
盖棺论定  gài guān lùn dìng








  • 这一年已经有了盖棺论定
    This year has been nail a coffin.

  • 看看他选择如何盖棺论定必会十分引人入胜。
    It will be fascinating to see how he chooses to conclude it.

  • 所谓盖棺论定的道理多简单,就是有人操之过急。
    The so-called multi-nail a coffin in a simple truth that people act with undue haste.

  • 至于客观真相,那就只好等下一个时代来盖棺论定了。
    As for objective truth, it would have to wait for next generation to judge.

  • 所以,对时下的网络事件,并不是下一个简单判断就能盖棺论定
    Therefore, today's network, is not a simple judgement can Gaiguanlunding.

  • 盖棺论定时,不会算你活了多少年,而在评断你在这些年中过的是什麽样人生。
    And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

  • 因此,出于保险,我们习惯于盖棺论定,对于雕塑,也就看得过分的郑重和神圣。
    Therefore, for insurance, we are accustomed Gaiguanlunding, sculpture, will see over the solemn and sacred.

  • 而即便是人死了也不是全都能盖棺论定,我们只要想一想秦始皇、曹操等历史人物。
    And even died as a whole can not wait, we need only think of the reign of the emperor, Cao Cao, historical figures.

  • 更关键的是相应的判断需要是渐进演变的意见,而不是在每个报告结束时刻的盖棺论定
    And the judgment would be a rolling opinion, not one set in stone at the end of each reporting period.

  • 但当遇到无法理清同时变化的诸多变量这类困难时,他的统计实验不可能给这个问题盖棺论定
    But his statistical test is unlikely to be the last word on the matter, given the difficulties of disentangling variables that move together.

  • 本书代表的不是一部「野史」的盖棺论定,而是被尘封已久的史迹、故事,刚掀端而起的肇始。
    What is included in the book is not just a finalized version of the unofficial history" but the beginning revelation of more unnoticed historical records and stories."

  • 在那期间,他一直坚定不移,这也是为什么我们的执政生涯已盖棺论定,而他的影响却依然巨大。
    And through it all he stood firm which is why he'll also stand tall when the history of our time in office is finally written.

  • 作者:本文中绝大部分的内容是我所尝试并看到得到的见解,这不是一个盖棺论定或是局限的玩法。
    Note: Most of the preceding "roles" segment is mostly opinion (of myself / other BETA testers) and things I've tried out and seen done.

  • 由于某些历史学家认为,波耳可能误解了海森堡的话,因此这批文件还不见得就能对这桩公案盖棺论定
    The documents are not likely to be the last word, as some historians think Bohr could have misinterpreted Heisenberg's statements.

  • 然而,强调「盖棺才能论定」的正统史学观点,在讲究辛辣速食、资讯爆炸的时代,似乎有点格格不入。
    But the orthodox historian's view that "one cannot pass judgement until the lid is on a person's coffin" seems a little out of place in the age of spicy fast food and the information explosion.

  • 李氏虽然在理论上、政治上犯过很多错误,但是盖棺论定,应该肯定他是无产阶级革命家,科学社会主义者。
    Although Liebknecht made quite a number of theoretical as well as political mistakes, he should not be denied as a proletarian revolutionist and an advocator of scientific socialist.

  • 世界各地的圣诞老人首脑们在丹麦的年度峰会上发布了一条公告,圣诞老人的故乡由此盖棺论定:格陵兰岛。
    It's official: Santa is from Greenland, according to an edict from the world's top Father Christmases at their annual summit in Denmark.

  • 无畏者也好,抵制者(斯诺女士)也罢,如今都在力挺对这份折中方案,这也有望成为盖棺论定之时的一种妥协。
    That plan, which the courageous (and now snubbed) Ms Snowe also supports, may yet emerge at the eleventh hour as a compromise.

  • 对于历史上已经发生过的事件,已经盖棺论定的事,他会表示自己的意见,可是也不会浪费时间、精力去与别人辩论其正当性;
    As for the historical events which had been in final judgment, he could express his opinion, but he doesn't waste time and energy to argue with other for their justice.

  • 不信任的情绪依然在蔓延,林松岭的家属没有恳请异地执法。目前,林松岭家属已经与哈尔滨公安局协调好进行尸检,一切尚未盖棺论定
    Does not trust the mood in the spread, Lin Songling the family member has still not requested earnestly different to enforce the law.

  • 对于历史上已经发生过的事件,特别是已经盖棺论定的事,他偶而会表示自己的意见,可是他却不会浪费时间、精力去与别人辩论其正当性。
    As for the historical events which had been in final judgment, he could express his opinion, but he doesn't waste time and energy to argue with other for their justice.

  • 另外一句话是“盖棺论定”,意思是只有在一个人死了,停止了一切活动之后,我们才能给他计算总帐,才能断定这个人的一生究竟是如何。
    Another folk saying is that "call no man happy until he dies". It means that only when a man dies should we make an overall remark on him according to his whole life.

  • 另外一句话是“盖棺论定”,意思是只有在一个人死了,停止了一切活动之后,我们才能给他计算总帐,才能断定这个人的一生究竟是如何。
    We should not look down on others. Judging a man, we should consider various factors and all aspects including his advantages and disadvantages. Only in this way can we obtain a real remark.

  • 整体而言,由精神分裂症的发病方式及症状显示,干扰NMDA受体的化学物质可能会在患者的脑部堆积。但是真正可以盖棺论定的研究尚未出现;
    Overall, schizophrenia's pattern of onset and symptoms suggests that chemicals disrupting NMDA receptors may accumulate in sufferers' brains, although the research verdict is not yet in.

  • 心理学家研究发现,人们的第一印象形成是非常短暂的,有人认为是见面的前40秒,有人甚至认为是前两秒,在一眨眼的工夫,人们就已经对你盖棺论定了。
    According to the study of psychologists, it is transient for people to form the first impression of the others. Some consider it the first 40 seconds after meeting, and some the first 2 seconds.

  • 盖棺论定造句相关
