
烘托渲染  hōng tuō xuàn rǎn







  • 起到渲染情绪和烘托气愤的作用。
    Played exaggerated emotions and heighten the role of anger.

  • 优美嶙峋的山岩和透光的远景更渲染了画面中的世俗气氛,烘托着现实的伟大。
    The background is a rocky cave. The rugged rocky hill and transparent vision render a secular atmosphere in the screen and foil the great of the reality.

  • 在当地警察、记者和野人研究组织的烘托渲染下,众人上演了一出由野人引起的闹剧。
    In the local police, journalists and savage research organization, all the romancing down in a savage caused by farce.

  • 细节可以揭示事物本质,展示人物的内心世界,并且起着烘托环境、渲染气氛的作用。
    Details could reveal facts and show the internal world of characters. It also had the functions to show the environment and highlight atmosphere.

  • 无论是满足采光照度,还是进行艺术品的展示、烘托,都离不开艺术照明的适度渲染
    Whether meet lighting illumination, or for the display of works of art, proficiency, can not be separated from the art lighting modest exaggeration.

  • 天门的高大稳固烘托渲染着天界的神圣庄严,使朝拜者一步步加重心灵上的敬仰肃穆之情。
    Days doors tall solid again exaggerating the solemn holy days sector, a step-by-step increase pilgrims spiritual feelings of admiration silence.

  • 至年末最后几天,金鹰对于公司“独子”将有机会成为年度第一的烘托渲染更是显得赤裸裸。
    To the end of the last few days, the Golden Eagle for the company "only child" will have the chance to become the first year of the contrast seems even more stark rendering.

  • 产品具有温度低,安全性高,亮度高和烟雾微小等优点,对现场气氛能够起到强大的烘托渲染作用。
    products with lower temperatures, safe, high brightness and small, such as smoke Advantages of on-site atmosphere can play a powerful role Hongtuo exaggerated.

  • 再次,两位剧作家不约而同地出色运用了象征意象,达到渲染人物悲剧命运,烘托悲剧气氛的效果。
    The last but not the least, both O"Neill and Cao Yu employed skillfully symbolic images to intensify the tragic atmosphere of their tragedies and the tragic fate of their characters."

  • 此产品为舞台背景冷光烟花,安全性高,亮度高且烟和味微小,对现场气氛能起到强大的烘托渲染作用。
    Stage Mines: It's for stage background, with high security, brightness, and tiny smoke and smell. They play a powerful and exciting role for the atmosphere.

  • 引导学生在欣赏电影内容、形式与风格时,也能注意无形声响巨大的渲染烘托能力,及其产生之实际支配功能。
    Students will learn to appreciate the movie itself and its style, as well as to note the dramatic effects and function of sounds.

  • 窗帘的艺术化选用,将产生良好的视觉形象,在营造室内装饰良好的氛围和效果中,起着较强的渲染烘托的作用。
    Curtains of the art selection, will have a good visual image, in a good atmosphere and interior decoration effects, and characters play a stronger role.

  • 烘托渲染造句相关
