
天下大乱  tiān xià dà luàn








  • 现在已经很难天下大乱了。
    Things just very rarely go haywire now.

  • 上周,肯扬所做的声明差点儿引得天下大乱
    Consider the kerfuffle about last week's Peter Kenyon statements.

  • 实行民主就是反对党的领导,就会天下大乱
    Implementing democracy is opposition to Party leadership, and would create chaos under heaven.

  • 没有共产党的领导,肯定会天下大乱四分五裂
    Without Party leadership there definitely will be nationwide disorder and China would fall apart.

  • 为什么不能,这里迟早会天下大乱的。让它去吧。
    Why not? It's going up in flames, sooner or later. Let it burn.

  • 一旦所有的染色体因此连了起来,也就造成细胞里天下大乱
    The fusion wreaks havoc in a cell by stringing together all the chromosomes.

  • 韩山童继续宣传白莲教,倡言“天下大乱,弥勒佛降生,明王出世”;
    Hanshan children continue to promote the White Lotus Society, proclaimed principle of "the world into chaos, the birth of Maitreya, born-ming";

  • 韩山童继续宣传白莲教,倡言“天下大乱,弥勒佛降生,明王出世”;
    Han Shan children continue to publicize the White Lotus Society, the proclaimed principle of "chaos, the birth of Maitreya, born-ming";

  • 依然是不得安眠,fish是个疯子,再遇上ken,简直是天下大乱
    Still can not sleep, fish is a madman, and then met ken, is simply chaos.

  • 东汉(25-220年)末年,天下大乱。朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马。
    Brotherhood Forged in the Peach Garden Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220) China was war-stricken.

  • 他的一条裤腿上绣的是“天下大乱”,另一条裤腿上绣的是“形势大好”。
    One leg says "everything is in chaos" while the other is "all is prosperous".

  • 稳定论。稳定压倒一切,实行民主会造成天下大乱,国家分裂,比如苏联。
    The Stability Theory. Suppress everything for stability; implementation of democracy would create chaos under heaven and divide the country, just like the Soviet Union.

  • 故主五运之说者,即便在天下大乱的分裂时期也非要寻出一个正统来传承德运。
    Therefore, the main transportation of the said five persons, even in times of chaos split insisted, looking to pass a formal Chengde transport.

  • 所有这些对社会而言都是属于良性的,并且也不如庄子所预言的那样会天下大乱
    Therefore, the disputes and competitions are good aspects that are unlike what Chuang Tzu said—the country would go into disorder.

  • 对于那些试图让天下大乱的人,我支持你们,而且我会赏赐给你们贴饼子和疙瘩汤。
    To those who would tear the world down, I support you, and I will give you chinese cake and assorted vegetable soup.

  • 自然界有它自己的变化规律,我们千万不要为著一时的恻隐之心,反而弄得天下大乱
    Nature has its own rules of evolution. We don't make ado about nothing to disorder the world.

  • 安德鲁:记住那一刻,当马龙?白兰度让印度妇女去接受奥斯卡奖杯的时候,天下大乱了吗?
    Andre: Remember that moment when Marlon Brando sent the Indian woman to accept the Oscar, and everything went haywire?

  • 安德鲁:记住那一刻,当马龙•白兰度让印度妇女去接受奥斯卡奖杯的时候,天下大乱了吗?
    Andre: Remember that moment when Marlon Brando sent the Indian woman to accept the Oscar, and everything went haywire?

  • 天下大乱,立志以力夺天下,鄙弃曹操父子与司马氏依靠权谋从小孩子手中篡权夺国之做法。
    See widespread chaos, determined to seize power in the world, his son Cao Cao and Sima loathe to rely on trickery from the children's hands of the usurper of the practice of seizing the country.

  • 每朝早,公鸡先生依时依候叫醒农庄里的人和动物,谁知道,某天公鸡生病了,从此天下大乱
    The Big Cock wakes up everyone in the village every morning. One day, he got sick and the whole World was in chaos.

  • 正如我们已报道的,无论平板电脑是好是坏,有一点确凿无疑,那就是它将会造成出版业天下大乱
    What seems certain, as we have reported, is that for good or ill, tablets will bring big disruption to the publishing business.

  • “您这观点倒挺有意思,”我试图掩饰自己的惊讶。“不过那样一来中国肯定又要流血打内战、天下大乱。”
    "That's an interesting idea, " I said, taken aback and trying to hide it. "But then China would be in a war. It would make for bloody chaos.

  • “您这观点倒挺有意思,”我试图掩饰自己的惊讶。“不过那样一来中国肯定又要流血打内战、天下大乱。”
    "That's an interesting idea, " I said, taken aback and trying to hide it. "But then China would be in a war. It would make for bloody chaos. "

  • 朱元璋做了几年小和尚,然后就跑掉当了土匪。在当时天下大乱、反叛四起的情况下,他这么做倒是顺理成章。
    After a few years as a novice monk, Zhu ran away and became a bandit. This was a logical step for him to take, considering the great confusion of the age, with revolts breaking out everywhere.

  • 等国王回来后,会把他们和这些新衣服一起活埋的。苏格兰已经天下大乱了。你丈夫正秘密派遣一只部队北上。
    Nicolette: (in French) When the king returns, he will bury them in those new clothes. Scotland is in chaos. Your husband is secretly sending an army north.

  • 别的义都是不能容忍的,因为如果存在别的义,人们很快就会返回到“自然状态”,除了天下大乱,一无所有。
    No other standards can be tolerated, because if there were such, people would speedily return to "the state of nature "in which there could be nothing but disorder and chaos.

  • 因此,我们绝不能生搬硬套,勉强地拿燧人氏的政策来施行于现今的社会之上。因为我们知道,假如那样做的话,将会造成天下大乱
    Therefore, we shouldn't manage to carry out Shuiren Shi's policy in our society because we know that if it is done, country will go into disorder.

  • 天下大乱,黑魔王打伤了天神星的卫兵和大天神,逃到人类的世界去了!闯祸的星猫被罚戴罪立功。他得到地球去把黑魔王给抓回来!
    Now the universe went into chaos again, not only the Black King injured the guards and the Lord of the Deities, but escaped and returned to the earth.

  • 天下大乱,黑魔王打伤了天神星的卫兵和大天神,逃到人类的世界去了!闯祸的星猫被罚戴最立功。他得到地球去把黑魔王给抓回来!
    Now the universe went into chaos again, not only the Black King injured the guards and the Lord of the Deities, but escaped and returned to the earth.

  • 转轮圣王经里,世尊就告诉弟子们,转轮圣王在治理政事时,对旧有国法是很尊重的,绝不轻易更动。不像有些人天天将改革挂在嘴边,最后变成为改革而改革,结果弄得天下大乱,民心浮动。
    In Sutra of Wheel Turning Sage king, Buddha told his disciples that the king respected the past laws of the state, never making a random change when he was ruling.

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