
土崩瓦解  tǔ bēng wǎ jiě








  • 那个腐朽的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解
    The decadent puppet regime was falling apart.

  • 敌人的反抗很快地土崩瓦解了。
    Enemy resistance soon caved in.

  • 一个星期之后,我的世界土崩瓦解了。
    A week later my world disintegrated.

  • 原来的坚持在瞬间土崩瓦解
    The persistence that is originally at moment the soil collapse to break up.

  • 而这种内控体系有时还不免土崩瓦解
    And from time to time this system of control breaks down.

  • 传统的社区生活在集中营里土崩瓦解了。
    traditional community life broke down in the centralised camps.

  • 但是每一项改新革面的信条在他面前都土崩瓦解
    Yet each new reforming principle crumbles before him.

  • 经过1918年春天的最大努力,同盟国土崩瓦解
    After a supreme effort in the spring of 1918, the Central Powers collapsed.

  • 如果他们印太多的钞票,这个帝国的财政基础将会土崩瓦解
    If they print too much money, the financial basis of this empire will collapse.

  • 这是个完全出乎意外的战术,仅仅几分钟后整个敌军就土崩瓦解
    It was a totally unexpected tactic and in just a few minutes the whole enemy army was decimated.

  • 倘若这批初始协议随后土崩瓦解,只能因为改革遭遇了未知的阻力。
    If these initial deals are falling apart, it is only because reform met with unexpected resistance.

  • 倘若这批初始协议随后土崩瓦解,只能因为改革遭遇了未知的阻力。
    If these initial deals are falling apart, it is only because reform met with unexpected resistance. Even after Mr.

  • 随之而来的改革却并未像有些人所担心那样,引起纪律的土崩瓦解
    the subsequent reforms did not cause the collapse of discipline that some had feared.

  • 罗马人的天下的确在土崩瓦解,然而我们不但不垂头丧气,却依然趾高气扬
    Indeed, the Roman world is falling; yet we still hold up our heads instead of bowing them.

  • 约有四十辆满载的吉普车穿过土崩瓦解的战线,其中有几辆最远还到达默兹河。
    Some forty jeeploads slipped through the crumbling front, a few of them getting as far as the River Meuse.

  • 当你停止挤压的时候,如果它还是粘在一起没有土崩瓦解,那就很有可能是黏土。
    It is probably clay if it holds together instead of falling apart when you stop pressing.

  • 创业精神理论成为主流的另一个原因就是大型企业和其雇员的社会契约已土崩瓦解
    Another reason for entrepreneurship becoming mainstream is that the social contract between big companies and their employees has been broken.

  • 原来这些兵马俑装备好了真正的武器,农夫发现的时候,大部分的武器已土崩瓦解了。
    Originally these terracotta soldiers were equipped with real weapons, weapons that have mainly disintegrated when the farmers made their find.

  • 奥巴马的支持者想当然的以为只要他们威胁恫吓一番,华盛顿的旧秩序就能土崩瓦解
    Mr Obama's supporters seem to believe that all they need to do is huff and puff and the old order in Washington will come tumbling down.

  • 多年来为了表面上的完善、无懈可击、不出一个故障而运转的机器,在一夜之间土崩瓦解
    The machine that worked for years to apparent perfection, faultlessly, without a hitch *(an impediment; a temporary obstacle) , falls apart overnight.

  • 这位见解独特的平民主义者以胜利的口吻宣称美国在伊拉克建立民主政权的计划将土崩瓦解
    The maverick populist struck a triumphant tone, predicting the collapse of the American project to establish a democratic government in Iraq.

  • 土元素不充分可视为一个随时间开始土崩瓦解的形态,或由于缺乏适当的营养素而无法再生。
    Inadequate earth element equates to a form that begins to fall apart over time or fails to regenerate due to lack of adequate nutrients.

  • 它能否发挥作用?或者将如其他很多首次创意那样,在阿富汗部族政治的常年争斗和腐败中土崩瓦解
    Will it work or will it, like many other initiatives, collapse amid the perennial feuding and corruption of Afghan tribal politics?

  • 他觉得在他脚下有种可怕的分裂活动,但又不是土崩瓦解,因为法兰西比以往任何时候都更加法兰西了。
    He felt under his feet a formidable disaggregation, which was not, nevertheless, a reduction to dust, France being more France than ever.

  • 整个天下第一比武大会在短笛必杀技的震撼下开始土崩瓦解,这一招不仅仅是要摧毁悟空,还将连累到他所有的伙伴。
    The World Martial Arts Tournament begins to fall to pieces as Junior unveils a technique that not only threatens to destroy Goku, but his friends as well.

  • 对中国来说,西伯利亚的输油管线在北京新国际主义模式中的土崩瓦解,是其在错综复杂的全球石油市场中的一个惨痛教训。
    For China, the Siberian pipeline has disintegrated from a model of Beijing's new internationalism to a painful lesson in the complexities of the global oil market.

  • 如果我们不这样做,恐怕###和恩格斯在很久以前所做的预言就要变成现实了——在穷人和富人之间将出现对峙,并将使整个体系土崩瓦解
    Engels and others [will come true, and] that there will indeed be a confrontation between the haves and the have-nots that can bring the entire system down.

  • 金融领域的每一个人,无论在哪里工作,都会不断地对彼此说,这都是我们的错,因此我们要竭尽所能努力工作,否则的话,国家就会土崩瓦解
    Everyone in the financial sector, regardless of where you work, is constantly told both that this is our fault, and that we have to work as hard as possible, otherwise the nation will fall apart.

  • 随着石油业萎缩、失业加剧,受石油业带动起来的俄罗斯经济奇迹走向土崩瓦解。俄罗斯爆发的第一波社会动荡迫使克里姆林宫急忙寻找应对办法。
    Russia's oil-fired economic miracle is unraveling as industry shrinks and job losses mount. Now the first stirrings of social unrest have the Kremlin groping for a response.

  • 针对高度集权执政模式的弊端,苏共的几届领导人进行了改革,从赫鲁晓夫、勃列日涅夫到戈尔巴乔夫,但最终没能取得成功,导致苏共政权的土崩瓦解
    In terms of the disadvantages of the concentration of power, the Soviet leaders of several generations had reforms carried out but did not make success, which led to the break-up of the state power.

  • 土崩瓦解造句相关
