
疾恶如仇  jí è rú chóu








  • 我们中的一个强壮的男人非常疾恶如仇
    The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

  • 疾恶如仇,斩妖除魔,匡扶正义,爱心永驻!
    JiERuQiu, demon in addition to evil, kuang fu justice, infinite love!

  • 他的绝对公正和疾恶如仇赢得了群众的信任和拥护。
    His absolute fairness and abhorrence of evil won him the confidence and support of the masses.

  • 同样,作者在其最近出版的新书《奔跑》中也是疾恶如仇,同情弱者。
    In "Run" the author likewise spurns villains, doling out sympathy to all concerned.

  • 面对社会上的各种丑恶现象和不良风气,陈颖杜先生没有冷眼旁观,而是疾恶如仇、针砭时弊。
    Instead of overlooking various social evils and unhealthy practices, Mr. Chan Sirisuwat does not hesitate to criticize existing evils and social wickedness.

  • 一个是无家孤女,刚烈率真,疾恶如仇,向往平等,从不献媚于主子,到死都没有改变问罪于天的姿态;
    The former was an orphan who was upright, outspoken, hated evil like an enemy and longed for individual equality, and especially never trig to ingratiate herself with her master, then died tragically.

  • 曾效力影者集团,现已改邪归正的奥斯为了阻止史利,训练了气、水、火、金四大「变种元素」,各人身怀绝技,疾恶如仇
    Standing between the Shadowmen and victory are four warriors, Air, Water, Fire and Metal, who have been trained by the keeper of the other half of the tablet.

  • 民众在塑造水浒英雄时,更多是从生活出发,把他们当成了自己的贴心人、带头人,既刻画了他们的疾恶如仇,又赞扬了他们的扶危济困;
    In creating the heroes, the masses started from their lives and depicted them as their bosom friends and their leaders who help the poor and the helpless while hating evil like enemy.

  • 这个故事反映了人们疾恶如仇的处世态度,并告诫小朋友:日常生活中,特别是单独一个人时,一定要机智勇敢、提高警惕,不要随便听信陌生人的话。
    This shows how human's hatred is reflected in the way things are handled. It also warns children to be brave and alert when they are alone and should not take all strangers' advice easily.

  • 疾恶如仇造句相关
