
因势利导  yīn shì lì dǎo








  • 我们应当因势利导, 夺取斗争胜利。
    We should make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory.

  • 教养孩子讲究方法,因势利导注意个别差异;
    teach the child skillfully with the individual differences in mind;

  • 每个孩子都有各自的长处,要因势利导,发挥他们的才能。
    Every child has his individual strong points, AND we must guide him by circumstances to let him develop his talents.

  • 因势利导,促进沪宁杭城市密集区各城市市场化的协调发展。
    to improve the evvironments for the harmonious development of the general adoption of market economy principles in each city of the CUDH area.

  • 山谷的东西两面地形较陡,两面大的看台因势利导依山形升起。
    The stadium is squeezed into a small valley with steeply rising ground to the east and west.

  • 由于普通老百姓对于通俗文学的爱好,我们就应该“因势利导”。
    since the majority have a special fondness for popular literature, it is important to conduct their interests;

  • 高校图书馆要研究读者特点,分析读者类型,因势利导做好导读工作。
    The library in the college should study the feature of reader, analyze the type of reader to work which guides reading well.

  • 抓住有利时机因势利导,发挥外出返乡入党积极分子的带头示范作用。
    Seize the favorable opportunity to make the best use out returning to play the leading party activists example.

  • 人们只有正确熟悉它,才能因势利导,兴利除弊,妥善因应,造福人类。
    People knows it correctly only, ability make the best use of the circumstances, promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful, because appropriate answers, benefit mankind.

  • 《吕氏春秋》还包含有正视自然灾害、因势利导、从容应对灾害的思想。
    LvShiChunQiu also covers the thought of envisaging natural disasters and tackling them calmly.

  • 政府应发挥户籍政策、税收政策的杠杆作用,对外地购房人进行因势利导
    Governments should play a domicile policy, taxation policy lever, the field house people use.

  • 教师应了解学生的认知方式及其特点并因势利导,以提高学生英语阅读能力。
    Only by complying with the learners' cognitive styles and directing them properly can the students develop their reading abilities.

  • 二战的爆发推动了美国经济的复苏。丹佛抓住机遇,因势利导,推动了自身经济的繁荣。
    Denver seizes opportunity, make the best use of the circumstances, promoted the prosperity of oneself economy.

  • 这种灌输不是一种空洞的说教行为,而是根据大学生的思想特点,因势利导,循循善诱。
    It's not a process of hollow moralisation but a process of giving the students systematic guidance and leading them into good practice according to their ideological characteristics.

  • 在农村产业结构调整过程中,根据本地实际,乡政府因势利导,引导农民发展水产养殖业。
    In process of rural industry structural adjustment, according to this locality actual, country government make the best use of the circumstances, guide a farmer to expand aquiculture line of business.

  • 对我国来说,目前存在许多有利的机遇,若能因势利导,必将促进我国高科技纤维的发展。
    To our country, put in a lot of favorable opportunity at present, if can make the best use of the circumstances, be sure to promote development of fibrous of our country high-tech.

  • 听觉型-视觉型-动觉型-触觉型学习者,训练策略应是充分发挥各自的认知优势,因势利导
    For the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and tactile, we should take full advantage of different cognitive styles.

  • “十一五”时期国家应因势利导,加快建立白酒产业技术经济政策体系,促进白酒行业健康发展。
    In "The Eleventh Five-year Planning" period, we should quicken the establishment of the economic system of industrial techniques to advance healthy development of liquor-making industry.

  • 我们将因势利导,进一步把握网络文学的流行趋势,使之成为文学健康发展的一个重要组成部分。
    Which are worth studying. So we will guide the actions, further grasp the popular trend of network literature, and make it become an important part of literature healthy development.

  • 小空间最难做到的就是功能分区,摆脱困境和单调空间生活的不二法门,就是善于利用空间,因势利导
    The small space is the most difficult to achieve functional area, the plight of living space and monotonous way, is good at using space, use.

  • 为了应对生活的困窘,大多数塾师被迫另谋生路,或进学堂做教员,或因势利导去经商,或远涉重洋去留学。
    In order to answer this embarrassing life, most of them were forced to fine out other ways for living, such as working as teachers in the schools, becoming merchants or going abroad to study.

  • 因此,买房者因势利导,在买房时注意规避风险,对于个人在房产投资的效益和房产价值都是极为重要的事情。
    Therefore, those who make purchases in the program, attention to avoid risks, the benefits for individuals in the real estate investment and property values are very important things.

  • 第三,根据地下水动态变化规律在地下水的开发、利用上因势利导,提出合理利用绿洲地下水资源的建议及意见。
    Third, according to the law of groundwater dynamic change, find the best way for groundwater exploit and use, and put forward the suggestions and ideas to use groundwater reasonably.

  • 趋势如此,做为一个有出息的公司又岂能不顺应潮流趋势,因势利导,放弃没有前途的上游,而扬长避短,专心于做好项目盖好房。
    The trend, the company also can serve as a promise not to the trends according to abandon no future upstream, and exceed, on a project covered in the Housing.

  • 作者以盱眙旧城更新改造规划为例,从不同的角度对城市更新地段进行类型分析与定位,以便因地制宜、因势利导地进行城市更新决策。
    This paper makes a brief analysis on renewal types from different perspectives of urban geography, urban planning etc, in order that urban renewal is properly carried out.

  • 我们应树立“因势利导,趋利避害”的政策取向,坚持扩大开放与合作,优化投资环境,改进引资方式,积极推动更多跨国公司来川投资;
    We should follow the policy of "Channel one"s actions according to circumstances; utilize the advantages and avoid the disadvantages" to encourage more multinational companies to invest in Sichuan.

  • 增强地方大学对地方经济社会服务的功能,使其成为地方经济社会发展的重要组成部分,这是当代大学发展的一个态势,我们应该因势利导
    One trend of modern university's development is to enhance its services for the local social economic development so as to turn the university into an important player in local development.

  • 因此,我们既要充分利用电子政府所带来的机遇,又要积极有效地避免它的负面影响,做到因势利导,选择适当的政府决策体制创新战略和对策。
    So, we should fully utilize the E-government's opportunity as well as avoid its negative impact positively, and choose proper government's decision system innovation strategies and measures.

  • 治疗疾病时,应针对不同的病机,选择相应得药物,利用或升、或降、或浮、或沉得作用,因势利导,祛除病邪,或调整脏腑功能,使之恢复正常。
    Hence in dealing with diseases, doctors should select proper herbs to eliminate pathogenic factors or regulate visceral functions in light of pathogenesis of diseases.

  • 结果表明,涨潮沟的形成与衰亡与主槽涨潮动力主轴的摆动和涨潮动力的变化密切相关,涨潮沟的利用与整治必须因势利导,顺应其形成机制和演变规律。
    The results show that the formation and development of flood tide channels are closely related to the variations of values and directions of flood tidal forces in main channels, and .

  • 因势利导造句相关
