
在所不辞  zài suǒ bù cí







  • 为了正义事业赴汤蹈火在所不辞
    I wouldn't hesitate to go through fire and water for the just cause.

  • 这人为朋友服务赴汤蹈火,在所不辞
    This man would go through fire and water to serve his friend.

  • 为他所热爱的祖国,他赴汤蹈火在所不辞
    He would have gone through fire and water of his mother country he loved so much.

  • 为了完成领导交给的任务,上刀山,下火海,也在所不辞
    To finish the task ordered by the leader, I will not hesitate to undergo manifold ordeals.

  • 所以我是赴汤蹈火在所不辞了,我一定会竭尽所能达成目标。
    Come hell or high water, I'll definitely try all my best and succeed.

  • 她把自己放在上帝的手中,即使必须牺牲生命,也在所不辞
    she put herself into the hands of God, even if it meant sacrificing her life.

  • 反而,若为了以色列的安全,需要跪吻他的脚掌,我也在所不辞
    Gladly would I have kissed the soles of his feet for the salvation of Israel.

  • 十三叫做忠,忠心报国,为了国家利益,就是赴汤蹈火也在所不辞
    Be loyal to the state and place its interest ahead of ours.

  • 在任何危险情况下,机器人必须为他的人类兄弟赴汤蹈火,在所不辞
    A robot must risk his neck for his brother man, and may not cop out when there's danger all about.

  • (这个人为朋友服务赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。)此人士俅走丱火玎水凸服务佢朋友。
    This man would go through fire and water to serve his friend.

  • 我是否愿意向任何人传讲基督呢?即使是那些令我讨厌、使我避之则吉的人也在所不辞
    Am I prepared to speak to anyone about Christ, especially those who seem to me to be unlovely?

  • 不管中草药有多苦、多难吃,哪怕有些副作用或后遗症,为了解除痛的目的,也在所不辞
    Then I made experiment on myself heaps of times, ignoring the side effect or sequelaes or how bitter the herb tasted.

  • 我也要感谢加利亚尼,我想和他来一次推心置腹的真诚的对话,只要能说服他,我将在所不辞
    I also thank Adriano Galliani. I wanted to have a sincere talk with him, with my heart. I wanted to convince him at all cost.

  • 倘若你重视你的信仰,就必须抗拒假道理和错误的行径,即使这表示你要屹立独行,也在所不辞
    If your Christian faith and experience is going to mean anything to you, you will have to stand out against false doctrine and false practices, even if you have to stand alone.

  • 有些事情是有意识地和规律性地观察我们所感恩的事与物,为帮助个人与社区承受压力也在所不辞
    There's something about consciously and regularly taking stock of what we're grateful for that helps individuals—and society— weather stress.

  • 我也想参加第二季的工作,普特带给我们这么多资源,能为普特的发展做出一份力,我们在所不辞
    I am english major I wanna be part of this work. You can concact me anytime, you are free.

  • 我们为了自己的使命,为了社会责任感,为朋友、为别人、为国家做出更大的付出和贡献也在所不辞
    We will not hesitate to devote ourselves to our mission, social responsibility, friends, other people and our motherland.

  • 赖特麾下主将福莱说,“这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。”
    "This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, " said Mr. Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A.

  • 而一批缺乏诚信的开发商感到“吃亏了”,于是想方设法拒卖、退订或拖延时间,哪怕违反合同也在所不辞
    And the lack of integrity of the developer was "off" and then try to sell, to rescind or delay the time, even if the breach of contract is also served.

  • 赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,“这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。”
    "This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, " said Mr. [Jim] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A.

  • 赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,“这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。”
    This is very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, said Mr. [Jim] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A.

  • 赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,“这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。”
    Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, " said Mr. [Jim] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A."

  • “ 赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,”这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。“
    "This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, " said Mr. [Jim] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A.

  • 坚强、精明、能干的女人,为自己心爱的男人可以赴汤蹈火在所不辞,敢爱敢恨,热情率性,同时也柔情似水,这是“英雄美人”的组合。
    Strong, smart, capable woman loves a man can go through fire and water in the hesitation, Ganaiganhen, Shuaixing enthusiasm, Rouqingsishui at the same time, this is "Yingxiongmeiren" combination.

  • 赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,“这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。”……“他喜欢去做棘手的事。”
    "This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line"said Mr. [ Jim ] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A.

  • 年轻人又琢磨着报仇了,即使牺牲他们自己的生命,也在所不辞。但是,那些在战时留在家中的老年人,那些将失去儿子的母亲比较明智些,他们不会答应的。
    Revenge by young men is considered gain, even at the cost of their own lives, but old men who stay at home in times of war, and mothers who have sons to lose, know better.

  • 在所不辞造句相关
