
噤若寒蝉  jìn ruò hán chán








  • 他的话完了, 他的几个支持者拼命地鼓掌, 而更多的人却噤若寒蝉, 面面相觑。
    As soon as he finished, his supporters applauded vigorously, but most of the masses were taken aback and exchanged doubtful glances.

  • 虽经家人细心看护,仍噤若寒蝉
    Although nurses carefully after the family member, still kept silent.

  • 女司机情急呼救,全车乘客噤若寒蝉
    The woman driver naturally shouted for help.

  • 面对强权和专制的各方压力,我们不会噤若寒蝉
    In face of autocratic and political pressure, we will not be silent.

  • 因而,实名制会使老百姓噤若寒蝉,网络上会一片歌舞升平。
    As a result, the real-name system will make people keep quiet out of fear, the network will be a song and dance Shengping.

  • 自从李天享被害以后,村子里人人自危,一个个又噤若寒蝉了。
    After the murder of Original Fortune Lee the people went about in terror and shut up again like clams.

  • 然,后闻当局已禁逮多起混淆视听之乱扰消息,心内噤若寒蝉
    However, after that has been cut beyond the chaos to confuse the public more than three news mind quiet.

  • 有钱的人势力如此之大,老百姓噤若寒蝉不敢吭一声(5:13)。
    These rich leaders were so strong and corrupt that the common people were afraid to voice their opinions and complaints (5:13).

  • 而很多行业的工人都噤若寒蝉,生怕海外的廉价劳动力不久将挤掉他们的饭碗。
    And the worker of a lot of industries keep quiet out of fear, for fear that is abroad cheap labour force jobs those who squeeze them before long.

  • “寒蝉”旨在帮助合法的网络活动,避免它们因为无法律根据的权利通知书而噤若寒蝉
    Chilling Effects aims to support lawful online activity against the chill of unwarranted legal threats.

  • 他是公司的明星交易员,当他大笑时,气氛就会欢快起来,当他愤怒时,每个人都噤若寒蝉
    He barked orders and everyone followed his lead. He was the alpha trader. When he laughed, the mood lightened; when he yelled, everyone tensed up.

  • 第二天我们发现各报噤若寒蝉,于是我将身上的伤痕拍成照片,用电子邮件发给我的朋友们。
    When they didn't, I took pictures of my bruises and emailed them to friends.

  • 在这些严峻的形式面前,很多公司都在环保倡议方面噤若寒蝉取而代之的是开始悄然强调金钱价值。
    In these harsher circumstances many companies will tone down their loud green initiatives and instead quietly emphasise value for money.

  • 那时房地产市场正处于低谷,老华远选择进行大量土地储备的发展战略,而当时很多房地产公司对此噤若寒蝉
    At that time the real estate market is in a low, and substantial land reserves old Huayuan choose development strategies, and many real estate companies are silent.

  • 回头看看,当陈幸妤一开口,民进党内的天王、地王、大大小小,那一个不是噤若寒蝉,立刻把想批扁的话全吞了回去。
    Looking back, when Chen Hsing-yu to yell, King's Democratic Progressive Party, to Wang, large and small, it is not a silent, would immediately grant Chen Shui-bian, then swallow the whole back.

  • 美国的建筑市场可能噤若寒蝉,但是在中国、印度的建筑工地、矿井和农场中,卡特彼勒的黄色大机器正发挥着几倍的速度。
    Construction may be quiet in the U. S. , but in building sites, mine pits, and farm fields in China and India, Caterpillar's big yellow machines are multiplying fast.

  • 看不清楚的市场走势,让众多曾经大胆的观察家们都噤若寒蝉,任何看似逻辑严密的推论和预测,都有可能被证明是南辕北辙的笑话。
    do not know the market trend for many of the observers have been bold quiet, seemingly any inference and logic forecast may prove to be different joke.

  • 他冷峻的神色,沉稳的步履,软绵绵的奥地利口音教人噤若寒蝉却又隐隐心安,对于午夜下窗户“梆梆”敲响,窗帘飒然飘起的桥段实在很相衬。
    His calm, intense look, his deliberate walk and his soft Austrian accent were somehow both scary and reassuring, just right for footage of night windows banging and curtains inexplicably blowing.

  • 他冷峻的神色,沉稳的步履,软绵绵的奥地利口音教人噤若寒蝉却又隐隐心安,对于午夜下窗户“梆梆”敲响,窗帘无故飘起的桥段实在很相衬。
    His calm, intense look, his deliberate walk and his soft Austrian accent were somehow both scary and reassuring, just right for footage of night windows banging and curtains inexplicably blowing.

  • 过多的此类诉讼,不仅浪费人力物力,牵制诉讼效率,而且给社会带来了一系列负面效益,正当的舆论监督因此受到限制,媒体由于害怕承担“侵权”的不利后果而噤若寒蝉
    Too much suits not only wasted material resources, but also brought some negative effects: the supervision by public opinion is restricted, and the mass media are keeping quiet out of fear.

  • 噤若寒蝉造句相关
