
岿然不动  kuī rán bù dòng








  • 尽管敌人炮火猛烈, 我们的部队岿然不动
    Despite the enemy's heavy gunfire, our troops stood steadyfast and unmoved.

  • 东方明珠岿然不动地屹立在浦东新区。
    The "East Bright Pearl" stands erect and unshakable in Pudong, Shanghai.

  • 比尔,你坐着别动好吗?我会坐着像山一样岿然不动
    Will you sit still, Bill? I'll sit as still as a hill.

  • 户口体制仍旧岿然不动,城市还在不断增大,土地仍然属于国家。
    The Hukou system remains in place, cities continue to grow, and land still belongs to the state.

  • 贷可以免购房贷险。8年“岿然不动”的房贷险在这个春天开始松动。
    purchase loan insurance. 8 years "firm" in the mortgage insurance spring beginning to loosen.

  • 然而去年十家亏损最严重的银行中(见表),仍有五家的总裁岿然不动
    But of the ten banks to have spilt the most red ink over the past year (see table), five have the same chief executives in place.

  • 现在周边城市到处都是投资者降价抛盘的消息,苏州的房价却岿然不动
    now surrounding cities everywhere investors price index information Suzhou, prices are firm.

  • 亚瑟仍旧在那儿岿然不动,甚至连在头顶盘旋的兀鹰也毫无捕猎的兴趣。
    Arthur still sat glued to his perch, not even chasing away the turkey vultures that circled overhead.

  • 有些个性坚强的学生抱有强烈的求知欲望,在金钱至上的潮流中岿然不动
    Glimmers of idealism have been spotted in this generation, and strong individuals with deep desires to learn remain undaunted by the compromised priorities of their colleagues.

  • 企业如船,有的能遇风浪而岿然不动,造就了一个个熠熠生辉的传奇品牌;
    The enterprise is like a boat, some can meet storm and lofty is not moved, brought up each Yi Yi to be born brightness legend brand;

  • 想当年,面对发端于泰国的亚洲金融危机,港元在巨大的贬值压力下岿然不动
    Then when Thailand tipped off an Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong dollar withstood intense gravitational pull to decline.

  • 股价的分化现象将继续存在,小盘股的活跃度依然较强,大盘蓝筹股却岿然不动
    The stock split will continue to exist, the active small-cap stocks is still not as strong, but blue-chip market Kuiranbudong.

  • 六千年来,撒但愤怒的狂涛和风暴不住地冲撞我们救恩的磐石,这磐石却岿然不动
    For six thousand years the floods and tempests of satanic wrath have beaten upon the Rock of our salvation;

  • 爱是亘古长明的灯塔,它目不转睛地望著风景却岿然不动。(---[英]莎士比亚。
    Love is a light tower that lights forever, it staring at the tempest but standing steadily. (---[Britain] Shakespare.

  • 尽管竞争对手“使出了吃奶的力气”来削弱谷歌品牌,但谷歌品牌似乎“岿然不动”。
    Although competitor " exert the effort that suck the breast " will weaken Gu Ge brand, brand of Dan Gu song appears " lofty is not moved " .

  • 在库辛,只要每小时能保证有4英里长的石油流进流出,全球原油市场就能岿然不动
    And though the oil may flow steadily in and out of Cushing at a stately 4 miles per hour, the global oil market is anything but stable.

  • 相反,拥有责任的爱,则是在狂风暴雨中岿然不动苍山,在苦难之后愈加醇厚,愈加动人。
    It is so weak that collapses at the first blow. On the contrary, love with duty is the standstill mountain in the rainstorm. After the storm, it becomes much more stronger than before.

  • 这些开发商不可能如同王石般岿然不动,既得利益的幻灭危机时时威胁着他们的市场根基。
    The developers can not just stand as Wang Dan, vested interests disillusionment constant threat to their market crisis foundation.

  • “龙家展”坐拥强大的家具产业链,犹如紧紧抓住了龙脉,任由市场海浪翻卷,我自岿然不动
    Long Jiazhan sits supports the formidable furniture industry chain, just liked has closely held the dragon vein, whatever the market ocean waves whirled around, I from stood one's ground steadfastly!

  • 不同的是,由于有大量外汇储备及经常账户盈余,许多新兴经济能够在投资人争相逃窜时岿然不动
    Thanks to fat foreign-exchange reserves and current-account surpluses, many emerging economies are well placed to withstand an exodus of investors.

  • 曾经,他们变得油水不容,猫狗相争,一个是岿然不动,另一个则锲而不舍,这从他们一相识便开始了。
    They had been like oil and water, cats and dogs, Unseducible Object and Irrepressible Force, ever since they had met.

  • 家长们指责教学楼质量不合格导致了他们孩子的死亡。不少教学楼倒塌了,然而周围的建筑却岿然不动
    Parents of the children have blamed the substandard construction of the schools, many of which collapsed while the buildings around them stayed upright, for the deaths.

  • 家长们指谪教学楼质量不合格导致了他们孩子的死亡,不少教学楼倒塌了,然而周围的建筑却岿然不动
    Parents of the children have blamed the substandard construction of the schools, many of which collapsed while the buildings around them stayed upright, for the deaths.

  • 我远远地看着你,把自己站立成一棵岿然不动的老树,欣赏着对岸的你,把你当做一道美丽而遥远的风景。
    I am allowed to gaze longingly you put your tree stand as an immovable and appreciate the other side of you, you as a beautiful and remote scenery.

  • 腰系皮带,上牵一根绳索,一人拼命拉绳,而加内特岿然不动,即使这样,阿巴萨几次想从他手上断球都未能成功。
    Wearing a belt with a cable connected to it, Garnett was immovable as one man tried to yank him from the post with the cable and Abunassar tried unsuccessfully to steal the ball several times.

  • 他们过去一直都在汹涌波涛的大海中掌舵航行,按照持续和渐进的方式来调整自己的重心,并且在新的一天岿然不动
    They were navigating in a violent sea, shifting their weight this way and that to stay upright another day.

  • “对”小家伙高声大叫。“我们的堤坝成功了。看,每一根木头都岿然不动。现在,我们的辛勤劳动换来了安乐无忧”
    "Yes! " cried Junior. "And our dam made it too. Look, every log is still in place. Now I'm happy that we worked so hard. "

  • 同时,我想你大概也会感到很欣慰,因为在你的腿脚越发不灵便,在你的视力逐渐消退时,至少你的免疫系统还能岿然不动
    In the meantime, I guess you can be thankful that as your joints grow creaky and your vision fades, at least your immune system stays on its feet.

  • 岿然不动的“广百”则在提高商品品味上狠下功夫,引进贴纸家具和丹麦风格的“胡桃木”色家具等,赢得不少少壮顾客。
    and seeing "a hundred" in the commodity taste of relentless efforts and the introduction of stickers style furniture and Denmark "usually" colored furniture and win a lot of young customers.

  • 他把威灵顿恨之入骨,因而为群众所喜爱,十七年来他几乎不过问这其间的多次事件,他岿然不动地把滑铁卢的痛史铭刻心中。
    He hated Wellington with a downright hatred which pleased the multitude; and, for seventeen years, he majestically preserved the sadness of Waterloo, paying hardly any attention to intervening events.

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