
清心寡欲  qīng xīn guǎ yù








  • 清心寡欲,保持冰清玉洁的贞操。
    Qingxin few desires to maintain the chastity pure.

  • 清心寡欲走正道,以无为有乐消遥。
    Walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing.

  • 芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人。
    Fenton was a thin, balding and ascetic man.

  • 对内的个人修养方面,他们主张清心寡欲
    In the request of personal culture, they insisted on pure mind and less desire.

  • 清心寡欲活得长。
    A light heart lives long.

  • 清心寡欲之外,亦有一颗热爱花团锦簇的灵魂。
    Guayu in Qingxin, also the soul of a love of flowers.

  • 但从整体上讲,我还是感到自己是一个清心寡欲的人。
    But in the main, I feel like a person who controls his passions and has few desires.

  • 芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人,也是一个老手了。
    Fengton, thin, balding and ascetic, was another veteran.

  • 他是个清心寡欲的人。2。2。他比你想象的要求聪明得多。答案。
    He is a person of few wants and needs. 2. He is far more clever than you think.

  • 她怎么还能在这冰冷的房间里,躺在麦杆堆上过那种清心寡欲的日子?
    How could she lie again on straw in a cold room and be contented ?

  • 加强锻炼,增强体质,适度进行性生活,平时应清心寡欲,戒除手淫。
    5 to exercise, enhanced physique, moderate to have sex, peacetime should quit ascetic, masturbating.

  • 唉,这个周末就暂时清心寡欲,做个模范学生,为下周的咖啡做准备吧。
    Alas, I'd better behave myself this weekend and be a model student. Get ready for the coffee.

  • 清心寡欲的丹麦人对生活要得并不多,他们发现:少点欲望、多点快乐。
    The stoical Danes do not expect so much of life and, expecting less, find what little they have rather nice.

  • 清心寡欲的丹麦人对生活要得并不多,他们发现:少点**、多点快乐。
    The stoical Danes do not expect so much of life and, expecting less, find what little they have rather nice.

  • 两者色调和谐,此刻车模与车浑然一体,将锐志部分清心寡欲的状态勾勒出来。
    Both tone is harmonious, this moment Che Mu and the vehicle unified whole, outlines the resolute part pure in heart condition.

  • 把功名利禄看得很淡本是一种高尚情操,但如果过分清心寡欲,就对社会少有贡献。
    To see for whom fame is a very light noble sentiments, but if too few desires heart, little contribution to society on.

  • 如追求幸福,为人要完全知足,清心寡欲,因为知足为幸福之源,反之则为不幸之源。
    If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind, joy follows with him as his own shadow.

  • 我从他也爱会了忍受劳作、清心寡欲、事必躬亲,不干涉他人事务和不轻蕉流言诽谤。
    from him too I learned endurance of labour, and to want little, and to work with my own hands, and not to meddle with other people's affairs, and not to be ready to listen to slander.

  • 道教和道家哲学的超然出世、逃俗清心、清心寡欲,他只选择清心,但不逃俗、不寡欲;
    Because of Taoism, he purified his heart but not reduced the number of his desires and not separated himself from reality.

  • 有时候,我也渴望尽情地享受生活,但从整体上讲,我还是感到自己是一个清心寡欲的人。
    At certain times, I also aspire to enjoy my life to the fullest. But in the main, I feel like a person who controls his passions and has few desires.

  • 老师的眼里只有学校、学生、作业,看不到自己,淡漠了亲情,教师成了清心寡欲的超凡脱俗者。
    The teacher's eyes only the schools, students, assignments, do not see themselves, indifferent to affection, teachers become the pure heart of a sight to behold those few desires.

  • 还有美国人的清心寡欲,相比较之下,不安现状,干劲和决心又一次把中国推到历史舞台的最前线。
    And Americans' lack of interest in the world contrasts with the restlessness, drive and determination that are again pushing China to the forefront.

  • 9看笑话: 某个高居山上的修道院里住着一群清心寡欲修女,通常她们每日都得骑脚踏车下山采购生活用品。
    9 see joke: There are a flock of clear hearts in the abbey on hill of a certain tall house few desire nun, they are normally daily get cyclist purchase articles for daily use downhill.

  • 如追求幸福,为人要完全知足,清心寡欲,因为知足为幸福之源,反之则为不幸之源。《摩奴法典》(印度教)
    He who desires happiness must strive after a perfectly contented disposition and control himself; for happiness has contentment for its root, the root of unhappiness is the contrary disposition.

  • 经常也有这样的家庭:清心寡欲的母亲却生了个性欲旺盛的女儿,因为女儿拾起了被母亲自己竭力否认的性能力。
    Often there are families in which the mother renounces her sexuality and her daughter becomes very sexual because she picked up the mother's disowned sexuality.

  • 现在是三区的人在掌权,而他们不喜欢富人。布鲁克斯说,这导致国家大手花钱,个人则被要求像清教徒一样清心寡欲
    Ward Three folks are now in charge, and they don't like rich people. This, he says, has 'nationalized extravagance and privatized Puritanism. '

  • 小说《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》讲述了一个关于道德回归以及仁慈和邪恶斗争的故事,作者幸格成功地塑造了一个清心寡欲的智慧型愚者。
    The story Gimpel the Fool is about the theme of morals' returning and the conflict between benevolence and evil, and Singer successfully portrays a wise fool without any special desires.

  • 中国古代和谐理念以“等差有别”、“清心寡欲”、“天人合一”为基本精神,本质上追求的是一种以君主为中心的不同等级之间的和谐。
    Chinese ancient concept of harmony takes"gradation and difference", "pure mind with few desires"and"harmony of man with nature"as its basic spirit.

  • 人们普遍认为,在达赖喇嘛统治下的西藏人心满意足地生活在一种崇高的非暴力文化之中,清心寡欲;但现实是,那个社会远比这残酷得多。
    Popular belief is that under the Dalai Lama, Tibetans lived contentedly in a spiritual non-violent culture, uncorrupted by lust or greed: but in reality society was far more brutal than that vision.

  • 面对这样的意外,所有人都束手无策,可是将阿加西放归自然,于心不甘。于是,阿加西独霸着一个宽敞的笼子,过着至尊无上而又清心寡欲的生活,直到莲娜的出现。
    Reluctant to release Ajiaxi back to nature,  the nail-biting zoologists put Ajiaxi into a spacious cage where he lived a superior and sex-free life until Liana came to him.

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