
叠床架屋  dié chuáng jià wū






说话写文章应力求简明 扼要,切忌~,使人不得要领


  • 这样叠床架屋, 文章就太罗嗦了。
    So much needless repetition makes the article long-winded.

  • 雪漫漫,烟茫茫,给叠床架屋的峭壁险峰增添了几分神秘色彩。
    Boundless snow and endless smoke give us some mysterious feelings to the steep cliff and perilous peak.

  • 但是叠床架屋般的权力分散和制约,也易于形成责任的分散,损害效率。
    However, as over-complicating the matter of decentralization and constraints, but also easy to form a decentralized responsibility, the efficiency of the damage.

  • 默示预期违约与不安抗辩权存在叠床架屋之嫌,破坏了两大法系各自的和谐体系。
    implied anticipatory breach of contract may overlap the unsafe right of defense, and it disrupted the harmonious system of the two legal systems.

  • 他还准备将叠床架屋的金融管理机关缩编,并设立一个委员会,监视金融体系的威胁,并向白宫与国会提出报告。
    And he would streamline the overlapping regulatory agencies and create a commission to monitor threats to the financial system and report to the White House and Congress.

  • 这个国际体系是由许多公私组织叠床架屋而成,缺少清楚的任命,也没有简易的合作方式,或一个可协调活动的「指挥」。
    The international system is a congeries of overlapping public and private institutions without clear mandates, ease of coordination or a single "conductor" to harmonize activities.

  • 古代白话小说语言中存在着大量的叠架现象,有词语叠架、句式叠架以及篇章叠架,它们在形式上、语义上犹如叠床架屋,层层堆叠。
    There exist a great number of reiterations in the ancient vernacular Chinese novels, such as those of phrases, sentences and chapters.

  • 我国政府机关的组织皆须依法设立,亦受到法律条文层层制约,惟各机关组织架构受到环境影响并须不断检讨修正,亦常有权责难以厘清、组织叠床架屋情形,致影响行政效率。
    Government agency is established according by law. The structure and personnel system of a government agency not only constraint by legal statutes, but also need to be amended as environment change.

  • 叠床架屋造句相关
