
珍禽异兽  zhēn qín yì shòu








  • 惊人特效让各式各样珍禽异兽重生。
    Amazing special effects bring a vast variety of fantastic creatures to life.

  • 这个偏远的岛屿上只有一些珍禽异兽
    Only rare birds and animals inhabit this remote island.

  • 在大片的原始森林中,有很多珍禽异兽
    In the vast primeval forest, there are many rare birds and unusual animals.

  • 然而这些珍禽异兽,也许是世上最令人目眩的动物。
    These bizarre beasts were some of the most fascinating creatures ever to have inhabited our planet.

  • 大围珍禽异兽及宠物医院,香港新界大围积信街75号地下。
    Tai Wai Small Animal &Exotic Hospital, 75 Chik Shun Street, Tai Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong.

  • 有野牛、金钱豹、黑熊、野猪、飞狐、九节狸、白雉鸡等珍禽异兽
    There are many rare birds and beasts such as buffalos, leopards, black bears, wild boars, flying foxes, viverra zibethas and white pheasants.

  • 猫物语虽然专门收养大型猫科动物,但也欢迎任何需人照顾的珍禽异兽
    Although Cat Tales specializes in big cats, it welcomes any exotic animal in need.

  • 主峰陡峭,北高南低坡度较小,野草青藤横生,珍禽异兽常年栖息于此。
    Steep main peak, the North-South gradient smaller low, Sinomenine with weeds, Exotic perennial habitat here.

  • 城市兽医动物及珍禽异兽医院(荃湾),香港新界荃湾大坝街地下25铺。
    Citivet Small Animal and Exotics Hospital (Tsuen Wan), Shop 25, G/F, Tai Pa Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong.

  • 城市兽医动物及珍禽异兽医院(荃湾),香港新界荃湾大坝街25号德仁楼地下。
    Citivet Small Animal and Exotics Hospital (Tsuen Wan), G/F, Tak Yan Building, 25 Tai Pa Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong.

  • 澳大利亚有很多天然的景色及许多珍禽异兽,特别是袋熊,袋鼠等为世界独一无二。
    There are a lot of natural landscapes and many rare birds and anomalies in Australia, especially the bag bear, kangaroo etc. is an uniqueness of world.

  • 当你带着如此拉风的珍禽异兽出现在大家眼前,人人都会对你的尊贵身份艳羡不已!
    When you bring so the old-style fan device rare birds and beasts to appear in everybody at present, everybody can admire to your honored status!

  • 对树沟绿树成荫,深谷幽静,珍禽异兽遍布林间,一条绿带似的河流在峡谷缓缓流淌。
    Groove on the tree trees, deep quiet, rare birds and animals around the forest, a green belt in the gorge-like river flowing slowly.

  • 园内饲养着象、虎、豹、熊、白鹇、孔雀等珍禽异兽,是云南仅次于昆明圆通山的动物园。
    Park keeping the elephants, tigers, leopards, bears, white Xian, peacocks and other rare birds Yishou, is second only to Kunming in Yunnan Yuantong Hill, the zoo.

  • 步行沿峡谷旅行,但见溪流两边奇山峻峰形态各异,云腾雾绕,珍禽异兽随处人心旷神怡
    Travel on foot along the canyon, but see Perfect Mount mountain streams on both sides of the form qi differentyun teng fog around, rare birds and animals were relaxed and happy everywhere.

  • 队伍中有号手、乐师以及从异国土地掠夺而来的珍禽异兽、满载财宝的推车还有缴获的武器。
    In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and capturedarmaments.

  • 境内有多种野生两栖、爬行、哺乳类动物以及马鸡、磐羊、麝、羚羊等国家保护的珍禽异兽
    There are a variety of wild amphibians, reptiles, mammals, as well as Ma chicken, pan sheep, deer, antelope and other countries to protect the rare birds and animals;

  • 这一带的山水,丹崖悬岩,茂林奇树,幽峡奇洞,飞瀑流泉,风景险绝优美,还有众多的珍禽异兽
    The scenery here is absolutely beautiful with red cliffs, hanging rocks, dense forest, dingles, caves, waterfall, springs, as well as various rare birds and strange animals.

  • 国王把船上的金制品一件一件地拿给公主过目,其中有各种各样的碟子、杯子、盆子和珍禽异兽等等。
    Inside, the king showed her the golden vessels, every one of them, and also the wild beasts and strange animals.

  • 节日期间展现用酥油等物做的雕塑工艺,有珍禽异兽,亭台楼阁,花卉山水,佛经故事等俗称酥油花。
    During the festival, colorful and huge yak-butters sculptures of birds, animals, flowers, plants, mountains, rivers, pavilions, towers and Buddhist legends are shown.

  • 林中栖息着各种珍禽异兽,羚羊、毛冠鹿、盘羊、金钱豹、香樟、青鹿、野猪、老熊等异兽出没林间;
    Forest habitat of various rare birds and animals, antelope, tufted deer, argali, leopard, camphor, green deer, wild boar, and other animals come and golao xiong forest;

  • 旅游者可观看云海茫茫的鲁班峰、造型怪异的冰川遗迹、玉瀑飞溅的姑娘潭、出没在密林中的珍禽异兽
    Tourists can watch the Lubanga-the vast sea of clouds, the strange shape of the glacier remains, jade waterfall splashing girl Tam, appeared in the dense forests of rare birds Yishou.

  • 尖峰岭国家森林公园古木参天,藤缠蔓绕,珍禽异兽嬉闹林间,尽显热带雨林的古朴、悠远、神奇的魅力。
    National Forest Park Jianfengling towering old trees, rattan wrapped around the man, rare birds and animals嬉闹forest, tropical rain forests full of ancient, distant, magical charm.

  • 你们向大自然学习,希望不只是看看奇花异草、珍禽异兽和美丽的风景,更重要的是体验大自然,感知大自然。
    You're off to learn about nature. I hope you won't just admire the grand vistas and spectacular trees and animals. To experience nature you must learn to know it intimately.

  • 你们应向大自然学习,希望不只是看看奇花异草、珍禽异兽和美丽的风景,更重要的是体验大自然,感知大自然。
    You're off to learn about nature . I hope you won't just admire the grand vistas and spectacular trees and animal .

  • 今天我演讲的题目是“保护我们生存的家园————地球”,曾经我们的地球上有大片的绿地,气候宜人,各种珍禽异兽
    The title of my speech today is "to protect our lives, the Earth ----" once we have large areas of the earth on the green and pleasant weather, all kinds of rare birds and animals.

  • 由于山下自然生态破坏把一些珍稀树种和珍禽异兽都赶到了这片赖以生存的小天地里,许多南北方的动、植物都可在这里找到标本。
    Due to the foot of the natural ecological damage to some rare species and Exotic rushed to this little world for the survival of many of the South and the North and plant specimens can be found here.

  • 我们这些去过一些遥远的国家的人(可惜英国人或者其他欧洲人很少去访问过那些国家),要杜撰出海上与陆地的珍禽异兽,是容易的。
    It is easy for us who travel into remote countries, which are seldom visited by Englishmen or other Europeans, to form descriptions of wonderful animals both at sea and land.

  • 美朵湖是热尔大草原湿润地保护区域的一处非常优美的湖泊,热尔大坝是青藏高原一处罕见的辽阔草原,草原上草丰美,珍禽异兽众多。
    Meiduo Lake; It is a very graceful lake in the wet-land protection zone on the Reer grassland. The Reer grassland is vast which is rarely seen on the Qing-Tibetan plateau.

  • 大殿的阑额、木制隔扇上浮雕着众多道教人物、故事和珍禽异兽,图案精美,雕刻技艺精湛,反映出清代的社会生活、宗教信仰和审美情趣。
    The main hall-level wooden Arch relief on the many Taoist figures, stories and Exotic, design beautifully carved superb techniques reflect the Qing Dynasty social life, religion and aesthetic taste.

  • 珍禽异兽造句相关
