
师道尊严  shī dào zūn yán







  • 毕竟是老师道尊严,神圣不可侵犯。
    Teacher has the divinity which can't be invaded.

  • 传统教育文化中的师道尊严至今仍然在影响着我们的教
    Traditional education and culture in the dignity of the teaching profession is still affecting our teachers.

  • 只有打破传统的“师道尊严”的壁垒,才能实践创新教育。
    We must break the bulwark of traditional dignity of teaching profession first, then we can carry out the innovation education.

  • 而长幼尊卑和师道尊严,也是这种“孝”观念在处理非亲子间人际关系时的一种延伸。
    Furthermore, the morality of filial piety was then extended from parent-child relationship to teacher-pupil relationship and functioned to buttress seniority rules in general.

  • 传统的生关系,讲求师道尊严,学生处于被动的地位,它限制了学生自主性和创造性。
    Traditional way of teacher/student relationship, which is ossified and outdated, obstructs the development of education. It neglicts student dignity.

  • 令狐冲心里有着严苛的师道尊严,真重的江湖情谊,缠绵的女儿情长,浩然的天地正气。
    Linghu Chong had harsh heart of the dignity of the division, really heavy feelings toward the political arena, the daughter of intelligence Chanmian long, noble and upright the world.

  • 知识经济及信息时代的来临,要求我们必须给“师道尊严”注入新的内容,赋予“师道尊严”新的内涵。
    With the coming of the knowledge economic era, we should add new content to dignity of the teaching profession, endow it with new connotation.

  • 它区别于师道尊严的传统课堂,也区别于花样迭出的形式课堂,高中语文和谐课堂是自然的,平等的,包容的,愉悦的;
    It is different from the traditional Chinese class, and it isn't the colorful style class. It is natual, equal, included, pleasant.

  • 师道尊严造句相关
