
左右开弓  zuǒ yòu kāi gōng








  • 如果你左右开弓的话,是不是应该取平均寿命啊?
    Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

  • 本来还以为自己可以左右开弓,将工作学习同时做得很优秀的。
    Once I considered that I was efficient enough and could do well both on my job and the study.

  • 左右开弓,发石射伤的人,是本雅明人,为撒乌耳的同族兄弟。
    They were archers who could use either the right or the left hand, both in slinging stones and in shooting arrows with the bow.

  • 左右开弓,发石射伤的人,是本雅明人,为撒乌耳的同族兄弟。
    Bending the bow, and using either hand in hurling stones with slings, and shooting arrows: of the brethren of Saul of Benjamin.

  • 大约24分钟的时候,哪位阿森纳球员展示了他双脚左右开弓的能力?
    Which Arsenal man showed his two footed skills precisely 24 minutes into the cup final?

  • 安狄龙直挺挺地前进,曼尼左右勾拳开弓,刚好击中安狄龙头部两侧。
    He even managed a double hook with each hand to the head of Antillon who walked straight ahead into the punches but took them well.

  • “但是他们开始对我左右开弓,拳打脚踢”威廉·卡迪纳因销赃而被捕。
    "But they started giving me blows left and right" William Cardenas has been wanted on charges of receiving stolen property. The arrest is under investigation.

  • 在这些人中,还有特选的七百精兵,能左右开弓,个个能用机弦抛石,毫厘不爽。
    Among them were seven hundred valiant men, all left-handed and able to sling a stone at a hair's breadth without missing.

  • “现在凯里森已经非常成熟,”莱昂纳多说道,“我对左右开弓的他印象深刻。”
    Keirrison is maturing well, " said Leonardo. "I'm impressed that he can play with both feet. "

  • 每一次球队的队长,卡里姆,他的左右开弓,那无与伦比的勾手,都十分调动着我的眼球。
    And every time the Captain, Kareem, swung left and shot right and drained that beautiful sky hook my eyes would light up.

  • 你练习得越多,就越不会总想着左右开弓,而且这样一来,你会发觉事情处理得更快更省力 。
    The more you practice this , the less inclined you will be to do more than one thing at a time and you will find that you manage your task much faster and with less effort than before .

  • 不是,我不能左右开弓…打棒球时我两只手都可以进攻,但大部分时间我用左手吃饭。这背后是个很长的故事…
    Nope. Not ambidextrous… I can switch hit in baseball, and I do eat with my left hand most of the time. Long story behind that one…

  • 总归来说,这对洋基也许有好处,因为洋基有好几支左炮,也有左右开弓的重炮手,再加上几个适合打反方向的好手。
    Ultimately, that could help the Yankees, who have several left-handed or switch-hitters with power, plus right-handers who hit well to the opposite field.

  • 我像只蜘蛛一样身子紧贴着岩壁,左右开弓,两手轮换着紧抓住铁杆,还得时时关注脚下,步步踩实,生怕“一失足成千古恨”。
    I like a spider up close to the same rock hands to seize the irons tight, but also always concerned about the foot, step on it step by step, for fear that?

  • 左右开弓造句相关
