
独断专行  dú duàn zhuān xíng







  • 在外交政策上,放单飞/独断专行,风险很大。
    In foreign policy, flying solo can be risky business.

  • 那种独断专行,把同盟者置之不理的态度,是不对的。
    It is wrong to indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions and to ignore our allies.

  • 在联合国,俄罗斯拖延对伊朗的制裁,并处处独断专行
    At the UN Russia has dragged its feet on sanctions against Iran and autocrats pretty much everywhere.

  • 最糟糕的是监管和政策方面争斗不休且独断专行的文化。
    It is the litigious and apparently arbitrary culture of regulation and policy.

  • 它避免了个人独断专行和盲目决策,保证了决策的科学正确。
    It avoided an individual be a law onto oneself and blind and decision-making, made sure decision-making science is correct.

  • 当一个人独断专行,他就很容易将他人当作预言者或宗教领袖。
    When one is dog¬matic oneself, it is notoriously easy to take other people for prophets and founders of religions.

  • 表面上看,林肯这种忽视多数人意见的做法似乎过于独断专行
    Apparently look, the practice that Lincoln ignores most person opinion this kind appears too be a law onto oneself.

  • 德国每人个都害怕希特勒,因为他是一个独断专行、为所欲望为的人。
    Everybody in Germany feared Hitler because he was a law unto himself.

  • 其实即使最独断专行的统治者也不可能随心所欲地指挥别人、左右局势。
    But even the most despotic rulers cannot arbitrarily control either men or events.

  • 人们常常将商家与政府进行对比,一个具有竞争性,一个却是独断专行
    A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly.

  • 在经济摇摆于衰退的边缘时,美国执行当局的独断专行就是无可非议的。
    NO ONE could accuse America's policymakers of standing pat as the economy flirts with recession.

  • 分权制衡减少领导人对利益集团负责或独断专行,使之尊重法律规定的权力界限。
    The check and balance of powers reduces the responsibility or the monopolistic power of the top leaders for interest groups. It obliges them to respect the law-stipulated power limits.

  • 他以共产国际自居,目空一切,独断专行,颐指气使,企图夺取中央最高领导权。
    He with Comintern pose as, supercilious, be a law onto oneself, order people by gesture, the purpose captures central highest hegemony.

  • 而另一方面,独断专行的俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京也因频繁施展权力位列榜单第3位。
    On the other hand, Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin (No. 3) scored points because he likes to throw his weight around.

  • 由此不难看出,日本官兵的“独断专行”是日本国策使然,是完全符合日本裕仁天皇的意图的。
    It is not difficult to see that the royal troop officers and soldiers' arbitrariness was caused by the Japan national policy and completely conformed to the Japanese Hirohito emperor's intention.

  • 你有着相当独断专行的能量,并希望能控制你所在的任何状况,这在你年轻的时候会是个问题。
    You have very strong self-assertive energies, and you want to be in control of every situation you are in, which can create problems while you are young.

  • 查韦斯先生也许不是(或还不是)如他的一些敌手所称的独裁者,但他肯定是一个独断专行者。
    Mr Chávez may not—yet—be a dictator, as some of his opponents aver, but he is an autocrat.

  • 民主党人尤为不愿意激怒这些工人,因为他们是民主堂选举的坚强后盾。鉴于他们的独断专行
    Democrats in particular have little incentive to anger workers, who are often their electoral foot-soldiers, and neither party wants to prod them to strike, since they hold monopolies.

  • 乔丹可能在这支球队里有点独断专行,但是我们不能否认的是他又让大家的眼球聚焦到了这里。
    It was the chance to see arguably the greatest player ever playing for the home team. Second, I never really believed those young guys were ever going to develop with or without Jordan.

  • 在内部,一是重大事项要集体研究,让大家行使决策权,不能让个别权利集中的人,独断专行
    In in, one is the significant item wants the collective research, lets everybody exercise the policy-making power, cannot let the individual right centralism the person, acts arbitrarily;

  • 合同农业的批评者,最主要的担心在于订约公司有能力在合同条款以及合同执行等问题上独断专行
    One of the principal concerns of critics of contract farming has been the ability of a contracting firm to exercise arbitrary control over the terms and implementation of contracts.

  • 不断完善内部会审制度,促进领导决策的科学化、民主化,杜绝个人独断专行、徇私舞弊现象的发生;
    Constantly improve the system of internal documents for leading scientific and democratic decision making, eliminate individual arbitrariness, curb phenomena;

  • 有不少观察家认为,最近四分之一世纪以来,中国兵连祸结、国势日衰,全要归咎于蒋介石的独断专行
    It has been assumed by no few observers that the personal traits of the generalissimo were responsible for the terrible series of events that have wasted China for the last quarter of a century.

  • 民主制度的这种安排与独裁者的独断专行基本无异,选民只是象征性的投了一票,但是这一票根本不会计算在内。
    This arrangement is no different from one where the voter casts a symbolic vote, a vote that remains uncounted, with the outcome already determined by the whims of the tyrant.

  • 外国企业想使用像张先生那样的承包商,以应付当地那些出尔反尔的贪官污吏,以及他们认为是独断专行的司法机构。
    Foreign firms feel obliged to use contractors like Mr Zhang to cope with capricious and corrupt local officials, and the arbitrary justice they mete out.

  • 要不是“免征项目”栏下那十一条救命的附加条款,我每年就得当乞丐,讨了钱去供奉这个敲诈勒索、独断专行的政府啦。
    If it weren't for those eleven saving clauses under the head of "Deductions" I should be beggar every year to support this extortionate and tyrannical government.

  • 考虑到中国有着超长的个人独断专行历史,不管是对于中共还是人民来说,这种“一个中共,两个阵营”的实践确实进步不小。
    Given China's long history of arbitrary decision-making by one individual leader, this "one party, two coalitions" practice represents a major step forward—for the party and the people.

  • 拙劣的治理,因为它提供低效的公共服务,制定不合时宜的公共政策,腐败,独断专行的行事风格,最终导致人民整个生活方式的退化。
    Bad governance with its inefficient service delivery, inadequate policy settings, corruption, despotic attitude leads to deterioration in the overall life style of the citizens.

  • 莱赫是弟弟,比较害羞,而雅罗斯瓦夫则更有头脑,更独断专行,是两人2001年组建的法律与公正党(波兰语首字母缩写为PiS)的操纵者。
    Lech was the younger and shyer, Jaroslaw the brainier, the bossier and the mastermind of the Law and Justice party (PiS in its Polish acronym) which they founded in 2001.

  • 还不到十五年前,信奉天主教的詹姆士二世无视议会独断专行,最终导致愤恨不已的议员们发动“光荣革命”,把这位不受欢迎的国王流放到了法国。
    and the overthrow of a second king. Less than 15 years ago, the hated Catholic James II was forced into exile in the Glorious Revolution and a Protestant monarchy restored.

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