
大难不死  dà nàn bù sǐ







  • 猫在跌落时大难不死是有事实作依据的。
    A cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact.

  • 猫有九条命,大难不死
    A cat has nine lives.

  • 要知道一秒钟的价值,去问大难不死的人;
    To realize the value of one second, Ask a person who has survived an accident ;

  • 查克大难不死,降落到一个无人的海岛上。
    Chuck survives the the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people.

  • 猫从高处摔下来而大难不死是有事实依据的。
    A cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact.

  • 空难事件中有些人大难不死被新闻界广泛报导。
    The miraculous survival of some people in the air crash was widely reported by the press.

  • 猫在跌落时能够大难不死是有事实作为依据的。
    And that cats can survive when they fall down from a high point are supported by actual facts.

  • 去问大难不死的人。
    Ask a person who has survived an accident.

  • 猫在跌落时能够大难不死是有事实作为依据的。
    A cat's ability to survive falls in based on fact.

  • 你在那次汽车撞车事故中大难不死,真不可思议!
    It's a miracle you weren't killed in that car crash!

  • 发生这麽大的意外而大难不死是让人警觉的经验。
    Surviving such a serious accident is really a sobering experience.

  • 我的身体抵挡不住癌细胞的攻击,但我却大难不死
    My body had not been strong enough to repel cancer cells, yet I had lived through a plunge off a cliff.

  • 那些劫后余生大难不死的人,认识到了生命的意义。
    Those who have survived realize the meaning of life .

  • 金龙被凯杰一枪打中落海,大难不死,却瞎了一只眼睛。
    Kaijie shoots Jinlong and he falls into the sea.

  • 她在空难中大难不死,只受了点表皮的擦伤,真是个奇迹。
    It's a miracle that she survived the plane crash with only superficial cuts and bruises.

  • 她在意外事故中大难不死,但却终身残废,再也不能行走了。
    She survived the accident but she was maimed for life and will never walk again.

  • 从这个大难不死的的故事中,我们学到了能给予我们勇气和力量的话语。
    So here coming to us from the extreme edge of survival are words that can give us strength.

  • 这名47岁的男子大难不死是因为卡车司机在处理垃圾时中途停下来小便。
    The 47-year-old was only saved from being crushed when the truck's driver stopped to urinate before continuing his round.

  • 幸好阿广大难不死,最后两位好友重拾友谊,而且更知道香港不是久留之地。
    He and Ming renew their friendship but Hong Kong now does not look so golden to them.

  • 对于魔法世界而言,他们将把目光聚焦在这场战争的新领袖——大难不死的男孩。
    As for the wizarding world, they will have to turn their focus to a new leader in the war - The Boy Who Lived.

  • 英国一位64岁的老人近日烤香肠时被30万伏特闪电击中他的烧烤叉,但大难不死
    A 64-year-old UK man withstood 300000 volts of electricity when lightning struck his fork as he prodded sausages on a barbecue.

  • 其中霍奇2006年曾经在丹佛76号高速公路上被人枪击身中五弹,但是好在大难不死
    Hodgkin in 2006 which was in Denver on Highway 76, who was shot in five rounds, but Fortunately, disaster immortality.

  • 他在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,一头撞到了墓地外的石墙上,但他却大难不死
    There was a high-speed chase and he lost control of his car. He survived a crash into a stone wall guarding a cemetery.

  • 或许有暗自庆幸大难不死的成分在里面,但更多的是,面对这难以测控的一年,他们还在现场。
    Perhaps a talk celebrating the ingredients in disaster Immortal inside, but more is difficult to face this monitoring year, They also scene.

  • 他像一只猫,不管怎么扔,都会脚先着地。(和猫有九命相似。形容一个人大难不死或逢凶化吉。)
    He's like a cat, fling him which way you will. He'll light on his legs.

  • 一个男子在威尔斯南部中央的海岸受鲨鱼攻击,大难不死,反而要想办法摆脱还咬住自已腿不放的鲨鱼。
    A man has survived a shark attack on the New South Wales central coast and then driven himself to seek treatment with the shark still attached to his leg.

  • 死里逃生的商人简直不知道该怎么感谢三个老人才好,三个老人也都非常慈祥地祝福他大难不死必有后福。
    The merchant who had narrowly escaped death did not quite know how he should thank the three sheikhs. The sheikhs affably wished him the best after his brush with death was over.

  • 关于他大难不死的故事让人惊叹。其中他是如何巧妙地抓鱼,如何固定太阳蒸馏器来提取淡水的事情都非常有趣。
    managed to catch fish, how he fixed his solar still, which evaporates seawater to make fresh water, is very interesting.

  • 然而,据推测,基地组织大难不死的头目早已跨越边界,移居巴基斯坦部落地区,那里是西方势力不会涉足的地方。
    But al-Qaeda's surviving leaders are reckoned to have decamped across the border to the tribal areas of Pakistan, where Western forces do not tread.

  • 毫无疑问,它们是开心的。它们熬过了生命里最开始的那些艰难岁月,现在几乎这个团体的每一个成员都是“大难不死,必有后福”啦。
    No wonder they were happy. After a rather tough start to life each and every one of this whiskered brigade has fallen on their feet, or rather paws.

  • 大难不死造句相关
