
深信不疑  shēn xìn bù yí







  • 对此,东陶公司的老板也深信不疑
    Or so Kunio Harimoto, the boss of Toto, believes.

  • 你笑,你说,而我深信不疑
    You smiled, you spoke, and I believed.

  • 以下就是我所深信不疑的。
    So here is what I believe.

  • 他是一个友善的人,对此我们深信不疑
    He is a friendly person, which we have no doubt about.

  • 你将会被寄予爱,你必须对此深信不疑
    You'll be given love, you have to trust it.

  • 我并不自傲,但我和队友都对此深信不疑
    I am not proud, but all my teammates and believe that.

  • 罗伯特的表现昭示着他的无辜使她深信不疑
    Robert's expression had obviously convinced her of his innocence.

  • 老板对培育坚强团队精神的重要性深信不疑
    The boss was a firm believer in developing strong teamwork.

  • 我对技术创新将为社会带来积极的影响深信不疑
    My optimism for the positive impact of technology has never been greater.

  • 让她深信不疑的是,医生说她出院后马上可以恢复工作。
    To her relief, the doctor said she could resume working immediately after she left hospital.

  • 哦,亲自领教了这鸡妈妈的厉害,我对外婆的话深信不疑
    Oh, and personally experienced the powerful mother of this chicken, my grandmother so convinced.

  • 正沉浸于胜利喜悦当中的贝尼特斯当然是对前者深信不疑
    Are immersed in the joy of victory of the former Liverpool is of course no doubt.

  • 但是我知道他们是最棒的,也深信不疑,他们会很快好起来。
    But I know that they are the best and I believe they will be alright soon.

  • 肯尼迪重新提到如何使俄国人对西方的认真态度深信不疑的问题。
    Kennedy returned to the problem of how to convince the Russians that the west was in earnest.

  • 有不少网友反映,对百度的态度经历了从深信不疑到半信半疑的转变。
    There are a lot of friends to reflect on Baidu's attitude has undergone no doubt from the uncertainty of change.

  • 如果你的父母让你吸一口威士忌以表达爱意,你也许习惯对酒深信不疑
    If your parents let you sip their whiskey as an expression of affection, you may be wired to swear by alcoholics.

  • 这些试验使我深信不疑,适当的光照变化能够克服来自“生物钟”的信号。
    These experiments left little doubt that appropriate light changes could override signals from the biological clock.

  • 对此深信不疑的施特劳斯•卡恩,想要继续扩大基金额度,使其达到约2百万兆。
    Mr Strauss-Kahn, a staunch advocate of this logic, wants the fund to get much bigger, to perhaps $2 trillion.

  • 一位今日心理学杂志的资深记者,同时也是三个孩子祖母的海茹·艾斯淖夫·麦润对此深信不疑
    Hara Estroff Marano, an editor-at-large at Psychology Today magazine and the grandmother of three small children, is convinced that they are.

  • 塞纳是位非常出色而专业的球员,对于这点我深信不疑。在世界杯之后他在新赛季将会更加冷静。
    Marcos is an excellent professional and I have no doubt in his ability. He is very calm for the new season after playing in the World Cup.

  • 德州人都是乐观主义者,他们对于邻近的墨西哥会是这个孤星州长期的巨大的力量来源深信不疑
    Texans above all are optimists, and few of them seem to doubt that Mexico's proximity is a huge long-term source of strength for the Lone Star state.

  • 这非常不寻常。描述她自杀死亡的那种方式让人觉得有点不对劲,我不能确信我对此种解释深信不疑
    This is very unusual. There seems something wrong with the way it described she died and I'm just not sure I quite believe it.

  • 鲁思是个受过大学教育的姑娘,她出身上层阶级家庭,偶然结识了马丁,对他蕴藏的聪明才智深信不疑
    A college-educated girl from an upper-class family, Ruth has met Martin by chance and is very much struck by his great intellectual potentials.

  • 很多人都对于猫有九条命这个迷信说法深信不疑,因为他们即使从很高的地方摔下来也能不受伤或只是小伤。
    Some people believe in the superstition that cats have nine lives, because cats can survive falls from high places with few, if any injuries.

  • 我认为这非常不寻常。描述她自杀死亡的那种方式让人觉得有点不对劲,我不能确信我对此种解释深信不疑
    And said: "This is very unusual. "there seems something wrong with the way it described she died and I'm just not sure I quite believe it.

  • 多数人认为他们深信不疑的价值观是理性选择的结果,但理性思考通常跟价值观的形成过程基本没有什么关系。
    Most people think that their deeply held values are the result of rational choice, but reason often has little to do with the way people form values.

  • 我始终深信不疑,对于任何一个勤恳尽力、勇于开辟的人,美国都会给予他机遇。奥巴马参议员也深信这一点。
    I've always believed that America offers opportunities to all who have the industry and will to seize it. Sen. Obama believes that, too.

  • 那时候我不知道怎样回答你。我知道我剩下的日子未几了,我觉得我欠你一个回答。以下就是我所深信不疑的。
    I didn't know what to say to you then. But knowing my days are numbered, I figure that I owe you an answer. So here is what I believe.

  • 我的人生灿烂缤纷,我的爱异常纯真。我看见过天使,我对此深信不疑。她在地铁上对我微笑。她身边有另一个男人。
    My life is brilliant, my love is pure. I saw an angel, of that I'm sure. She smiled at me on the subway. She was with another man.

  • 除非他们俩对中国农历里所讲的2010年是“寡妇年”这一说法深信不疑,不然我们很有能看到郭小姐变成霍太太。
    Unless they truly believe that the Chinese lunar calendar warns against a "widow's year" in 2010, we might well see Miss Guo become Mrs Fok.

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