
痛心疾首  tòng xīn jí shǒu








  • 这样的尴尬记录,显然令长春球迷痛心疾首
    This embarrassing record, obviously, the Changchun anguished fans.

  • 砍树的那天早上,我奔到街上痛心疾首地大叫。
    The morning when they were to be cut down, I ran to the street and shouted with pain.

  • 三鹿丑闻曝光后,痛心疾首的温家宝总理这样谆谆告诫。
    after exposure of 3 deer scandal, the premier of Home Wen treasure of with bitter hatred such earnestly and tirelessly admonish.

  • 范甘迪痛心疾首的告诫他的队员要是再这么打渔场老板就笑哈哈了。
    Van Gundy has reminded his players that they can get back in the series.

  • 今夜,我想到百年来她在美国经历的一切——有痛心疾首,有满怀希望;
    And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America ——the heartache and the hope;

  • 一边是节能专家痛心疾首的呼声,一边却是每年新建高能耗建筑的不断增加。
    On one side is the voice of conservation experts hate bitterly, on the other hand, is the annual increase in new high-energy buildings.

  • 这个教训可以说是痛心疾首,顾世彪彻底知道自己的养獒知识有多么的不足了。
    This lesson can be said to be extremely bitter, Gu Shibiao thoroughly know very little knowledge of their own.

  • 而当初设计这两栋建筑的专家之一台湾老建筑师王昭藩先生更比一般人痛心疾首
    And the original design of the two buildings one of Taiwan experts old architect Wangzhaofan Mr. more than most people hate bitterly.

  • 那些面对传统失传而痛心疾首的人也要好好反思:我们的传统是否有些过时的成分?
    On the other hand, people who grieve over and lament the loss of traditions would do well to do some re-thinking. Are there elements in our traditions that have become outdated?

  • 治疗师问他们有甚麽问题,太太便痛心疾首、喋喋不休地一一数说这15年来的问题。
    When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a passionate, painful tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the 15 years they had been married.

  • 我国的森林资源本就匮乏,大兴安岭的一场大火,使我们又增加了几许痛心疾首的感慨。
    The silvan natural resources of our country shorts originally, go in for sth in a large scale conflagration of An Ling, make we increased the deep feeling of how much with bitter hatred again.

  • 王涛表示:“作为中国电子商务和软件业的一份子,我们对此现状可谓是‘痛心疾首’。
    Wang Tao expresses: "Regard Chinese electron as the one member of business affairs and software industry, we are to it may be said of this current situation ' with bitter hatred ' ."

  • 大选结果出来后,虽然很多共和党人依然为他们的失败痛心疾首,但美国民众普遍看到了新的希望。
    There was a widespread feeling of new hope among Americans in the wake of the election, although many Republicans remained bitter about their loss.

  • 当你看到一个个鲜活的生命消失于车轮之下,当你面对那些触目惊心的场景时,能不感到痛心疾首吗?
    When you look at the life of a fresh disappear under the wheels, when you face those shocking scenes when you do not feel aggrieved?

  • 可是看见校园中随处丢弃的垃圾带、饮料瓶,听着某些同学口中吐出的脏话,怎能不教人痛心疾首呢!
    But everywhere on campus to see litter with discarded, beverage bottles, listen to some students out of the bad mouth, how can it not but feel deeply grieved!

  • 而那,又涉及到另一桩令人痛心疾首的事实,即多数的半兽人是人类女性在遭受兽人族男性强奸后产下的。
    It is yet another sad fact of life that the majority of half-orcs are formed by carnal rape of a human female by an orcish male.

  • 当杰拉德打进一粒精彩的进球后,我们都认为胜利女神向我们招手,但是最后时刻失掉一球让人痛心疾首
    We felt we would go on to win the game after Stevie scored a nice goal but it was disappointing to concede such a late goal.

  • 即使大多数人都认为当它工作时,它是一台好的机器,它依然有一些缺陷会导致故障,这是另人痛心疾首的。
    While most people agree that it's a good machine when it works, it has a few quirks that make it frustrating when it fails.

  • 阅读《白夹竹桃》一书感到痛苦的另一个原因在于阿斯特里德在收养她的家庭里遭遇了一系列令人痛心疾首的惨境。
    Another reason White Oleander makes for painful reading is that Astrid is subjected to a horrific series of abuses at the foster homes she is placed in.

  • 让人痛心疾首的是,成千上万的人都认为我骄傲自大,过分执著于自己想做的事情,对他们希望我做的事情却遗忘了。
    And it was painfully clear that thousands of people thought I'd gotten too big for my britches, too obsessed with what I wanted to do and oblivious to what they wanted me to do.

  • 昨日上午,罗湖村一位将房子出租给不良经营者而惹来命案的村民在南湖街道清理“房中房”大会上痛心疾首地检讨。
    "Yesterday morning, the Lo Wu Village will house rented to a bad case of the operators and give villagers in the streets clean city" Housing, the Housing "conference hate bitterly review.

  • 他的腼腆是一种使他痛心疾首的缺点,而现在被当成了一个有趣的,值得探讨的问题,这使他的心里充满了淡淡的满足感。
    His shyness, which was so painful as a defect, filling him with a mild complacency now that it was regarded as an interesting study.

  • 他的腼腆是一种使人他痛心疾首的缺点,而现在被当成了一个有趣的,值得探讨的问题,这使他的心里充满了淡淡的满足感。
    His shyness, which was so painful as a defect, filling him with a mild complacency now that it was regarded as an interesting study.

  • 但是,三年之后,一位中远俱乐部的工作人员痛心疾首地说:“如果那个冠军拿了,徐泽宪就不会失势,中远足球就不会垮掉。”
    But, three years later, a far club's staff said bitterly: "if that champion has taken, Xu Zexian will not lose power, the far soccer will not give way."

  • 与基遍人订下了愚蠢的和平协约时,只凭著他们伪装的外表和谎言,而不求问上帝,以致在未来的年间,基遍成为他们痛心疾首的根源。
    The foolish peace pact with Gibeon, made without consulting God, was based on false appearances and deceiving words. In the years ahead it would be a source of heartache to Israel.

  • 之后,随着战争的结束,贸易通道重新开放,即使那些在战争中赚了一笔的人都为潮水般地涌入美国港口并引起行情骤降的进口商品而痛心疾首
    Then, once the trade lanes reopened with the coming of peace, even those who profited from the war were stung by the tide of imports that swept into American ports and sharply lowered prices.

  • 圣地项目矗立在耶路撒冷市西边山坡上,那四幢一排的高楼大厦划破天际,高耸入云,大多数耶路撒冷人每当举目眺望这道风景都觉得痛心疾首
    Many Jerusalemites feel affronted each time they look up at the Holyland Project, a string of four high-rise buildings tearing through the skyline on the western hilltops edging the city.

  • 本句的意思是:其实,她对人类的疾苦如此痛心疾首,使大家的注意力迅速地从她阐述的道德问题转向了她本人,她是如何非常非常深切地关注这类问题。
    The repetition of "very"here aims to show that the speaker is so skilled in exaggerating her feelings to show off her sympathy, and the word "them"refer to "the moral issues" in the sentence.

  • 特里承认切尔西上上下下仍在为遗憾失去联赛冠军奖杯痛心疾首,但是全队都苏醒地知道在温布利大球场进行的决赛将是他们找到抚慰心灵良药的最佳时机。
    Terry says Chelsea are still smarting from surrendering the Premiership title, but is aware they have the chance to bounce back in the Wembley spectacular.

  • 25男人因为爱而崇拜一个女人,女人因为崇拜而爱一个男人。(怪不得结了婚的女人常常痛心疾首地责骂自己,我真是瞎了眼了,当初怎么就把蚂蚁看成了大象呢!)
    Man admire woman because of love, woman love man because of admiration. (No wonder women always blame themselves bitterly that she was blind to mistake ants for elephants.

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