
溜之大吉  liū zhī dà jí







  • 猫看到狗来时, 就很快溜之大吉了。
    The cat beat a hasty retreat when he saw the dog coming.

  • 实际上,他是在打算溜之大吉
    He was really planning to slip out and away.

  • 我开始真正开放了,你却溜之大吉
    I started to really open up and then you pulled away.

  • 他们一有机会就会溜之大吉
    They would jack off if they get the chance.

  • 现在不必抗议,过几天向上海溜之大吉
    No need to protest now. In a few days he would make his getaway to Shanghai.

  • 我们就把他送回去,付掉赎金,然后溜之大吉吧。
    We'll take him home, pay the ransom , and make our getaway.

  • 他们可能当真抛弃房产,溜之大吉,从而避免纳税。
    They may actually abandon their property and disappear, so they cannot be held liable for taxes.

  • 张开你的双臂迎接变革,但不要让你的价值观溜之大吉
    Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

  • 如果彼得知道会有事让他做的话,他马上就会溜之大吉
    Peter's got a way of disappearing if he thinks there might be work for him to do.

  • 他脾气随和,与世无争,妻子责骂,充耳不闻,甚至溜之大吉
    His temper is friendly, having no with a life time to contend for, the wife calls down, ignoring, even absquatulating.

  • 溜之大吉是另外一个选择,可以逃亡到不会马上被引渡的国家。
    Another option is to skip the country, to somewhere that will not readily extradite to America.

  • 买好房子就全权交给家装公司,讲出自己的要求和想法就溜之大吉了。
    Ingratiate oneself to the house to Jiezhuang companies, the demands and stresses of their own ideas on the author.

  • 他的出席将是短暂的,而且距峰会尾声的关键阶段提前好几天就溜之大吉
    Hisstay will be brief, and comes well before the crunch time near the end.

  • 暖昧之人,都是处于一种观望状态,好则继续,不好则脚底抹油,溜之大吉
    The ambiguous people, are in a wait-and-see, and will continue to be good, bad, Jiaodimoyou, Liuzhitaiji.

  • 那伙年轻的流氓打翻了集市上的货摊子,一看见几个警察走过来,便溜之大吉了。
    The young scamps, who had upset the stall in the fair, did a guy when they saw a couple of police approaching.

  • 网络用户最反感的就是长篇大论的网络广告,他们会以“溜之大吉”的态度对抗它。
    Internet users are getting tired of the hype and they are speaking out with their browser's back button.

  • 不会的,先生们,他总是一有风吹草动,老早就溜之大吉,脚板底下一向纤尘不染。
    No, gentlemen; he'll always show 'em a clean pair of heels very early in the scuffle, and sneak away. '

  • 因为肇事司机溜之大吉,高昂的住院费、医疗费使得原本已困难重重的家庭雪上加霜。
    As the driver of the vehicle away, the high costs of hospitalization, medical expenses had been made difficult family worse.

  • 数学家:数学家是一个瞎子,他在一间黑屋子里照看一只早已经溜之大吉的黑色的猫。
    Mathematician: Mathematician is an a blind person, he attends the cat of the black that has sneaked away only early in a black house.

  • 通常是囚徒的母亲换穿他的服饰,改扮成他,她留下,而他改穿上她的衣服溜之大吉
    And it's usual for the prisoner's mother to change clothes with him, and she stays in, and he slides out in her clothes.

  • 她的法国人脑瓜永远也不会料到你不带包或行李就溜之大吉了,这是令人难以置信的。
    With that French mind of hers she'll never dream that you scooted off without bag or baggage. It's incredible.

  • 黑衣男子接过钱后,猛地将中年妇女推向一边,迅速夺门而出,钻进自己的汽车溜之大吉
    After black clothes man has received fund, promote middleaged woman suddenly to at the same time, seize the door quickly and go out, the car that is gotten into oneself sneaks away.

  • 网络用户最反感的就是长篇大论的网络广告,他们会以“溜之大吉”的态度对抗它。网页教学网。
    Internet users are getting tired of the hype and they are speaking out with their browser's back button.

  • 这一次,首席执行官们将不能利用用纳税人的前浮报工资、购买花式窗帘,或坐上他们的私人飞机溜之大吉
    This time, CEOs won't be able to use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet.

  • 依我着,他的思路是要把事情顶下去,把人家搞得精疲力尽,只好软下来,他和公爵就能钻个空子,溜之大吉
    I reckon he thought he'd keep the thing up till he tired them people out, so they'd thin out, and him and the duke could break loose and get away.

  • 但女人们不能过多地使用,因为面对女人的泪水,男人总是惶恐不安,不知所措,要么就不闻不问,要么就溜之大吉
    But women have not excessive use, because in the face of a woman in tears, men always fear, shock, on either indifferent, or to leave the territory.

  • 惊天雷并未理智到可以区分这其中的区别,但他晓得何时溜之大吉,在威震天想找个人揍一通之前逃出霸天虎的总部。
    Thundercracker doesn't seem mature enough to tell the difference, but he does know when to get the smelt out of Decepticon HQ before Megatron looks for someone to pummel.

  • 上面说有个男的,走门串户,谎称是电器维修部的……乘人家不在房间的时候,他偷钱,手提包,有啥偷啥,然后溜之大吉
    It says there is a man going around pretending he is from the electricity board……While they are out of their room, he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it.

  • 一直以来,我的苦恼在于:想和我结婚的那些男人,都是因为我有房,但一听说我的房只能是属于我的私人财产时就溜之大吉了。
    All along, my anguish is : I want to marry and those men, because I have room, but I have heard that my room is my private property only on leave.

  • 我觉得他恐怕就是海轮上的耗子,最先知道这个船会不会翻,他政治上很敏感,他可能已经预料到袁绍要失败了,所以他溜之大吉
    I think he is afraid of the sea mouse, the first to know that this ship will turn, he is very sensitive politically, he may have been expected to Yuan Shao to failure, so he and leave the territory.

  • 溜之大吉造句相关
