
将计就计  jiāng jì jiù jì








  • 我们已经知道敌人的阴谋,为何不将计就计呢?
    Why not turn to advantage the enemy's plot, since we have known it?

  • 布朗很快作出反应,将计就计,给予了调查小组更多的自主权。
    Mr Brown promptly backtracked, giving the panel flexibility over how it will operate.

  • 邓琳建议,将计就计,顺藤摸瓜地找到这个频发骚扰短信的罪魁祸首。
    Lin Deng proposal to include the term, to find a deeper investigation into the frequent harassment of text messages culprit.

  • 于是他将计就计,说:“鳄鱼,我有更好吃的东西告诉你,但它在树上。
    He said, "Crocodile, I have something more delicious, but it's on the tree."

  • 绝地委员会原本不会允许自己的委任权遭到外部干涉,但是绝地决定将计就计
    Ordinarily, the Jedi Council would not allow such an outside influence to dictate their appointments, but the Jedi had a plan.

  • 党外人士希望借此向国民党挑战,显示自己的实力,而国民党也将计就计,“引蛇出洞”。
    Outside the party who would like to take this challenge to the KMT, to show his authority, while the KMT will also be on terms of dollars, "Chu Dong quoted a snake."

  • 梅森建议他们干脆逮捕亚历克西斯,但杰克坚持先盘问伊丽莎白。纳什,考虑能否让她来帮助对亚历克西斯将计就计
    Mason suggests that they just arrest Alexis, but Jack is insistent that they question Elizabeth Nash first and allow her to help lure in Alexis.

  • 前秦的其他将领都表示反对,但符坚认为可以将计就计,让军队稍向后退,待晋军半渡过河时,再以骑兵冲杀,这样就可以取得胜利。
    When his advisors objected, emperor Fu Jian told them that he planned to turn his army about and attack the Jin after half their troops had crossed.

  • 当克劳迪亚斯王发现瓦伦西的行为后,他先是试图使瓦伦丁皈依异教,然而瓦伦丁却将计就计,反过来要使克劳迪亚斯王改信基督教。
    When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to convert him to paganism. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius.

  • 当克劳迪亚斯王发现瓦伦西的行为后,他先是试图使瓦伦丁皈依异教,然而瓦伦丁却将计就计,反过来要使克劳迪亚斯王改信基督教。
    When Claudius searched out about Valentine, he first tried to convert him to paganism. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius.

  • 当克劳迪亚斯王发现瓦伦西的行为后,他先是试图使瓦伦丁皈依异教,然而瓦伦丁却将计就计,反过来要使克劳迪亚斯王改信基督教。
    When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to convert10 him to paganism. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius.

  • 将计就计造句相关
