
尾大不掉  wěi dà bù diào







  • 仅过去如此,现在仍然尾大不掉
    Not only the case in the past, is still far too cumbersome.

  • 而且,重要的是,只因为被认为是尾大不掉,他们就能够轻易借到资金。
    And, critically, they can borrow cheaply because they are deemed too big to fail.

  • 尾大不掉的决策集团、如中国一样普遍的抗议甚至暴动都对应着量的经济支出。
    Decision-making is cumbersome. And as in China, unrest and even insurgency are widespread.

  • 要真是那样,得克萨斯有朝一日也可能重蹈加州覆辙,被过度扩张的公共部门搞得尾大不掉
    But Texas could then end up with the same over-empowered public-sector unions who have helped wreck government in California.

  • 火车将停时,所有的客人和东西都要涌向车门,潘先生一家的那条蛇就有点“尾大不掉”了。
    As the train slowed to a stop all the passengers with their luggage surged towards the door. In this exigency , the line formed by Mr. Pan and his family suffered for its length.

  • 手头钱太多,会发现股市中没有那么多的好股票可买,操作起来尾大不掉,增仓和减仓都要比其他基金慢些。
    Do too much money in the stock market will find that not so many good stocks to buy, to control them too, accumulate and must Co. more slowly than other funds.

  • 他让希拉里负责一个尾大不掉的秘密委员会,旨在率领有影响力的参议员们制定一个宏图计,结果却事与愿违。
    Putting Hillary Clinton in charge of an unwieldy, secretive task-force that attempted to present powerful senators with a masterplan backfired.

  • 如今,英格兰银行行长金恩却希望能够拆分尾大不掉的银行,并且对金融救援所产生的“道德风险”问题忧心忡忡。
    Now Bank of England chief Mervyn King wants to split up banks "too big to fail" and talks about his concern over the "moral hazard" problem of bail outs.

  • 因为国营企业工人几乎是铁饭碗,而修法后的社会保险甚至更坚固,刺激经济方案将使政府的资产负债表留下尾大不掉的烂摊子。
    Since public-sector workers are close to unsackable and trimming social security is even harder, the stimulus will leave the government's balance sheet with an enduring hangover.

  • 更何况争多了反而会伤害了双方的感情,使得主管敢再轻易任用你,敢提拔你,就为了怕你将来尾大不掉,胃口越来越,终无善了。
    Thus manager may reluctant to give you task or promote you because he is afraid that you desire and request will become bigger and bigger, and he can meet it at the end of the day.

  • 尾大不掉造句相关
