
温情脉脉  wēn qíng mò mò








  • 友谊的港湾温情脉脉,友谊的清风灌满征帆。
    Harbor's tender friendship, the friendship between the breeze filled Zhengfan.

  • 门周围温暖柔和的阳光仿佛人一样温情脉脉
    The genial warmth of the sun around the door appeared somewhat human.

  • 不过,欧盟似乎正在撩去了其温情脉脉的面纱。
    Nevertheless, the European Union was going in hold up it seems that the veil of its warmth affectionately.

  • 温情脉脉的古典英式沙发却成为客厅中的另类。
    sentimental classical British sofa in the living room has become an alternative.

  • 加州红葡萄酒是复杂的葡萄酒,优雅而温情脉脉
    Pinot Noir is one of those perplexing wines it is classy elegant and at times a little shy.

  • 在我眼里,大自然的一切无不温情脉脉,相互牵连。
    In my view, all beings existing in nature are affectionate and related to each other.

  • 温情脉脉的你,在月色皎皎的夜晚,追逐前世的梦。
    Sentimental to you, in the moonlight Jiaojiao night, chasing the dream of past lives.

  • 她不是那种温情脉脉,抚养子女的母亲,但我觉得她为我尽力了。
    She wasn't a warm, nurturing mother, but I think she did what she could for me.

  • 我才不要什么恭维之类的温情脉脉的废话和这种乱七八糟的东西。
    I won't have any sentimental stuff about compliments and such rubbish.

  • 虽然你钟爱古董和丝织品,但你还是会将厨房和客厅布置地温情脉脉
    Although you love antiques and silks, you also want a family-friendly kitchen and dining room.

  • 独自在月下飘零,寻找昔日温情脉脉的片断,慰藉过于执着的黯然神伤。
    Wandering alone in the next month, looking for fragments of the past tender, comfort feel dejected too persistent.

  • 让人在浸受了一个漫长的寒冷之后,沐浴在了上苍所赐于的这种温情脉脉
    Baptist by people in the cold after a long, bathed in a God has done in this tender.

  • 鲍尔先生再也没见到过她,但在这本温情脉脉的回忆录里,他让她栩栩如生,跃然纸上。
    Mr Power never saw her again, but in this lyrical memoir, he brings her vividly to life.

  • 资产阶级撕下了罩在家庭关系上的温情脉脉的面纱,把这种关系变成了纯粹的金钱关系。
    The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation into a mere money relation.

  • 即使是布满现代感的餐桌,铺上一块印有细碎花朵图案的床盖,也会变得温情脉脉起来。
    Even if the table that is full of contemporary feeling, imprint together on the shop the bed lid that has finely flower pattern, also can become soft hearted affectionately rises.

  • 主要由提供医疗服务的垄断组织和提供药品的大型制药商所主导的保健行业向来是温情脉脉的。
    Health care has long been a cosy industry dominated by monopolies in the provision of service and lumbering giants in the provision of pills.

  • 我觉得男女感情最佳的状态应该是一种包含亲密的温情脉脉的状态,它不够热烈,但是极为长久。
    I think that the best condition of a couple's affections should be an intimate sentimental one, which is not very warm but lasts long.

  • 科学或许能解释为什么我们会迷恋布拉德·彼特棱角分明的下巴和乔治·克鲁尼温情脉脉的双眼。
    Science might be able to explain our fascination with Brad Pitt's chiseled jaw and George Clooney's smoldering eyes.

  • 只是他没有想到他还会有爱情的发生,他的温情脉脉和被夺取的惨痛欲绝让他在战场之外同样显得高贵。
    Only that he did not think he will have taken place of love, his sentimental and tragic stricken captured on the battlefield outside of him the same look noble.

  • 由于现代性社会的不稳定性导致的成员地位的变迁,人与人之间的怨恨取代了传统社会温情脉脉的关系。
    It is because that the instability of the modern society leads the vicissitude of member's status, the grudge against each other replaces the tender relationship of traditional society.

  • 虽然嗅嗅是温和的,甚至温情脉脉,但是,他们被一切闪闪发亮的东西强烈吸引,这使得它们难以控制。
    Although nifflers are gentle and even affectionate, they are strongly attracted to anything shiny, which can make them difficult to control.

  • 资产阶级撕下了罩在家庭关系上的''。'温情脉脉'。''的面纱,把这种关系变成了纯粹的金钱关系。
    The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.

  • 这是部很通俗的影片,也是部温情脉脉的影片,汤姆·汉克斯与梅格·瑞恩二人主演的《西雅图夜未眠》。
    This is a very popular movie, also is a sentimental movie, Tom · Hanks and the Meg · auspicious graciousness two people acts the leading role "the Seattle Night of Dormancy".

  • 他再也不赞美我了,再也不温情脉脉了,除非想跟我上床的时候。他总是谈论其他女人,说她们多么多么的“熟”。
    He never compliments me anymore, he is rarely affectionate unless it leads to sexual acts and he is forever talking about other women and how much they are "hotties".

  • 但是露拉小姐一听到潘的不幸和灾难,她对他的全部怒火顷刻间化为乌有,代之而起的是温情脉脉和超出常规的同情。
    But as soon as Miss Laura heard that Pen was unfortunate and unhappy, all her wrath against him straightway vanished, and gave place to the most tender and unreasonable compassion.

  • 这一制度安排在地方社会引发了连锁反应,使早已存在但又掩盖于宗族等温情脉脉的面纱之下的诸多矛盾趋于表面化、尖锐化。
    these properties were confiscated because of public usage. The system arrangement initiated linkage reaction in the local society, which made lots of contradiction become apparent and violent.

  • 报纸上的售楼广告不仅未见减少,而且发展商的售楼手段也推陈出新,从广告大战走向了公关大战,开始了温情脉脉的房产销售。
    Newspaper advertising sales not only not diminished, but also new means developers sales from advertising War to the public relations war began sentimental property sales.

  • 编排的音乐融合了传统的吉它,贝司和鼓的组合特点,使得音乐显得温情脉脉,更有深度和内涵,摇滚是整张专辑里的主导音乐元素。
    Programmed music is fused with the traditional setup of guitars, bass and drums, adding more warmth and depth to the music. Rock is a prominent element on the album.

  • 他的话使她心软,她的眼睛不觉露出温情脉脉的光辉。但是在他说话的时候,她心里一直在想,杜洛埃是不是已经告诉他,他们并没有结婚。
    Even while he talked, and she softened, and her eyes were lighted with a tender glow, she was asking herself if Drouet had told him they were not married.

  • 谢谢你,瑞切尔。我不会为弗洛伊德担心的。如果他在夜里哭泣,温情脉脉的艾勒比先生(梅威瑟的左右手)会拥抱他、让他好受些的。----杜吉。
    Thanks Rachel. I wouldn't worry about Floyd. If he does weep at night, he's got that cuddly Mr. Ellerbe to hold him and make it all better.

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