
独霸一方  dú bà yī fāng







  • 地方报纸独霸一方,独享每年超过20%的盈利。
    Regional newspapers cultivated cosy monopolies and routinely enjoyed annual profit margins of more than 20%.

  • 第二十到会的是在美国南部独霸一方的卡罗-特拉蒙蒂。
    The next to arrive was Carlo Tramonti, who had made the southern part of the United States his territory.

  • 即使是历经艰辛,九死回生,也决非是昔日那独霸一方的巨人了。
    Even if has been through repeatedly difficultly, nine die revives, must be the giant who in former days definitely that monopolized the power in a place.

  • 很早以前,有个凶残的魔王,他神通广大,独霸一方,人民深受其害。
    Once upon a time, there lives in this region a ruthless monster who has supernatural powers and tyrannizes over the people here, causing them infinite harm.

  • 反之,巴基斯坦则极度怀疑美国将力挺印度使其在这个地区独霸一方
    In turn, Pakistan is deeply suspicious of America's plans for India to play a central role in the region.

  • 这里边不仅有宗教狂热分子,还包括各色部族军阀和独霸一方的铁腕人物。
    It includes not just religious zealots but all manner of tribal warlords and local strong men.

  • 企业与政府形成比较有建设性的伙伴关系,比它们中任何一方独霸天下要强很多。
    A more constructive partnership between business and government is far more important than the dominance of either.

  • 发展国营企业,决不可以其财大气粗压制人,对其他经营者搞无偿吞并,垄断生意,独霸一方
    Expand state-operated business, anything but can its are weathy suppress person, do free annex to other operator, rig business, dominate exclusively one party.

  • 这些大腕的共同特征是行为、独霸一方,其发家主要是因为1998年国家启动住房改革时抢占了先机。
    The common characteristic is known acts, dominating side, to make its fortune primarily because 1998 national housing reform, seize the initiative started.

  • 每个人都可能独霸一方,成为小小暴君,在他周围制造恐怖和荒凉,直至天使长的喇叭在他的灵魂里激起不同的感情为止。
    Every man may reign secure in his petty tyranny, and spread terror and desolation around him, until the trump of the archangel shall excite different emotions in his soul.

  • 在季后赛中,你和沙克看起来好像都在不同的领域独霸一方,而不去关照对方。那是你们在一起打得时间长才表现出来的吗?
    KICKS: In the playoffs, it looked like you and Shaq were going full-out without getting in each other's way. Was that just from playing together so long?

  • 有一些球队,象拜仁,巴塞罗那,和切尔西,处在欧洲顶尖水平,独霸一方没有对手,这个不是发生在意大利,这是一场伟大的比赛。
    Then there are sides in the rest of Europe who are dominating and have no rivals at the highest level, I am thinking about Bayern, Barcelona and Chelsea, instead in Italy this is a great game.

  • 独霸一方造句相关
