
呆头呆脑  dāi tóu dāi nǎo








  • 他开始叫喊起来,呆头呆脑地咒骂着。
    He began to cry and swear foolishly. "God damned dog! ""

  • 他是位呆头呆脑的人,大家不重视他的意见。
    Being a stick-in-the-mud, people don't value his opinions.

  • 吃得太饱,呆头呆脑
    A full belly makes a dull brain.

  • 回答我的问题,汤姆。不要呆头呆脑地站在那里!
    Answer my questions, Tom. Don't stand there looking like a stuffed dummy!

  • 呆头呆脑的萨米斯利克喝掉六杯苏打水,结果生病了。
    Silly Sammy Slick sipped six sodas and got sick sick sick.

  • 他只是呆头呆脑,急想要混下去,实际上并不怎么狡猾。
    He was really not so cunning as dull and anxious to get along .

  • “别这么呆头呆脑的,蟾蜍!”鼹鼠喊道,拿他毫无办法。
    STOP being an ass, Toad! ' cried the Mole despairingly.

  • 没错,主人,有个绿色怪物和一头呆头呆脑的驴子在跟踪你。
    You are right, my lord. A green ogre and a silly donkey are following you.

  • 当他的两只大拇指在膝盖上不停地转动时,他呆头呆脑地注视着。
    He watched in amazement while his thumbs rolled over and over on his lap.

  • “嗯,先生,”乔布呆头呆脑地回答道,“外国俺可是一窍不通。”
    sir, " answered Job, stolidly, "I don't hold much with foreign parts. "

  • 他一动不动地站住了,磨破的裤脚浸在雪水里,呆头呆脑地望着里面。
    He stopped stock still, his frayed trousers soaking in the slush, and peered foolishly in.

  • 米老鼠款汽车会成为唐华车的主打产品,还是会让车看起来更呆头呆脑
    Is Mickey Mouse the new head of Tang Hua motors or is it Goofy?

  • 如果她宁愿去看蟑螂和胀饱了的袋鼠,她一定是觉得克雷杜克先生呆头呆脑
    She must find Mr. Craddock precious dull if she prefers blackbeetles and stuffed kangaroos.

  • 现在您看您的这个懒散,没出息,呆头呆脑,无知而又傻里傻气的儿子怎么样?
    What do you think of your idle, good-for-nothing , dunder-headed, ignorant, stupid son now?

  • 如果这两个世界领先的增长发动机仍然呆头呆脑,所有人都将会为此付出代价。
    If the world's two leading engines of growth remain at loggerheads, everyone will pay the price.

  • 我们像一只只呆头呆脑的傻瓜似的,只有看的份了,因为根本就听不懂他们在说什么。
    The only thing we could do was watching them like idiotic fools, because we could not understand them at all.

  • 在这里,玩家必须带领一群呆头呆脑的绿发小家伙从迷宫的入口出发并最终抵达出口。
    In Lemmings, players guide masses of hapless little green-haired creatures through various maze-like levels that have an entrance point and an exit point.

  • 这天下午,贝奇·萨契在学校里那无人的院子里呆头呆脑地走来走去,心里觉得很凄凉。
    In the afternoon Becky Tatcher found herself moping about the deserted schoolhouse yard, and feeling very melancholy.

  • 假如你喜欢,可以养只小乌龟,别看它灰不溜秋、呆头呆脑,逗玩起来倒也别有一番乐趣。
    If you like, can raise only small tortoise, do not see its ash do not sneak away autumn, idiotic, funny play rise to also do not have fun one time.

  • 史瑞克:不!你这个呆头呆脑、气死人的小驴!妖怪就是像洋葱!说完了!再见,回头见。
    Shrek: No! You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are like onions! End of story! Bye-bye, see you later.

  • 就我自己来说,我过了一段时间才意识到我的问题在于我笨拙的社交方式和有些呆头呆脑的性格。
    Personally, it took me a while to realize part of my own problems with women could be traced back to my overall social awkwardness and dorky personality.

  • 我还看到那些呆头呆脑、训练有素、既驯服听话又凶残野蛮的德国士兵像一群蝗虫般地向前蠕动着。
    I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.

  • 你们所说的就是这样一个上帝——一个乡巴佬,一个笨手笨脚、呆头呆脑、自高自大、毫无修养的土包子。
    That's the kind of God you people talk about-a country bumpkin, a clumsy, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed .

  • 不过,正因为它的呆头呆脑的可爱模样和卓越的性能,获得了许多人的青睐和爱戴,成为不分等级的私人用车。
    However, because of its stupid lovable appearance and the remarkable performance, has obtained many person of favors and the love, becomes does not divide the rank personal to use the vehicle.

  • 由于它的外型呆头呆脑,许多人曾试图使这种小车换成一种“现代化的式样”,改进它原来的设计,结果都没有成功。
    Because its outlook is stupid, many people once attempted to cause this kind of car to change into one kind "the modernized model", improves its original design, the result has not succeeded.

  • 另一方面,你不该将那些作家和他们设身处地的活动的圈子看做他们好像被变成了呆头呆脑的人而丧失了批评的能力。
    On the other hand, you should not imagine writers and their circle as if they had been turned into zombies devoid of critical ability.

  • 就在螳螂吃的正香的时候,蓝宙宇一把将螳螂抓住了,呆头呆脑的螳螂还没有来得及反应过来,便就成了我们的战利品。
    In the mantis is eating when Shannon, a blue-Zhou Yu will be seized mantis, the mantis stupid-looking response has not yet had time to come, they will become our spoils of war.

  • 莎拉夺下了我的枕头。她仿若在向一个呆头呆脑的五岁小孩解释蜡笔的概念,慢吞吞地说道:“这是你的轿车的警报声。”
    Sarah snatched the pillow away. Slowly, as if she were explaining the concept of crayons to a dull-witted five-year-old, she said, "It's your car alarm. ""

  • 开源软件背后的程序是有一些志愿者编写并免费放到网上的,最初人们对此不屑一顾,认为这不过是一群呆头呆脑的计算机狂人的玩具。
    Such software, the underlying recipe for which is created by volunteers and distributed free online, was initially dismissed as the plaything of nerdy hobbyists.

  • 她在礼拜堂里交了一个朋友,和她一样是个老处女,名叫弗波瓦姑娘,绝对呆头呆脑,吉诺曼姑娘乐于和她相处,好显出自己是头神鹰。
    She had a chapel friend, an ancient virgin like herself, named Mademoiselle Vaubois, who was a positive blockhead, beside whom Mademoiselle Gillenormand had the pleasure of being an eagle.

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