
好学不倦  hào xué bù juàn




《史记·楚世家》:“昔我文公,狐季姬之了也,有宠于献公,好学不倦 。”



  • 聪颖机敏,好学不倦,有优越之学习能力。
    Bright and eager to learn, has promising potential.

  • 张闻天一生好学不倦,留下了丰厚文字资料和闪光的思想。
    Lifetime of Zhang Wen day is academic tireless, kept data of rich and generous character and flashy mind.

  • 浸大工商管理学院院长何顺文教授,赞许学员追求进步和好学不倦的精神。
    Professor Simon Ho, Dean of the University's School of Business, praised the students for their dedication and commitment to continued education.

  • 赖斯曾形容布希这位候选人有种「极为好学不倦打破砂锅问到底的精神」。
    Rice has described the candidate as having "an incredibly inquisitive mind".

  • 让我们争分夺秒,好学不倦,努力使自己成为一个学识渊博、眼光远大的人。
    Let's seize every minute and every second to study without being tired, and strive to be a profound and far seeing people.

  • 孟家最后搬到学校附近,促使孟子养成了好学不倦的优良品行,终而成为一大哲人。
    She moved home to the place near school at last time, which enabled Mengzi form a good habit on study. Finally, he became a great philosopher.

  • 陈女士好学不倦,曾赴英国及美国进修新闻广播,并于2001年在中文大学取得新闻学硕士学位。
    She pursued further studies in broadcast journalism in the UK and USA, and received a Master's degree in Journalism from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001.

  • 培养学生成为尊重传统并立志实践圣洁公义的人才,使他们富有创意,独立思考,好学不倦,具领导才能。
    To nurture creative thinkers, lifelong learners and compassionate leaders who uphold tradition and aspire towards holiness and righteousness.

  • 培养学生成为尊重传统并立志实践圣洁公义的人才,使他们富有创意,独立思考,好学不倦,具领导才能。
    To nurture creative thinkers, lifelong learners and future leaders who honour tradition and aspire towards holiness and righteousness.

  • 聪明,具创作力,记忆力强好学不倦。表面合群,但内心潜藏优越感,个人至上。才华与财富,均能两兼得。
    Clever and innovative, a fast learner with good money. She knows social skills well but can be selfish and egoistic. She is also unbeatable in terms of talent and wealth.

  • 聪明,具创作力,记意力强且好学不倦,表面合群,但内心潜藏优越感,个人至上,才华与财富均能两者兼得。
    Clever and innovative, a fast learner with good memory. She knows social skills well but can be selfish and egoistic. She is also unbeatable in terms of talent and wealth.

  • 好学不倦造句相关
