望重的工商管理硕士学位圣里奥大学学位!
    Advance your career with a highly respected MBA degree from Saint Leo University!

  • 09年9月18日-邓利维完成的签署德高望重卢卡斯他的教练组。
    September 18, 2009 - Mike Dunleavy completes his coaching staff by signing the highly respected John Lucas .

  • 因为他们全都表示而且籍由高尚的德高望重的机构使他们自己提升做的。
    Because they were all said and done by patriarchal organizations that promoted themselves.

  • 旅店由甘孜县德高望重的普布活佛开办经营,隶属活佛主持的布绒那寺。
    The hostel is opened and run by the respected Pubu living Buddha of the Bu Rong Na Temple in Ganzi County.

  • 在美国西雅图的一所著名的教堂里有一位德高望重的牧师--戴尔*泰勒。
    Dell Taylor is a good priest in one of the famous Church in Seattle in the U. S.

  • 在全球经济危机时期,德高望重的卡尔· 马克思再一次变得为人所知了。
    During this time of global economic crisis, the venerable Karl Marx is enjoying newfound popularity.

  • 再者,社会党在地方上德高望重,而在国家层面却颜面尽失,这种失调着实令人费解。
    Another factor is the strange disconnect between the Socialist Party at local level, where it is credible, and on the national stage, where it is not.

  • 她眼前是一片黄土,五分钟以前,王之淳和陶朱公两位德高望重的学者,还曾泪洒大地。
    Before her lay a stretch of yellow earth. Five minutes ago, two greatly respected scholars, Wang Zhichun and Mr.

  • 首先由主人中德高望重的老者高擎一杆花旗,沿着场地步行环绕三圈,然后将花旗插在场地中心;
    First of all, respected by the master of an old man Gaoqing Citigroup, along the walk around the venue three times, and then inserted in the Citigroup Center site;

  • 第一本是弗兰克•科莫德爵士的评论赏析,90高龄的科莫德爵士是英国文学界一位德高望重的前辈。
    The first is a critical appreciation by Sir Frank Kermode, who, at 90, is one of the grand old men of British literary scholarship.

  • 星斯三德高望重的阿尔伯特莫勒告诉《时代》杂志说:“现在有一股气势看起来在促进同性婚姻的合法化。
    "The momentum seems to be now on the side of those pushing for the legalization of same-sex marriage, " the Rev. Albert Mohler told TIME on Wednesday.

  • 一位曾担任过多项楼盘评选专家评委、在房地产界德高望重的专家,这样评价本报的本届明星楼盘评选活动。
    One served as a real expert selection panel, respected in the real estate industry experts, commented on by the selection of this star property.

  • 沉痛悼念我国杰出的、德高望重的心理学家荆其诚先生。惊悉荆其诚先生逝世的消息,我们感到非常的悲痛。
    I am so, so sad to learn of the loss of Professor Jing--one of the most remarkable people I have ever known.

  • 在战事结束后,雅典城邦要为阵亡将士举行公共葬礼,并选出一位德高望重之人发表演说,赞扬死者,慰藉生者。
    When a war was over, Athens would hold a public funeral for those men who died in the war, and a renowned man would be selected to give a lecture in order to praise the died and solace the living.

  • 布拉特先生不仅仅是国际足联主席,而且在足球世界里他德高望重、拥有权威,更重要的是他还是个非常慈祥的老人。
    Mr Blatter is not just the Fifa president and a powerful man in football, but he's a very, very good person as well, which is more important.

  • 粮食和原油补助安定人心(但粮食产量却让人沮丧),参加过武装反抗的退伍士兵及德高望重的老人有着十分满意的补助金。
    Rice and fuel subsidies have helped pacify the cities (but depressed rice production) and pensions for veterans of the resistance and vulnerable old people have calmed tensions in the countryside.

  • “在基础设施建设上的投资过多了,”年逾80岁高龄的北京某研究机构带头人,德高望重的茅于轼先生在本周接受采访时说道。
    "There's an overinvestment in infrastructure, " Mao Yushi, the respected 80-year-old head of a Beijing research organization, said in an interview this week.

  • 德高望重的主父母到那些在广播中对政治高谈阔论的人,从一个小孩到一个有杰出成绩的科学家,每个人在教育领域都有权评头论足。
    The agents of education can range from a revered grandparents to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.

  • 灵修科学协会在圣·瑞金德·辛格大师的领导下追求这些目标的实现。他是一位受人尊敬的、超越宗教信仰的领导人和德高望重的灵性导师。
    Science of Spirituality pursues these goals under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, a respected interfaith leader and revered spiritual Master.

  • 他在食品科技领域奋斗了近70年,为我国的食品工业发展和人才培养做出重大贡献。他被赞誉为酒界泰斗,德高望重,久负盛誉,受到业界的尊重和爱戴。
    He has worked in the field of food science and technology for nearly 70 years and made great contributions to the development of food industry in China and the talents training.

  • 中心以我国已故民选总统王鼎昌学长命名,别具重大意义。作为华中杰出的校友,德高望重、深得民心的总统王鼎昌不仅是华中之光,也是莘莘学子的楷模。
    The Centre is named in honour of distinguished Hwa Chong alumnus and Singapore's first elected President, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, who was both an outstanding leader and a passionate supporter of the Arts.

  • 你们有些人知道我的祖父在肯尼亚给英国人当过厨子,尽管他在自己的村子里是一位德高望重的长者,却在有生之年的大部分时间中一直被雇主唤作“伙计”。
    Some you know my grandfather was a cook for the British in Kenya, and though he was a respected elder in his village, his employers called him "boy" for much of his life.

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