
平分秋色  píng fēn qiū sè








  • 从整场比赛来看,两队也是平分秋色
    From the entire game, both teams also have equal shares.

  • 在跨媒体合作方面,六大网站几乎平分秋色
    In cross media cooperation respect, 6 big websites almost have equal shares.

  • 誉满中华的桂林山水,水秀山奇,山水平分秋色
    Guilin is famous Chinese landscapes, water Xiushan odd landscape equal.

  • 安迪:我想中国和日本在游泳淘金中会平分秋色
    Andy: I think China and Japan will tie on swimming gold rush.

  • 人类历史的画卷中正派善良和腐化堕落总是平分秋色
    The patterns of human history mix decency and depravity in equal measure.

  • 过了30分钟之后……我们还一样平分秋色,毫无进展。
    After about 30 minutes, we still had not made much progress.

  • 在高等教育方面,1980年她们就已经和男性平分秋色
    In terms of higher education, women drew equal with men in 1980.

  • 你们又是怎么想的呢?魔术师强于乔丹?还是他们平分秋色
    But what do you guys think? Is Earvin better than Mike? Or are they equal?

  • 学生会选举出现平分秋色的局面,所以我们不得不举行第二轮选举。
    There was a tie in the student council election, so we're going to have to have a run-off vote.

  • 上海二手房交易日渐与新房销售平分秋色,二手房展随之倍受关注。
    Shanghai Housing transactions are secondary sales have equal shares with the new premises, with much attention to the secondary assembly.

  • 有业内人士预测:写字楼将成为复苏的卖点,它将与商品房平分秋色
    There are industry estimates : office will be the selling point of recovery, which will have equal shares and commercial housing.

  • 此外,还有一半的人认为普京和梅德韦杰夫在权力分享方面平分秋色
    Exactly half of those surveyed thought that President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin shared power equally.

  • 通过调查选民显示,执政的社民党与在野党基督教民主联盟党平分秋色
    Studies of people who voted show that the ruling Social Democratic Party tied with the opposition Christian Democratic Union Party.

  • 专家称,还有一些州的选民对两位候选人的支持率难分伯仲、平分秋色
    Experts say there are a few states where the support for the two candidates is almost equal.

  • 同时,民主党党团议会选举中希拉里•克林顿和巴拉克•奥巴马平分秋色
    Meanwhile, Democrats share the stage here as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama vie for a caucus victory.

  • 可以明显看到的是,公众对政治有不满情绪,同时两党的支持人数平分秋色
    In a telling sign of public dissatisfaction with politics, about half the electorate supports neither party.

  • 据专家预测,50年后非织造技术将与机织、针织技术一起在纺织领域平分秋色
    Experts predict that it will be on equal footinwith weaving and knitting technologies after 50 years.

  • 电子文献作为一种新型的文献载体,正在迅速地发展,已呈现出与纸质文献平分秋色之势。
    Electronic literature is rapid developing as a new literature carrier, it shows the trend to getting equal shares with paper document.

  • 两人在“美眸明星”这一项中也平分秋色,茱丽的得票率为19%,略超福克斯的18%。
    The pair also split the vote for the title of best celebrity eyes with Jolie just beating Fox by 19% to 18%.

  • 如果将经济成长放在相同的比较基准,过去十年,欧元区和美国在经济表现上几乎平分秋色
    If the two are measured on a comparable basis, productivity growth over the past decade has been almost the same in the euro area as it has in America.

  • 业内建议:香港、深圳机场“蜜月”前夕,白云机场“快跑”则有望在2020年与香港平分秋色
    industry recommendations: Hong Kong, Shenzhen Airport "honeymoon" on the eve of the Baiyun Airport "Run" is expected to have equal shares in Hong Kong in 2020.

  • 两队在08-09赛季冠军杯小组赛交手两次,双方都是平分秋色,而托雷斯的受伤缺席了这两场重头戏。
    The sides met twice in the 2008-09 Champions League, with both group stage clashes ending in a draw. Injury meant El Nino featured in neither.

  • 民意调查显示O。在北C。州以绝对优势领先,在印度安纳州,两位民主党平分秋色,或O。以较小优势领先。
    Polls show that O. has a substantial lead in North C. , and that in Indiana, the two Democrats are either even or O. has a slight lead.

  • 费德勒还说:“在某种程度上,我仍然觉得我们两人可谓平分秋色。因为桑普拉斯是一个如此出类拔萃的冠军。
    "In a way I still feel like we share (the record) because he was such a wonderful champion, " Federer said of Sampras.

  • 他们发现,由TFA的老师教的学生在数学方面表现的比传统教师所教的学生好一点,而在阅读方面两方则平分秋色
    It found that students taught by TFA teachers performed slightly better in maths and about the same in reading as those taught by non-TFA novice teachers.

  • 在五局里失四分,被打七安打,送出两次保送,结束他连续19局不失分记录,但他下场时是4比4平分秋色的局面。
    He gave up four runs, seven hits and two walks in five innings, ending his scoreless streak at 19 innings, but he left the game with the score tied at 4.

  • 过去墙纸统治大部分天下的局面已被改变,乳胶漆的大量推广使用使住宅内墙面饰材形成墙纸与乳胶漆平分秋色的局面。
    Most of the world situation over the past wallpaper rule has been changed to residential use Rujiaoqi substantial extension of a wallpaper and wall Shicai Rujiaoqi equally shared between.

  • 结果,对任何一个思想开明的探究者来说莫辛纳甘步枪才是所有时代最好的武器,但AR与AK系列步枪在逐项对比时平分秋色
    In the end, it is clear to any open minded inquirer that the Mosin Nagant is the most superior weapon of all time, but the AR and the AK come out as a draw when compared side by side.

  • 一般来说,共和党的支持率比民主党要高上10%到15%,但竞选人是奥巴马和麦凯恩情况就不同了,至少就统计学角度来看二者平分秋色
    Generic Democrats enjoy a 10-15 point advantage over Republicans. But add the names Obama and McCain to the mix and you get a statistical tie.

  • 两队最近一次在切尔西主场的交锋还得追溯到二十多年前的1985年1月的英格兰足总杯,当时两队经过激烈的对抗难分伯仲,最终以2:2平分秋色
    The last time the two teams met at Chelsea was amazingly over twenty years ago, in January 1985, where the two teams cancelled each other out in an enthralling 2-2 draw in a F. A. Cup match.

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