
孑然一身  jié rán yī shēn








  • 我虽然孑然一身,但从不感孤独。
    I live all alone but I never feel lonely.

  • 你真的孑然一身却从不感孤独吗?
    Do you really live all alone but never feel a bit lonely?

  • 爱独自上路,永远孑然一身
    It stands alone. Always alone.

  • 这位老人孑然一身,但并不感到孤独。
    The old man was alone but he didn't feel lonely.

  • 我们都终将孑然一身,一位智者曾如是说。
    As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone.

  • 有问题的青少年往往「孑然一身,」他说。
    Teens who get into trouble are "drifting, " he says.

  • 可是, 嗯, 我想我现在又是孑然一身了。
    Well, I guess I'm back to square one now…

  • 虽然我还算不上孑然一身,但也绝不是大众红人。
    I am not completely a loner but I am not a popular person either.

  • 纵使孑然一身,也比嫁一个你根本不爱的男人强。
    Better to be a lonely woman all your life than to marry a man whom you have never loved.

  • 还是到了老年还是孑然一身的自己寻找伴侣的绝望?
    Or is it the desperation of finding a partner when being alone at the late years of life?

  • 走在摩肩接踵的人流中,孑然一身的詹琪难免显得孤单。
    walking in the flow of visitors, Almost inevitably the Zhanqi looked lonely.

  • 他看透了尘世间的浮华,并选择了孤身独处/孑然一身
    Tired of the pomps and vanities of this heartless world, he chose to live in obscure loneliness.

  • 存此世间我孑然一身,然而对于某人我是他的整个世界?
    I am a lonely person in this world and somehow I mean the whole world to someone.

  • 我本来孑然一身。潇洒非常。每日对住蓝天白云。享受人生。
    When I was young I was enjoying my life very much.

  • 我将像我当初来到这个世界那般离开。孑然一身并且一无所有。
    I will go out of this world the same way I came in, alone and with nothing.

  • 我们需要帮助,需要支持,否则我们活在世上就只是孑然一身
    We need help. We need support. Otherwise we are in it by ourselves.

  • 我有一种极其古怪的感觉:既觉得孑然一身,又觉得在群众中。
    I have the most curious feeling of solitude and multitude .

  • 我将像我当初来到这个世界那般离开。孑然一身并且一无所有。
    I will go out of this world the same way I came in, alone and with nothing.

  • 哦!当夜幕降临,而你孑然一身,在你昏睡的梦中,你梦见了什么?
    Oh! When the night falls, and your all alone, in your deepest sleep, what are you dream of ?

  • 书中三个最值得纪念的形象分别是:国王独自睡在大床上,孑然一身
    The three most memorable images in this book, among many, are of the king asleep, in his grand bed, chastely alone;

  • 当(父亲的)唱片也从房子里消失后, 东尼泷谷真的变成孤伶伶孑然一身了。
    Once the records had disappeared from his house, Tony Takitani was really alone.

  • 有时,两个人总好过孑然一身,而你总可以依靠我,我会为你守候,不离不弃……
    Sometimes two heads are better than one can be, and you can always count on me to be there for you.

  • 这个世界上你孑然一身?不要失落,可能你还是某个人生命的全部呢。害怕犯错误?
    You may be only one person in this world, but you may also be the world to one person.

  • 我们需要帮助,需要支持。否则我们活在世上就是孑然一身,陌生无助,阻断了相互的联系。
    We need help, we need support. Otherwise we are in it by ourselves, strangers, cut off from each other.

  • 2014年,韦伯望远镜将发射进入太空,航行一段距离,在他将开展他的追求的地方孑然一身
    In 2014, the Webb telescope will launch into space, sailing to the distant, isolated orbit where it will begin its quest.

  • 哎,毕竟文化不同嘛,没法在一起过一辈子的。不过,我现在仍然是孑然一身,什么时候我才能有桃花运呢?
    The fact is that it was never a wise decision and I could never spend the rest of my life with her due to the huge cultural gap.

  • 我提着个装有几件衣服的旅行袋,用56元钱买了一张车票,孑然一身踏上了从县城直达广东东莞市的大巴。
    I mentioned a few pieces of clothes with bag, 56 a copy to use money to buy a ticket from the county health became critical path through the bus, Dongguan City, Guangdong.

  • 此情此景 是否已占据你的眼眸 当街道冷清孤寂 他们在我身下点燃汽车 你是否孑然一身又有谁独守家中?
    Don't these times Fill your eyes When the streets are cold and lonely And the cars they burn below me Are you all alone Is anybody home?

  • 或者是因为,到了40岁依然孑然一身,她们突然决定实在没办法再苦等白马王子了,所以就找了一个精子捐赠者,进行体外受精怀孕。
    Or because, finding themselves single and nearly 40, they decide they cannot wait for Mr Right and so seek a sperm donor.

  • 也许几年后我会有新的妻子,也许我将孑然一身独孤终老,无论是那种情况,如果你有了困难,请你一定要告诉我,在不违背道德的情况下,我将竭尽所能来帮助你。
    Maybe a few years later, I will have a new wife, and may be I will be alone till I die. Anyway, if you meet any trouble, let me know. If not betraying the moral, I will try to help you.

  • 孑然一身造句相关
