
夜郎自大  yè láng zì dà








  • 公鸡在其粪堆上称雄。夜郎自大
    A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

  • 公鸡在其粪堆上称雄。(夜郎自大。)
    A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

  • 倡导团结协作、谦虚谨慎;反对夜郎自大
    advocate unity and cooperation, modest; Oppose arrogant.

  • 这是一种类似于夜郎自大的无知下的荒唐幻觉。
    This is one kind is similar to the parochial arrogance ignorant under absurd illusion.

  • 反对夜郎自大。9、倡导尊重学生、平等相待;
    Oppose arrogant. 9, promoting respect for the students and treat each other as equals;

  • 小人物常夜郎自大
    Little people often think themselves of greatest consequence.

  • 狗是家中狮大王,只在门前逞凶狂。夜郎自大
    Every dog is a lion at home.

  • 澳门肯定不能“夜郎自大”,但也无须妄自菲薄。
    Macao certainly not "self-assertive", but not unduly.

  • 夜郎自大”千百年来成为了尽人所知的文化符码。
    "Yelangzida" For thousands of years to make people become aware of the cultural code.

  • 狗是家中狮大王,只在门前逞凶狂。(夜郎自大。)
    Every dog is a lion at home.

  • 自小灌输的夜郎自大式自豪,使我们心安理得于对世界的无知。
    The ignorant pride we were imbued with since childhood made us comfortable with our ignorance of the world.

  • 视野不宽容易产生两种结果:一种是夜郎自大的自我陶醉和自我满足。
    Wide field of vision is not easy to produce two results: a Yelangzitai the Ziwotaozui and self-satisfied.

  • 别人看不起你,你必妄自菲薄,也不要夜郎自大,需要清醒地认识你自己。
    Others look down on you, you must sell ourselves short, Yelangzitai do not need a clear understanding of your own.

  • 有些鞋厂没发展几年,就开始宣称自己已经是中国名牌了,显得夜郎自大
    Some shoes factory did not develop a few years, begin to allege oneself had been Chinese famous brand, appear extremely arrogant.

  • 由于他老是装出一副自以为是的架势,所以同学们就叫他“自大夜郎”。
    His classmates called him a show-off because of his bumptious airs.

  • 近年来,“夜郎自大”所体现的对于夜郎君主的误解开始引起学者们的广泛关注。
    The misapprehend about Ludicrous Conceit of the King of Yelang catch scholar's attention recently.

  • 其实大陆对台湾就像一个野蛮粗鲁的流氓,只会讲打讲杀,如果不是自卑就是夜郎自大
    In fact mainland to Taiwan as a rogue barbaric rude, only speaks of fighting stresses kill, if not inferiority is arrogant.

  • 毛泽东同志指出的骄傲自满,固步自封,夜郎自大的毛病,我们的思想理论工作者同样要竭力避免。
    Also, our ideological and theoretical workers should always guard against self-satisfaction, narrowminded conservatism and ignorant boasting, failings which Comrade Mao zedong warned us against.

  • 他样子挺英俊,可就是不讨人喜欢;长得结实粗壮,身子已经开始发胖,这个人夜郎自大,欺软怕硬。
    He was handsome and unattractive, a swashbuckling, beefy, conceited man who was putting on fat.

  • 新的署光已在东方升起, 对已有成绩,程业人不会沾沾自喜,更不会夜郎自大,停滞不前。
    The new department has been light rising in the east, on the existing achievements, Cheng industry people are not complacent about this, nor will itÒ¹ÀÉ×Ô´ó, stagnant.

  • 他尤为质疑强政府,称其与垄断无异,并坚持说,它们“常会陷入夜郎自大、固步自封和自私自利的境地。”
    He is particularly suspicious of strong governments, which he equates with monopolies—and those, he insists, "always grow complacent, stagnant and self-serving."

  • 中国社会从“天朝大国”的夜郎自大到鸦片战后的丧权辱国,其中便伴随着外国人在中国民事诉讼法律地位的历史演变。
    The historical evolvement of such status is accompanied by the shift from the arrogance of mightiness to the loss of the sovereignty.

  • 人们从厌恶“夜郎自大”,避之唯恐不及,到抓住夜郎这块牌子不放,竭力往自己身上贴夜郎标签,借以发展文化产业。
    People from the offensive "Yelangzida" away, to seize this brand Yelang go, to go to them Yelang label affixed to the development of cultural industries.

  • 轻视有两种,一种是绝对化轻视,即自以为了不起,实际上如同“夜郎自大”,不是仅仅看不起日本,是谁都看不起,唯我独尊。
    There are two types of contempt. One type is absolute contempt because one thinks that one is superior (even though this is just an inflated self-opinion) not just over Japan but also everybody else.

  • 然而,我们不能重蹈夜郎自大的覆辙,我们不得不承认,中国的许多农民至今还扬着牛鞭,把早在汉代就有的耕犁插入20世纪的农田;
    However, we can not repeat the mistakes we have to admit that many farmers in China still Hemarthria to as early as the Han Dynasty, there's plowing the fields inserted into the 20th century;

  • 清政府的闭关锁国政策是造成鸦片战争失败的原因,因为长期的闭关锁国,清朝统治者养成夜郎自大的文化优势心理和对西方科技的盲目排斥,而这正是鸦片战争失败的最直接原因。
    The paper discusses the causes of failure of the Qing government in the first Opium War in 1840 and points out the closed - door policy and antiforeignism being the major ones.

  • 说韩国人夜郎自大也好,扭曲史实也好,笔者认为,这些都是韩国官方及民间有计画的行动,配合民族意识的氛围,以营造新史观的方式,试图为韩国在两韩统一后争夺新的国际领导地位,尤其利用中日间的矛盾,让韩国成为东亚新霸权。
    I have many friends from Korea, they are all very nice pals. And even lots of them are Christen, but I still deeply feel that their thinking, their habits, their lifestyle are still very east-asian.

  • 夜郎自大造句相关
