
独是独非  dú shì dú fēi







  • 我作为一个MG人士发言。我有过声音训练,声和合唱我的两大爱好。
    I speak as someone who does not have MG, but I have had voice training, and solo and choral singing are two of my main hobbies.

  • 考量以下有关印度政治的事实:所有的改革都由多党联合完成的,而一党大。
    Consider the following fact about Indian politics: All the reforms have been carried out by a coalition of multiple parties rather than by a single-majority ruling party.

  • 这位负责人兴奋地暗示:“MRAM一具备所有首要低劣属性的存储器:速度、易失性、有限长久性。
    This controller agitato expresses: "MRAM is the memory that has all and main positive attribute exclusively: Speed, blame breaks gender, infinite endurance easily."

  • 小鸟筘在笼子里难飞出自由的天空中,小鸟叹息地说我在你笼子里吗?笼子说当然啦,因为我笼子!!
    Bird in the cage reed to fly in the sky, a free bird said I sigh in your cage?Cage said of course, because I was alone cage! ! ! ! ! !

  • 丰富而特的量词广泛存在,现代汉语区别于英语等语言、乃至汉藏语系区别于汉藏语的一个重大而鲜明的特征。
    Classifier is one of the important and outstanding characters of Chinese language and even the whole Sino-Tibetan system.

  • “性灵说”明清时期的一个诗歌流派,代表人物袁宏道提出“抒性灵,不拘格套,从自己胸臆流出,不肯下笔。”
    "Spirit" is a period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Poetry Schools, representative Yuan Hongdao proposed "independence of Shu Ling, informal grid sets, non - outflow from their caps, refused to write.

  • 旁指代词用时一般不能修饰专有名词,但“另”和“另外”在两种情况下却可以例外;二旁指代词单修饰专有名词。
    The previous demonstrative is usually used to modify a proper noun, unless it is used alone, with ling and lingwai as exceptional.

  • 事实上,我一个怪物,说的话别人不明白…而把他们不明的,误会当真。然后闹起架来,疑问,甚至方观念…最终‘受罪者’我不可。
    These people , they accept things that they LIKE to accept , things that they WANT to believe , and anything that is of the Truth but seemingly 'hard' to accept , they avoid .

  • 独是独非造句相关
