
深思远虑  shēn sī yuǎn lǜ








  • 人在富贵中,不深思远虑,将与牲畜无异,都要死去。
    For all their riches, if mortals do not have wisdom, they perish like the beasts.

  • 俺妈教俺如何深思远虑:“要是你拼写不及格,你就一辈子都找不到工作了。”
    My Mom taught me TO THINK AHEAD: "If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good job! ""

  • 回答‘不’将会提示你的对手在谈判桌上讲能得到哪些东西。要深思远虑后再用之。
    The answer "no" will give your counterparts an idea of what to expect at the negotiating table. Use it judiciously.

  • 父亲对儿子和女儿的爱,倘使有爱的话,是广大的、慷慨的、认真的,深思远虑而不求报答的给予。
    The love of a father for his son or daughter, where it is love at all, is a broad, generous, sad, contemplative giving without thought of return.

  • 父亲对儿子和女儿的爱,倘使有爱的话,是广大的、慷慨的、认真的,深思远虑而不求 报答的 给予。
    The love of a father for his son or daughter, where it is love at all, is a broad, generous, sad, contemplative giving without thought of return.

  • 但是,随着美国公众的注意力集中到国内的经济上,他建立国际联盟或深思远虑地使用美国武力的能力没能抢救回他的总统之位。
    But with the American public's attention focused on the domestic economy, his skill in building international coalitions or judiciously projecting American power did nothing to salvage his presidency.

  • 穗辉利用优势资源,创造性地进行品牌,商品化开发经营,深思远虑,以未来之心,促现在之行,打造一流的灯具品牌。公司的宗旨:创新、开发、进取、服务。
    We take advantage of our resources to develop our products which are welcomed by the markets and We will work hard to create one of the best brands in this industry.

  • 深思远虑造句相关
