
名满天下  míng mǎn tiān xià








  • 他从小学画,如今他的作品早已名满天下了。
    He began learning painting when he was young, and now his works are world-famous.

  • 这样的成绩无疑是于芬名满天下并底气十足的原因。
    Such result is without doubt is world-famous in the fragrance and energy full reason.

  • “一时名满天下”,一生著述很多,现仅有《半可集》传世。
    "The world is full of time" writing a lot of life, it is only "half-can, " handed down.

  • 尽管不如冬季滑雪那样名满天下,挪威的秋天同样景色迷人。
    Autumn in Norway is the same wonderful, in despite of not so famous as the winter skiing.

  • 奥登在进入联盟前就名满天下,本赛季,他终于要踏入的赛场。
    Orden before entering the alliance world-famous, this season, he must step into finally athletic field.

  • “华山”是一个名字,一个地壳运动的隆起处的名字,却名满天下,极富传奇。
    I describe it like this: Hua Shan is a geographical name of the protrusion.

  • 从少不更事到名满天下,没有浮华,没有骄傲,犹如午夜一曲深沉的蓝调在功利的足球世界里慢慢地流淌。
    Shaobugengshi from 000 to over the world, not flashy, not proud, like a deep midnight blues in the utilitarian world of football flowing slowly.

  • 这项活动的最初设想来源于国父亚当斯和他夫人阿比盖尔名满天下的通信记录,邮政公司的介入也正缘于此。
    The inspiration for the campaign — and the Postal Service's involvement — is the reputation of Adams and his wife, Abigail, as prolific letter writers.

  • 在1882年,早已名满天下的胡雪岩面临事业上的一次重大抉择。他手握1000万两以上的巨额现金,是去办洋务,还是倒卖生丝,竟一时踌躇。
    In 1882, renowned Hu Xueyan faced a critical decision in his career. Having 10m liang in cash, he hesitated over whether he should go to handle foreign affairs or resell silk.

  • 南昌素有“物华天宝、人杰地灵”之称,始建于汉高祖时期,唐永徽年间因滕王阁名满天下而使南昌城为世人传诵,1927年中国共产党武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪在这里打响,又被誉为“英雄城”。
    Nanchang dates back to B. C. 202, was famous for the Tengwang Pavilion and the first shot of combating reactionary KMT forcefully at 1927, also was named as "Hero City".

  • 其中培训及标准化部门包括了舰载航空兵联队训练和战斗攻击机战术教练员(strikefightertacticsinstructor,SFTI)培训,它有一个名满天下的名字叫作TopGun。
    and ranges. The training and standardization division includes carrier air wing training and strike fighter tactics instructor (SFTI) training, better known as Top Gun.

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