
名正言顺  míng zhèng yán shùn








  • 现在你可以名正言顺地责备小猪了。
    YOU are now officially permitted to blame the pigs.

  • 她才是他的妻,名正言顺的妻。
    She is his wife, the wife perfectly justifiable.

  • 唐奇安是名正言顺的趋势跟踪之父。
    Donchian was the undisputed father of trend following.

  • 是否名正言顺,大家给…
    If right titles and proper words , everybody give …

  • 塞翁丢失了马,就可以名正言顺地牵回别人的马吗?
    Can your prior misfortune redeem you of something in return?

  • 中介公司不仅能挣新房差价,还能名正言顺地赚中介手续费。
    Intermediary companies not only earned bridal price, but perfectly justifiable to make intermediary charges.

  • 美国人可以一次又一次因为正确的事,名正言顺地感到骄傲。
    Americans can feel justifiably proud for having done the right thing, again and again.

  • 如果定居者需要更多的空间,他们可以名正言顺地搬到以色列;
    If the settlers need more space, they could move to Israel proper;

  • 副总统钱尼为使进攻萨达姆名正言顺,歪曲情报,而田南默不作声。
    Mr Tenet allowed Mr Cheney to twist intelligence in order to build a case for attacking Saddam.

  • 接着,中介又以上家不送为由,名正言顺地要下家缴纳这两笔费用。
    Then, the intermediary also home do not bother to see me out on the above, specifically to pay two charges under the home.

  • 大学固然也有教科书,但是广泛阅读一些自己感兴趣的书,名正言顺
    Of course they have textbooks in university, but it is reasonable to read what they are interested in.

  • 即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵著手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。
    Even can't lead long to begin to go shopping perfectly deservedly with him, you shill can so to have no don't talk of friend.

  • 即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵着手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的好朋友。
    If not fit with his hand holding the shopping, you can do anything good friend.

  • 卖房子给“关系户”,以前是名正言顺的事情,多少钱卖出去别人管不着。
    sell to a "correspondent", the former is a perfectly justifiable thing, how much money lasers sold to others.

  • 当中秋节也被纳入国家法定节日时,人们便有了名正言顺团聚的理由和时间。
    When the Mid-Autumn Festival was set as one of the National holidays, people have a perfectly justifiable reason and time for reunion.

  • 日月光的登陆,其本色意义代表封测厂已可真正名正言顺赴中国大陆投资设厂。
    Life is landed solely, actually simple meaning delegate is sealed measure a yard already but true be perfectly justifiable goes to chinese mainland investment to set a plant.

  • 名字意味着什么?(非得名正言顺吗?)把玫瑰叫做其它名字时它还是照样芳香。
    What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

  • 如果你已计划已有机会就让自己休息会——那么这会儿你就可以名正言顺地去啦!
    You've been promising yourself that you'd take a break at the first opportunity - now you can with no guilt.

  • 许多共和党人从一开始就不认为我的总统职务是名正言顺的,并据此来采取行动;
    many Republicans never considered my presidency legitimate in the first place and were acting accordingly;

  • 当时邨内住户的收入和教育水平明显偏高,是全港第一个名正言顺的中产阶级居住地。
    At that time, it was regarded as the first middle class residential area as residents were generally of higher income and education standards.

  • 如果就10天,你为什么不是晚回家10天呢,那样,你就可以名正言顺的申请H1啦。
    I thought there is a 10-day period, which means 10 days before Oct. 1, I can start to apply for H1.

  • 这符合了当前与即将改进的教育政策,也名正言顺地传达我国所需要的精英所必备的条件。
    This is in accordance with current as well as future education policy. It also lists out the demands we have for our elite in a fitting and proper manner.

  • 更重要的是,爱德华兹能归咎到沃尔夫身上,彻底名正言顺地击垮他,并连带到其余的哨兵成员。
    More than that, Edwards could lay the blame for a complete diplomatic breakdown on Wolff, and by extension, the rest of the Sentinels.

  • 有了新的保育区,和推行中的计画,印度猎杀者现在有机会,成为名正言顺的来保护国家的野生动物。
    With the new reserves and projects underway, poachers in India now have the chance to get on the right side of the law by protecting the country's wildlife.

  • 第一个农民本来名正言顺地拥有几亩的钻石,但他却为了去其他地方找钻石而把它们卖了,卖得一文不值。
    The first farmer had owned, free and clear, acres of diamonds, but had sold them for practically nothing in order to look for them elsewhere.

  • 然而,许多人依然怀疑,中国对威胁的强调是“借鸡生蛋”,以名正言顺地祭出安全大旗,防止达赖喇嘛的支持者(和其他异议人士)走上街头。
    But there are widespread suspicions that China is over-egging the threat in order to justify blanket security and prevent the Dalai Lama's supporters (and other dissidents) from taking to the streets.

  • 即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵着手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。他有喜欢的人,你口头上会帮他追,心里却不是很清楚你是不是真的希望他追到。
    When he or she said someone is his or her princess or prince, you promise to help he or she to win the battle of love but not indeed.

  • 英国王储查尔斯和他的现任妻子卡米拉选定了一张结婚照,作为今年圣诞节的官方贺卡,这对情侣在经过多年的风雨后,终于名正言顺地并肩出现在世人面前。
    It is the first time that Camilla -- officially the Duchess of Cornwall since her marriage to Charles on April 9 -- has appeared on one of the British royals' official greeting cards.

  • 所以呢,如果新平众与窦利的这个案例可以算是一个先兆的话,那麽,一旦你体内有任何部位含上这麽一段基因密码,它就有可能任人名正言顺地「装瓶」拥有了。
    So if NuGenEra v. Salvador Dolly is any portent, whatever part of one's self that is locked up in the genetic code may be eligible to be owned and bottled by someone else.

  • 所以呢,如果新平众与窦利的这个案例可以算是一个先兆的话,那麽,一旦你体内有任何部位含上这麽一段基因密码,它就有可能任人名正言顺地「装瓶」拥有了。
    Salvador Dolly is any portent, whatever part of one's self that is locked up in the genetic code may be eligible to be owned and bottled by someone else.

  • 名正言顺造句相关
