
火眼金睛  huǒ yǎn jīn jīng








  • 不能让所有人炼就火眼金睛吧?
    Cannot let everybody refine with respect to piercing eye?

  • 火眼金睛游戏内的速度过快?
    The game is speeding up and everything is moving very fast.

  • 从上,孙猴更炼就一双“火眼金睛”。
    From then on, he had a pair of fire eyes with golden pupils.

  • 你的每一点儿变化都逃不出我们的火眼金睛
    You have every little change in our eyes that escape.

  • 让我们共同期望隐形眼睛可以帮助她们火眼金睛
    Let's hope the lenses help them see more clearly.

  • 有时把正常的资金往来误读为洗钱,缺乏发现真正洗钱行为的火眼金睛
    Sometimes the normal fund intercourse misregistration is the money laundering, lacks the discovery true money laundering behavior the fierce look.

  • 看来在家装公司的优惠大战中,消费者早已锻炼出火眼金睛,不被迷惑。
    Looks like in the home installs in company's preferential benefit war, the consumer already exercises the fierce look, is not confused.

  • 她们偏偏火眼金睛,洞若观火,男人的种种瑕疵劣迹,全都逃不过她们的法眼。
    They unluckily piercing eye, see clearly, a variety of flaw evil doing of the man, all does not escape to pass their law key point.

  • 为了保障自己的权益,消费者在购买三星产品时要练就火眼金睛,辨别真假李逵!
    In order to protect their interests, consumers in the purchase of Samsung products to be acquired eyes, to Tell Li Kui!

  • 一如既往地,这仍要靠移民官的火眼金睛——不管是对芯片护照,还是传统护照。
    As always, it will come down to the experienced eye of the immigration official—whether it's a chipped passport or a traditional one.

  • 私人游艇、飞机、汽车、别墅、珠宝和裘皮等等,都逃不过商品采办者的火眼金睛
    Private yachts, aircraft, cars, villas, jewellery and track, etc. , are not exempt from the procurement of goods golden eye.

  • 本工具给你一双火眼金睛,让你的随时检测对方网站是否给你正确的做了友情链接。
    This tool is a pair of eyes to you, let your web site is at the other side of your right to do the Links.

  • 一些丈夫称妻子的眼睛是火眼金睛,总能看到家里哪里脏,哪里又是他偷懒没有清洁。
    Some husbands say their wives are so sharp-eyed as to find out wherever dirt to husbands' blame lurks.

  • 一如既往地,这仍要靠入境事务官员的火眼金睛——不管是对芯片护照,还是传统护照。
    As always, it will come down to the experienced eye of the immigration official—whether it's a chipped passport or a traditional one.

  • 因此,买房的人要炼就一双火眼金睛,看清哪些房子是物有所值,哪些房子“内有虚火”。
    Therefore, people should buy a pair of golden eye on the chain and see what houses are worth and what houses "were false fire."

  • 但就是这火眼金睛的猫头鹰到了白天,眼睛里的视杆细胞却失去了威力,成了地道的睁眼瞎。
    But even the piercing eyes of the owl to the day, in the eye rod cell has lost its power, became the authentic illiterate.

  • 所以要选购好摄像头,就要练成火眼金睛,一方面不能被JS误导,另一方面要认准牌子出手。
    So, want to buy a good camera, eyes that should excel at the one hand can not be misled by JS, on the other, shot brand and passed.

  • 但在一般大众的火眼金睛中,那就是政客中口中一成不变的说辞:我们要扼制浪费和欺诈行为。
    But to the finely tuned ear of the general public, that's exactly what politicians always say: We're going to get rid of waste and fraud.

  • 身边一些人自以为火眼金睛,不时给予评语:贪玩、花心,我微笑地默认,这正是我期待的自己。
    Somepeople around think that they have good eyes, and give reviews: Fun, Fa Sam, I smile and default, that is what I am.

  • 所以,这时就要依靠真菌研究专家的火眼金睛了,他们能够分辨出哪些是霉菌,哪些是致命霉菌。
    That's where fungus fighters come in. They figure out what's mold - and what's killer mold.

  • 身边一些人自以为火眼金睛,不时给予评语:贪玩、花心,我微笑地默认,这正是我期待的自己。
    There have time to look back, but I should imagine into a movie version of the tragedy to comfort myself.

  • 那大圣睁圆火眼金睛低头看时,原来佛祖右手中指上写“齐天大圣到此一游”,大指丫里还有些猴尿臊气。
    When Wu-k'ung lowered his head, he found that on the middle finger of Buddha was the line of words which he had just written. And from the fingers came the powerful smell of monkey urine.

  • 那大圣睁圆火眼金睛低头看时,原来佛祖右手中指上写著「齐天大圣到一游」,大指丫里还有些猴尿臊气。
    When Wu-k'ung lowered his head, he found that on the middle finger of Buddha was the line of words which he had just written. And from the fingers came the powerful smell of monkey urine.

  • 原来猴王在炉内将身藏在八卦的风位之下,有风则无火,只是吹得烟来,把双目熏红,成了一双“火眼金睛”。
    He had survived by standing in the draft of the fans. The flames never caught him, but the smoke had turned his eyes red.

  • 逃离监管机构和审计机关的火眼金睛,过去似乎是明智之举,现在看来相当愚蠢,因为银行不知道其他机构是否曝光。
    What seemed a clever wheeze to avoid the scrutiny of the regulators and auditors now looks foolish, since no bank knows the exposure of any other.

  • 但由于军服的罕见,流行中便有真假之分,于是人们炼就出了一副识别真假货的火眼金睛,这也许是中国服装打假的最先源头。
    However, due to the rare uniform, pop in there at the truth, so people on the chain out of a true recognition of the fake eyes that this may be the first to crack down on Chinese clothing source.

  • 再请个具备火眼金睛的业内人士帮您出出主意,基本上能够避免花冤枉钱,至少你可以化未知为已知,所谓“一功尽在掌握”。
    Further requests the golden eye of the industry have come to help you out, basically to avoid spending money wasted, at least you can turn unknown to the known, the so-called "one skill destiny."

  • 购房者要顺利买到放心房,就需要有孙悟空的火眼金睛、猪八戒的灵敏嗅觉、唐僧的通天灵性,还要有一套绝伦无比的防陷绝招。
    Property buyers to buy at the Housing smoothly, the golden eye on the need for Sun Wukong, the sensitive smell pig damage, the yard man hunter, but also a peerless an anti-subsidence unique skill.

  • 再请个具备“火眼金睛”的业内人士帮您出出主意,基本上能够避免花冤枉钱,至少你可以化未知为已知,所谓“一功尽在掌握”。
    Further requests have a "golden eye" of the industry to give you basically can avoid spending money wasted, at least you can turn unknown to the known, the so-called "one skill destiny.

  • 我想上网的人都有被恶意网站攻击的不幸经历吧!这些可恶的恶意网站从名字上根本看不出有什么非凡,就是孙悟空的火眼金睛也没法事先分辨。
    These abhorrent baleful websites do not look to go out at all from the name what to have special, the piercing eye that is Sun Wu sky also does not have a law to differentiate beforehand.

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