
生离死别  shēng lí sǐ bié








  • 再见了朋友们生离死别很难说出口…。
    Goodbye my friend, its hard to die.

  • 生离死别,不是生命的边界。
    Life to death, not life's boundaries.

  • 一个人跟老朋友生离死别可以处之泰然。
    The absence of old friends one can endure with equanimity .

  • 爱情如是,生离死别如是。
    Love is like this, so is long or forever parting.

  • 无常意味着灾难,它所导致的结果就是生离死别
    Inconstancy is the cause of disaster, which results in separation and death.

  • 我们不是[生离死别],而是在[幸福地相爱]。
    nothing is going to change my love for you!

  • 两情相悦固然幸福,生离死别不也是一种独特的幸福?
    Is it a kind of unique happiness that two feelings are happy and no doubt happy , separate forever?

  • 我跟这里十八位朋友喝上一杯,待会是输是赢,总之是生离死别
    I'd like to have a drink with these friends first, just to show there are no hard feelings.

  • 我不懂说,到底生离死别那一种惨一点?看完这片后,应是生离吧!
    So touch is not only the episode, but also is the large number of posts here.

  • 教一个做母亲的人受那种眼睁睁的生离死别的苦痛,您觉得有什么可说的吗?
    What say you to that torture of Tantalus as applied to a mother?

  • 生离死别纵然痛苦,诺诺临终前的一刻智叔与敏儿仍拖他的手,以歌声给儿子送行。
    even if painful part forever, nono, the moment of death and t-chi Miner  still dragging his hand, singing to her son to see him off.

  • 放下一切的贪念,死生如梦,大梦一场,生离死别的眼泪,流的比大海还要深,比大海还要广。
    Put down all greedy of. Birth to death is a dream. Dream a deep dream. Tears for birth to death was deeper than the sea and vast than the sea.

  • 世界上最遥远的距离,不是生离死别,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。
    The world's most remote distance, not Shengchisibie not Tiangeyifang, but I stand before you, do you not know that I love you.

  • 生离死别、失去一份工作、一句侮辱、就足以令你的自我形象,亦即你所谓的个性,深刻地变动。
    A bereavement, the loss of a job, an insult, and your image of yourself, which you call your person, changes deeply.

  • 他不忍看到一对对伴侣就这样生离死别,于是为前来请求帮助的情侣秘密地主持上帝的结婚典礼。
    He could not bear to see the pairs of partners on this part forever, so come to ask for help for the couple secretly presided over the wedding of God.

  • 上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪,死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生离死别,不再有痛苦,因为-往事已矣…
    God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes , and there shall be no me death, neither shall there be narrow or dying , neither shall there be any more pain for the former world has passed away.

  • 一去不复返的年华最为值得珍惜,生命中的那些爱恨情仇、生离死别总能留下总动人的文字用来回忆。
    The Years Gone is well worth cherishing life, those in both good and bad, life to death can always leave the text used for the total touching memories.

  • 这时,它明白了生离死别的含义,河蚌妈妈在她生命的最后一刻,还死死地抱着它,就这是母爱吧,它想。
    At this time, it is to understand the meaning of life to death, anodonta mother in her last breath, but also holding tightly to it, it is motherly love it, it wants to.

  • 你说你有点想见我了,也怕以后见不到了。难道你不知道,我每次都是抱着生离死别的心情跟你说再见的吗?
    Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard, oh take me back to the start.

  • 世界上(两个人之间)最遥远的距离并不是生离死别,而是我站在你的面前你却还不能感觉到我是如此得爱你。
    The most painful distance in the world, is not between the living and the dead, but it is when you can't see that i love you, even though I stand right in front of you.

  • 生活中总会有许多感伤的故事上演,生离死别是最为痛苦的,每当面对这样的情景,我都是好多希望没有离别。
    Federation of life there are many sad stories of staged, is the most painful part forever, when faced with such a scenario, I hope there will be no separation is much better.

  • 对于朋友以及亲戚的死亡,我们会产生一种生离死别,再也看不到,摸不着,不能与之对话,与之交往的感受。
    When friend and relative pass away, we can't see, touch and talk with them anymore.

  • 人总是要面对生离死别,一些爱你的人,你爱的人,你爱的事物都会一个又一个的离开,对此,我们无能为力
    Separation and death, we have to face. Someone who loves you, and someone you love, all the beloved , doomed to leave, one after another, ultimately.

  • 但是当这艘豪华邮轮在严寒的北大西洋与冰山相撞时,这对年轻恋人的甜蜜恋情,竟然转变成刻骨铭心的生离死别
    But when the doomed luxury liner collides with an iceberg in the frigid North Atlantic, their passionate love affair becomes a thrilling race for survival!

  • 对于朋友以及亲戚的死亡,往往会使我们产生一种生离死别,再也看不到、摸不著,不能与之对话、与之交往的感觉。
    When friend and relative pass away, we can't see, touch and talk with them anymore.

  • 我青春的旅程才刚刚起步,心爱的姑娘却在我的一片憧憬中骤然与我阴阳两隔,让我第一次体验到生离死别的揪心痛楚。
    I youthful journey has just started, it was a lovely girl in my vision of a sudden my yin and yang of the two separated for the first time I experienced the pain worried the part forever.

  • 一般正常的现象,面对生离死别伤心事之时,为对方难过哀伤是很自然的事,但是,我们有几人真会为他们走向永刑地狱而哀痛呢?
    It is natural for us to feel sadness and pain when our loved ones die, but do we feel sad because we no longer can enjoy their companionship, or because they were unable to go to our heavenly home?

  • 长期严肃维持的配偶关系和家庭关系奠定每个人都有个保护自己的社会安全网的基础,帮助我们面对人生的挑战,包括疾病和生离死别
    Sustained and committed spousal and family relationships are the cornerstone of our social support network as we face life's challenges, including illness and loss.

  • 生命真的很脆弱。大自然两分钟的颤抖,我们就面临生离死别,我们就开始人心惶惶,我们就开始不知所措,我们的大地就是一阵阵的慌乱。
    Life is really very fragile. Nature two minutes of trembling, we face Shenglisibie, we started to panic, we begin at a loss, our land is the waves of panic.

  • '亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你',看惯了生离死别的医生却在这一刻落泪了,手机传递着,每个看到短信的人都落泪了。
    As the rescue team's doctor unbundled the blanket to examine the baby, he discovered a mobile phone tucked into the blanket. He subconsciously looked at the display, found-here was a SMS message.

  • 生离死别造句相关
