
居高临下  jū gāo lín xià








  • 他在墙头居高临下看比赛。
    They watched the match from the sidelines.

  • 寺四周怪石嶙峋,居高临下,石岩上题刻甚多。
    Temple around Guaishi rugged, condescending, Shiyan engraved on that much.

  • “哈特小姐?”那位女士用悦耳但是居高临下的声音问道。
    "Miss Hatter?" the lady asked in a musical but commanding voice.

  • 从邻居的阳台居高临下,可以俯看我家的花园。【记忆技巧】。
    Our garden is overlooked from the neighbor's balcony.

  • 藏经楼建在寺院的最高处,居高临下,相传楼内曾藏有一部贝叶经。
    Tripitaka House, built on the highest temple, condescending, Legend has it had possession of the building as a Beiye.

  • 我们看见的是一个严厉的居高临下拥有指挥权的人坐在石头王位上。
    We see a stern, commanding figure seated on a stone-slab throne.

  • 但这应是严肃认真的、科学的工作,而不是随意的、居高临下的试验。
    But this should be a serious, scientific work, but not random, occupy a commanding position in the tests.

  • 请大家分享您居高临下用镜头看到的台湾美景,不论是壮丽山河或都市纹理!
    Any photo of Taiwan(formosa) landscape or urban texture, seen from higher ground (buildings or high mountains) are the major collections of this group!

  • 我们居高临下,中校,我不想再重复了。不要做傻事,没有人需要死在这里。
    Hummell: Your unit is covered from an elevated position, Commander. I'm not gonna ask yon again. Don't do any thing stupid. No one has to die here.

  • 大部分人已经上楼,守在二楼和顶楼的窗口,居高临下,对着那些进攻的人。
    The majority of them had ascended to the window on the first story and to the attic windows, whence they commanded the assailants.

  • 对此,有的网络作家表示:网络作家不是文学乞丐,不需要居高临下的怜悯。
    To this, some network authors show: Network writer is not literary beggar, do not need commanding pity.

  • 而瑞金特从他那边,居高临下的怒视着这个半边蒙面的人类,也得到了自己的结论。
    The Regent, for his part, glared down at the half-masked Human and drew conclusions of his own.

  • 忠诚,爱国主义,同学情谊□□这些都是我们喜欢以居高临下的姿态随意嘲弄的对象。
    Loyalty, patriotism, the old school tie these were all things at which we loved, in our superior way, to poke fun.

  • “可我懂得怎样驳倒你,达尔内先生,”一贯居高临下的斯特莱佛说,“我讲给你听。
    'I understand how to put you in a corner, Mr. Darnay, ' said Bully Stryver, 'and I'll do it.

  • 朋友建议我们去看看,但是当我拐进厨房时,他用一把厨房里用的刀居高临下朝我刺来。
    My friend suggested we investigate and as I turned into the kitchen, there he was on top of me thrusting downward with a kitchen knife.

  • 他批评奥巴马最近几次在黑人教堂发表有关道德的演说中“以居高临下的态度向黑人讲话”。
    He was criticizing Barack Obama for what he called "speaking down to black people" during his recent speeches in black churches on morality.

  • 作者把镜头远远拉开、推高,然后居高临下,俯视整个荷塘,终于摄下那铺满水面的圆圆荷叶。
    Open and distance, then pushed down the lotus pond, and finally taken the spread of water under the lotus round, and the camera.

  • 象征现代文明的不再是带有光环的男性,他们不再是居高临下的启蒙者,不再是循循善诱的引路者。
    Symbol of modern civilization is no longer with a halo of the male is no longer a condescending enlightenment, is not always the way the people.

  • 当初,产品在上市推广的时候考虑采取先占大城市,中心开花,然后再以居高临下之势推广到广大地区。
    At first, the products listed in the promotion of the first to take into account when accounting for major cities, flower center and then to trend down to the majority of the region.

  • 他询问的语气仿佛都透着股优越感和居高临下的感觉,这个我早有心理准备,因为当时我还只是个新生而已。
    His enquiry wore a ghastly cloak of supposed superiority and rank, which I kind of expected, as I was a mere first year student at that particular time.

  • 奥巴马先生奉劝黑人父辈们不要抛弃他们的孩子,杰克逊先生则认为这是用”居高临下的语气对黑人讲话”。
    Mr Obama had suggested that black fathers should not abandon their children. Mr Jackson deemed this "talking down to black people".

  • 当亚历山大大帝去拜访哲学家第欧根尼,居高临下地问哲人有什么请求时,据说,第欧根尼回答道:“是的。
    When Alexander the Great visited the philosopher Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for him, Diogenes is said to have replied: 'Yes, stand a little less between me and the sun.

  • 这话的口气有点居高临下了,陈说希望这件事能给每个人一个教训,并以客观的语气表示这不是年轻人该仿效的。
    However, I wish this matter will teach everyone a lesson. To all the young people in our community, let this be a lesson for you all. This is not an example to be set for you.

  • 英国《观察家报》著名专栏作家赫顿指出,西方应该用诚实的态度与中国接触,居高临下地指手画脚无助于解决问题。
    Britain, "The Observer" well-known columnist Hutton pointed out that the West should be honest attitude to engage China, condescending finger to help resolve the problem.

  • 所以很多歌利亚的信心不过是建立在那种居高临下的优势上的。但是,仍然有很少的人清楚,他们的灵魂来就自于山脉。
    Most goliaths are proud merely to draw strength from their upbringing amid the towering peaks, but a rare few come to embody the spirit of the mountains.

  • 她显然对书中某些人物的态度有所偏爱,但对其他众多的人物也做到公平对待-常常带着幽默感-从无居高临下的架势。
    While she had certain characters whose attitudes she clearly favoured, all the many characters in her novels are treated with fairness-- often with humour-- and always without condescension.

  • 这样的安排并不符合平等主义与庆祝的氛围,反而陷入了一种结果至上的民族性格,即以炫耀震撼为上,以居高临下的支配感为上。
    It was a situation at odds with the egalitarian, celebratory mood but very much in line with a results-obsessed nation whose mission was to impress and, by impressing, to dominate.

  • 站在迦百农外二十多哩路的高原上,居高临下,俯瞰宽广的耶斯列平原,风景绝妙。那里有个名叫拿因的村庄,耶稣接著往那里去。
    More than twenty miles from Capernaum, on a tableland overlooking the wide, beautiful plain of Esdraelon, lay the village of Nain, and thither Jesus next bent His steps.

  • 切赫。又一次居高临下的勇敢的守门表现。不止一次了鲁尼破坏我们的成绩。对于他不平静的前半个赛季来说,举起奖杯是对他巨大的回报。
    Petr Cech. Another commanding and brave display of goalkeeping. Stopped Rooney ruining our day on more than one occasion. Lifting the Cup was great reward for his tumultuous early season.

  • 阿纳托利向英国人转过身去,一手揪住他的燕尾服上的钮扣,居高临下地望着他(那个英国人身材矮小),开始用法语向他重说了打赌的条件。
    Anatole turned to the Englishman and taking him by the button of his coat, and looking down at him (the Englishman was a short man), he began repeating the terms of the wager in English.

  • 居高临下造句相关
