
多难兴邦  duō nàn xīng bāng








  • 正如温总理所说“多难兴邦”。
    As Premier Wen said the "difficult and more prosperous."

  • 多难兴邦”是汶川地震以来最常见的一个词。
    "since the distress regenerates a nation" has been the Wenchuan earthquake a most common word.

  • 在我的心中,我们的祖国是多磨弥坚是多难兴邦
    in my heart that our motherland is more solid ground is more difficult and prosperous.

  • (马凯《抗震组诗》)“有道多难兴邦众志成城谁可摧?”
    " (Ma Kai, "earthquake sequence"), "way more difficult to be prosperous, united and who should be destroyed?

  • 正如温总理在北川中学的黑板上写下的那四个大字——“多难兴邦”!
    As the premier wen jiabao in sichuan middle school on the blackboard the four characters - write how "rebirth"!

  • 首先,使我们国家的民族凝聚力史无前例团结。就象温家宝所说的,多难兴邦
    First, causes our national cohesion to further enhance, the whole nation unite as one unprecedentedly. Just like Premier Wen Jiabao said the distress regenerates a nation.

  • 而在精神方面,“多难”在某种程度上说,确实可以转换为“兴邦”的积极意义。
    On terms of spirit, "much distress" can under certain conditions turn into a favorable factor to prosper a country.

  • 一如温总理所说的:多难兴邦,灾难只会让我们更加坚强,汶川经过灾难的洗礼,必将重生。
    I believe what Premier Minister Wen said: the disasters make us stronger and will raise us up.

  • 23日上午,温家宝总理视察北川中学安置点时,在黑板上写下“多难兴邦”四个字来勉励复课学生。
    Friday morning, Premier Wen Jiabao encouraged Beichuan Middle School students who survived the earthquake during his inspection of the temporary classrooms set up in a tent.

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