
熙来攘往  xī lái rǎng wǎng








  • 两岸的火车熙来攘往,冒着烟光。
    Now and again on both shores trains chuffed by amid shining smoke.

  • 岛上到处是旅游者熙来攘往
    Tourists were swarming all over the island.

  • 在东边,波罗的海上渡船与各式船只熙来攘往
    To the east, the Baltic Sea bustles with ferries and ships.

  • 大阪街头熙来攘往,台贸中心能否佔有一席之地?
    Can the Taiwan trade center make a place for itself amid the busy streets of Osaka?

  • 告别这熙来攘往的去处———我不恨人类,只是想避开。
    Fain would I fly haunts of men—I seek to shun , not hate mankind.

  • 天天傍晚,他们远避熙来攘往的快乐人群,去河上游览。
    In the evenings they forsook the crowded haunts of the gay of excursions on the water.

  • 尼姆注意到,在熙来攘往的代表们中间有一张熟脸越来越近。
    Nim observed a familiar face, moving nearer through the growing increasingly noisy throng of delegates.

  • 这个社会人们熙来攘往,以至于我们忘记了生命会于某天终结。
    The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day.

  • 尽管如此,在熙来攘往的卡奥尔市集,仍然没有丝毫即将荒芜的迹象。
    In the bustling Cahors market place though, there are no signs of desertification.

  • 但见街道连绵不断,商店琳琅满目,车马熙来攘往,我们愈感惊讶不已。
    We wondered more and more at the extent of the streets, the brilliancy of the shops, the great traffic.

  • 熙来攘往之中,我有时伫足而立,望着来往不绝的人们从从的来来去去。
    In the bustling, I find that sometimes Zhuzu written for, looking at the misunderstandings between people from coming and going from the.

  • 这些牛在车流中悠游穿梭,在巷弄里啃垃圾袋,偶尔还在熙来攘往的街道上狂奔。
    The cattle lounge in traffic, chew plastic bags in alleys and occasionally bolt down busy streets.

  • 表演节目丰富多彩,华丽的舞台、乐队的音乐,熙来攘往的人流,使你感觉置身于幻境之中。
    Performances are rich, colorful, gorgeous stage, the band's music, Hee to Rang to the flow of people, so that you feel outside the Tales of.

  • 我厌倦喧闹,厌倦那些喧闹的声音,厌倦一个人或者几个人在熙来攘往的街头漫无目的的走。
    I am tired of noisy, tired of the voices of those noisy, tired of a person or several people in the bustling Sean to the streets of uncontrolled purpose of the walk.

  • 狭窄的街畔,各色摊点挨挨挤挤摆在两旁,赶集的人熙来攘往,踵击肩摩,民风民俗皆在其间。
    The narrow street is full of the assorted vending booths, which features the folk custom all in it.

  • 光天化日,在人们熙来攘往的大街上,她像是在玩送奖游戏,一眼看中了走在法国梧桐树下的我。
    In the light of day, in a street full of passengers, she was like playing a lucky-draw and had her eye on me at first sight.

  • 旅馆在这个季节里是个忙忙碌碌的地方,人们匆匆忙忙地进进出出,大厅里马夫和侍者熙来攘往
    The hotel was a busy place at this season; people hurrying in and out, and a great bustle of grooms and waiters about the hall.

  • 熙来攘往的街道上,长期流的交通,以及越来越快的生活节奏,都是结合,使人们越来越多的紧张。
    Bustling streets, long streams of traffic, and the increasingly rapid pace of life, are combining to make people more and more nervous.

  • 看着熙来攘往的人群,仿佛又看到了莱比西斯二世的故事重现。他的塑像早已耸立在开罗中心车站。
    To see the swarming crowds in the capital it would seem that the lesson of Ramese II, whose colossal stature is located near Cairo's Central Station, is still alive in Egypt.

  • 街道上成百上千的行人熙来攘往,成群的骆驼背负著来自丝路的货物进城,林立的茶馆酒肆高朋满座。
    Hundreds of pedestrians jostle each other on the streets, camels carry merchandise in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and restaurants do a thriving business.

  • 有一刻我坐在人行道上,看着熙来攘往的行人,想到我竟坐在中国的一个人行道镶边石上,感到惊讶不已。
    At one point I sit on the sidewalk and watch people walk by, marveling that I am on a curb in China.

  • 他的一生走的是一条虽非熙来攘往、但却平坦愉快的偏僻小路――它叫做平凡无奇之小巷,通向普通常识的望楼。
    His way takes him along a by-road, not much frequented, but very even and pleasant, which is called Commonplace Lane, and leads to the Belvedere of Common-sense.

  • 他的一生所走的是一条偏僻小路,虽然不是熙来攘往、却也平坦愉快——它叫做平凡小巷,通向的是普通常识的望楼。
    His way takes him along a by-road, not much frequented, but very even and pleasant, which is called Commonplace Lane, and leads to the Belvedere of Common-sense.

  • 男人环顾熙来攘往的四周,觉得一切跟平时没两样,自己还是像往常那样,到星期天习惯了要去的地方,做惯常做的事。
    The man looked round seeing people went by, there was nothing unusual. He lives the way he is used to, going somewhere he may go other weekends and doing something he may do.

  • 诚然,艺术是条美丽的不归路,行人熙来攘往,只有真正能经得起时间考验的人,才能永垂不朽,艺术家如此,画廊亦然。
    Some say that there's no turning back in the art world. Success and immortality only goes to those who can endure the test of time. We think this is true for artists and true for galleries too.

  • 齐浦尔熙来攘往的市集可说是感官的一大飨宴,这里有灿烂缤纷的布料、异国美食和让人很难不掏钱好占为己有的便宜玩意。
    Jaipur's bustling bazaars are a feast for the senses with brilliantly colored fabrics, exotic foods and bargains too tempting to pass up.

  • 雅典,这个友善的城市,意外地给了我一个大大的拥抱,独自走在熙来攘往的人群中,我,竟然毫不感到孤独,反而有种置身台北东区的错觉。
    Athens gave me a big hug. Walking in the crowd, I didn't feel lonely though I was all by myself. Instead, I seemed to walk in downtown Taipei.

  • 叫卖的,选购的,没事儿看热闹的,熙来攘往,喜气洋洋,更有那满堤经霜的枫树,面对夕阳,娇艳如火,映红人们的脸,映红江边的天,把半江秋水也染得醉醺醺的了。
    Along the bank, the maple leaves had turned red, fishermen's faces were red with excitement , and even the Autumn river had become red as if dyed by the red rays of the setting sun.

  • 埃及阿斯旺——在埃及最南部的这座城市里,大街上人们熙来攘往,我们在拥挤的街道上穿梭了几个小时,才走进阿斯旺月亮餐馆。这时,我们已经是疲惫不堪,几乎要中暑。
    Aswan, Egypt — By the time we stepped off the crowded sidewalk into the Aswan Moon restaurant, we were sun-sick and exhausted from hours of pushing through the streets of Egypt's southernmost city.

  • 我还自封为勘测员,不是勘测公路,就是勘测林中小径和所有便捷的小路,以保证它们畅通无阻;还要勘测那些架有桥梁四季畅通的深谷,人类熙来攘往的足迹早已证明了它们的便利。
    surveyor, if not of highways, then of forest paths and all across-lot routes, keeping them open, and ravines bridged and passable at all seasons, where the public heel had testified to their utility.

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