
独善其身  dú shàn qí shēn








  • 独善其身,兼爱天下!
    good good study, day day up!

  • 气候变化没有国界。任何国家都不可能独善其身
    Climate change is not confined by boundary and no country is immune from its impact.

  • 他开始发表一系列演讲,抵制美国独善其身的政策。
    He embarked on a series of speeches that rejected US exceptionalism.

  • 任何个体、组织和国家,并非独善其身即可永续发展。
    Sustainable development is not possilbly achieved by a single person, organization or country.

  • 中国银行业虽然不能‘独善其身’,但做到了‘独树一帜’。
    Although China's banking sector should not 'alone', but do the 'unique'.

  • 今年冬天有点冷,国际金融危机愈演愈烈,中国亦难独善其身
    A bit cold this winter, increasing international financial crisis, China can not stay aloof.

  • 要是美国政府违约了,那么哪家银行还会独善其身来支付保单呢?
    If the American government defaults, which bank will still be good for the insurance claim?

  • 毫无疑问,专门/特别信贷公司不可能在这场金融危机中独善其身
    Specialist lenders are not immune to the effects of the crisis, of course.

  • 我们能够“独善其身”的又一个重要理由是中国人独特的消费方式。
    We are able to "own" another important reason is that China's consumption patterns were unique.

  • 中国经济虽有不同特点,或处于不同的周期,但却不可能独善其身
    China's economy has different characteristics, or in a different cycle, but beyond it.

  • 总之,人类社会是已经病入膏肓不可救药了,我们修行人还是独善其身吧!
    Society of human has been incurable. Let's we, the man of practice, conduct ourselves virtuously and respectively.

  • 行业评论家们称,独善其身的翻译工作者告别孤芳自赏的日子已经指日可待了。
    Thedays of the fiercely solitary translator working in splendid isolation are numbered, say many industry observers.

  • 美国次贷引发的全球金融危机,中国资本市场和房地产市场不可能完全独善其身
    The American loan initiation's whole world financial crisis, China capital market and the real estate market are impossible to cultivate one's own moral worth completely.

  • 中国也未能独善其身,外贸遇阻带来的连锁反应至今仍在对经济造成严重的冲击。
    China can not be an exception, the resistance of foreign trade brought about by the knock-on effect on the economy is still a serious impact.

  • 德国不可能从为了尼克松赢得1972年的选举而设计的宽松货币政策中独善其身
    It could not insulate itself from the loose monetary policy engineered to help Nixon win the 1972 election.

  • 二是基建主线云聚了各路英雄豪杰,强大的领涨力量赋予A股市场独善其身的能力。
    Second, the main infrastructure of the various heroes Yun Ju, a powerful Led forces to give the A-share market alone.

  • 面对当前金融危机、粮食危机、气候变化等多重影响和严峻挑战,没有一国能独善其身
    No country is immune from the multiple implications and serious challenges brought about by the current financial crisis, food crisis, climate change and other problems.

  • 在经济全球化的今天,依靠出口和投资增长的我国经济,在全球金融危机中很难独善其身
    Economic globalization today, to rely on exports and investment in China's economic growth in the global financial crisis is difficult to be an exception.

  • 这与新约圣经的教导互相呼应:没有任何一位信徒可以独善其身,信徒需要互相建立、彼此相交。
    There is no place in the New Testament for Christians who always want to be alone and not in fellowship with others.

  • 当经济全球化时,没有一个国家能脱离这个全球的环境而“独善其身”,能不受全球经济波动的影响。
    As economic globalization, no country from the global environment "alone" can not be fluctuations in the global economy.

  • 面对汹涌而来的市场化大潮,长期具有相当特殊性的北京恐怕再也难固守原有的游戏规则、独善其身了。
    In the face of raging tide from the market, the long-term nature of the Beijing probably never quite difficult to stick to the original rules of the game, improving.

  • 事实上,在这样百年不遇的金融危机面前,不仅是出口相关行业,整个经济,包括各行各业都很难独善其身
    In fact, so rare in the face of financial crisis, not only export-related industries, the economy as a whole, including all walks of life are hard to be an exception.

  • 比如在1998年的一次演讲中他曾说:“世界各国都在承受越来越大的压力,美国不可能独善其身不受影响”。
    "It is not credible that the United States can remain an oasis of prosperity unaffected by a world that is experiencing greatly increased stress, " Greenspan said in a 1998 speech.

  • 但更广泛的问题十年来一直在恶化,这些问题也影响到了BBC,因为在这样的媒体大环境之下,它也难以独善其身
    But the wider problems have been worsening for a decade, and they affect the BBC because the corporation is inevitably influenced by the wider broadcasting ecology.

  • 没有人能独善其身,无论怎样,他都将在与他人的互相推搡中度过一生。-------------托马斯。卡莱尔。
    No man lives without jostling and being jostled , in all ways he has to elbow himself through the world giving and receiving offence ----------------Thomas Carlyle.

  • 金融危机, 独善其身,全球 席卷全球经济危机的爆发,中国也无法摆脱金融危机所带来的负面效应,独善其身
    The global economic crisis's eruption, China is also unable the negative effect which gets rid of the financial crisis to bring, cultivates one's own moral worth.

  • 股市腰斩后,它也没有独善其身,现在略亏1。44%,可相对那些亏了近30%的指数型基金而言,这点损失并不算什么。
    Cut the stock market, it does not own, slightly 1. 44 percent loss, those losses may be relatively close to 30% of index funds, this loss is not any.

  • 上周,丹麦的威斯达公司批评了英国的那些“独善其身主义者”,原因是他们决定关闭威特岛上的涡轮机厂,造成风力发电厂瘫痪。
    Last week, the Danish firm Vestas blamed British "nibbles" opposing wind farms for its decision to close its turbine factory on the Isle of Wight.

  • 林夕曾借王菲之口敲击:思念是一种很玄的东西,如影随形。以示人们不能沉溺。但在这蓝天与蓝海缠绵所产生的空间中,又有谁能独善其身
    Lin Xi and Wang Fei has told us : memory is an incredible thing that is always with you, for reminding people to avoid sinking, but few can avoid it in the world which consists of skys and seas.

  • 巴斯夏通过“社会主义者”(socialist)想要扮演上帝,解释对法律乱喊乱叫(thecallforlaws)限制了和平的、自愿的交流,并且惩犯了独善其身的愿望(thedesiretobeleftalone)。
    Bastiat explains the call for laws that restrict peaceable, voluntary exchange and punish the desire to be left alone by saying that socialists want to play God.

  • 独善其身造句相关
