
狗血淋头  gǒu xuè lín tóu







  • 去邻居家过夜又被骂得狗血淋头
    go overnight at neighbour house also kenya scold.

  • 如果你有不同意见,就被骂得狗血淋头
    If you can't have a difference of opinion without getting your head bitten off.

  • 如今退休下来,却因为退休福利被人骂得狗血淋头
    Now he receives severe blame for his retirement welfare.

  • 可就在我要溜进被窝时,她总会醒来,把我骂个狗血淋头
    But just as I'm about to slide into bed, she always wakes up and gives me a hell.

  • 如果他像对待这些太太那样对待我,我就会把他骂得狗血淋头
    I would soon send him about his business if he were to treat me like those ladies.

  • 在野时将别人骂得狗血淋头,轮到自己上台时,又马上换了另一副嘴脸。
    When a man is out of office, he scolds others in a very humiliating fashion; when he is in power, he changes the fashion.

  • 嘿!这个坛子里的人就是客气,顶多插科打诨。要搁在别的地方,早骂得狗血淋头啦!
    This is why I like Edmonton so much. People here are really nice. Well, I'm a nice guy too. But sometimes nice guys also want to rant.

  • 他们也可把我们的乐队骂的狗血淋头但他们没有因为他们都是穿着尖鞋的垃圾乐队。
    They've got the right to slag my band off but they don't because they're all shit bands who wear pointy shoes.

  • 到了中午12点的时候,汉子仍然没有来,大哥终于绝望了,任凭嫂子把他骂得狗血淋头
    When it came to 12 at noon and the man still had not shown up, brother finally lost all hope, let his wife pour out a torrent of abuse on him.

  • 如果你上班再迟到,厂长一定会骂你个狗血淋头,说不定还会扣你的工资,直到你有所改正。
    If you are late for work again, the director is sure to tear you off a strip, and might even reduce your pay until you improve.

  • 看看,从上周末加内特把队友骂得狗血淋头到现在。你会发现他突然停止了对球队再次换的要求。
    Reread Garnett's supposed "blast" of the organization from last weekend and you'll see that he stopped well short of asking for relocation.

  • 一天没仗可打,它就会用自己那几乎被累累伤疤掩盖的独眼死盯着身边的跟班,找茬把它们骂得狗血淋头
    If he is out of the fighting for a day he starts bloody arguments, his one good eye leering out from a mass of scars to find fault with those around him.

  • 两个澳大利亚男人正为澳大利亚女人打得狗血淋头,而那个澳大利亚女人骂他们俩下流鬼之后在考察别的男人呢。
    The two Australian men beat each into a bloody mess for the Australian woman, who is checking out all the other men after calling them both wankers'.

  • 现在全国上下的政客们都被骂得狗血淋头,人们指责说,民主党的改革会制造出一个叫“死亡专家组”的分配制官僚体系,它将掌握美国人的生杀大权。
    Across the country politicians are being confronted with the outrageous allegation that Democratic reforms will create a rationing bureaucracy of "death panels" to decide who lives and who dies.

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