
废话连篇  fèi huà lián piān






  • 谁喜欢坐在那里听妳的废话连篇
    Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?

  • 谁愿意坐在那里听你废话连篇呢?
    Who would like to sit there listening to your beating your gums?

  • 谁喜欢坐在那里听你的废话连篇?
    Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?

  • 这天的报纸上有些废话连篇的社论;
    newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials;

  • 谁喜欢坐在那里听你废话连篇
    Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?

  • 谁愿意坐在那里听你废话连篇
    Who would like to sit there listening to your beating your gums?

  • 很少有废话连篇,卖弄文学的。
    The few useless talk connect an article and show off literature.

  • 说重点,不要只是废话连篇
    Get to the point . Not just blah blah blah.

  • 我们老师总是废话连篇,我们都快睡着了。
    Our teacher always beats his gums, we will go asleep.

  • 我认为这报告废话连篇,只不过是张废纸。
    I believe that the report is nonsense and nothing but a waste paper.

  • 他已经说了好几个小时了,但都是废话连篇
    He had been talking for hours and all I could hear was a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

  • 我认为这个报告废话连篇,简直是在浪费纸。
    I think the report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.

  • 这篇作文废话连篇
    This composition is all nonsense.

  • 这期杂志上的主要文章废话连篇,使读者大失所望。
    To the reader's disappointment, the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish.

  • 麦琪:克丽丝,你快点出去,别废话连篇来打扰我。
    Maggie: Chrissy go into the other room and don't bother me with your nonsense.

  • 三十年前有人刻薄地称他们为“废话连篇的空谈家。”
    "Chain talkers, " someone had sourly called them thirty years before.

  • 短短半个世纪里,电影这玩艺从无声发展到了废话连篇
    In a mere half century films have gone from silent to unspeakable.

  • 西娅:论无聊,比不上你常读的那本废话连篇摩托车杂志的一半。
    Thea:Not half as boring as that stupid motor-bike mag you're always reading.

  • 这里充斥着令人心烦的噪音,每个人都是废话连篇,而你不得不接收这些噪音。
    Here is full of the noise of be perturbed making a person, everybody is multiply words, and you must receive these noise.

  • 要毫不留情地挑出那些糟糕的、废话连篇的用词或不清楚的句子和段落,仔细打磨。
    Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prod ded into shape.

  • 他一路废话连篇,表妹们只得客客气气地随声附和,就这样打发着时间,来到了麦里屯。
    In pompous nothings on his side, and civil assents on that of his cousins, their time passed till they entered Meryton.

  • 一封表达贴切的书信对读者产生的印象远比一封词法别扭、废话连篇的书信产生的印象积极得多。
    A well-expressed letter makes a far more positive impression on the reader than does an awkwardly phrased, jargon-filled letter.

  • 和“转变模式”),描绘出那些执行官们,他们总是忧心忡忡,废话连篇。于是读者从中找到了幽默。
    and "paradigm shifts") and yaks them in such a way that the humor is in the despair of the executive who is eternally on edge.

  • 对陈腐的诗风作迂回冗长的研究,/让人仍然苦思冥想、无法忍受/让人仍然觉得废话连篇、诸多歧义。
    A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion, / Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings.

  • 自由党领导人辩论道,加拿大人应该听到明智的讨论而不是浅薄的废话,其言下之意是他的对手废话连篇
    Canadians, the Liberal Leader argued, deserve intelligent discussion of the issues that face the nation, and not the shallow twaddle that he implied his opponents were flinging.

  • 于是,她带上废话连篇的刊物和骗人的药,用比喻的说法,就是带上死亡,骑上灰马,身后跟着魔鬼出发了。
    She gathered together her quack periodicals and her quack medicines, and thus armed with death, went about on her pale horse, metaphorically speaking, with "hell following after. ""

  • 如果你感到受到saleisha的威胁了,那你就需要加倍努力啊,不是争辩吵闹或者开始吼叫,然后废话连篇
    If you're threatened by her, then you need to work harder, not argue and start yelling, and blah, blah blah.

  • 要有道德、表现成熟、要做一个有品格的人、或简单地不与别人轻易发生争论、引起潜在的斗争、低贱回击或废话连篇
    being moral, being mature, being a person of character, or just simply being the person to walk away from controversy, a potential fight, a cheap shot, or trash talk.

  • 即便是副总统也无法逃离这一怪圈:废话连篇、被边缘化的乔·拜登是沉默而又有实权的迪克·切尼的“过头的”反例。
    Even vice presidents do it: Blathering, peripheral Joe Biden is the excessive response to the silent, all-powerful Dick Cheney.

  • 这些外交官们废话连篇,津津有味的讨论着争吵性的问题直到天亮,或者讨论到高潮,使峰会成了一个“连轴不睡的会谈”持续36小时不眠。
    Diplomats play this nonsense up, talking with relish about rows that will last till dawn, or about summits that will be "three-shirt meetings", ie, will go on for 36 sleepless hours.

  • 废话连篇造句相关
