
淡而无味  dàn ér wú wèi







  • 淡而无味的指茶或汤淡而无味的;
    Thin and watery, as tea or soup; insipid.

  • 水虽淡而无味,却不可一日或缺。
    Water is plain and flavorless, yet we cannot go without it for a single day.

  • 平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。
    The usual theism is more insipid .

  • 没有电视,今天的生活也许淡而无味
    Without TV, today"s life maybe has little interest;"

  • 否则书经提炼犹如水经蒸馏、淡而无味矣。
    else distilled books are like common distilled waters, flashy things.

  • 没有爱情的生活像白开水一样是淡而无味的。
    Life without love like as the boiled water is very wersh.

  • 闪亮的泡沫已经化为乌有,这是淡而无味的酒。
    The sparkle and bubble has gone out and it is a tasteless drink.

  • 盐少了,菜就会淡而无味,盐多了,苦咸难咽。
    A little Salt, food will be tasteless, and more salt, hard Kuxian Pharynx.

  • 她不想回到这家餐厅,因为它的食物淡而无味的。
    She never wanted to go back to the restaurant because the food was insipid.

  • 吃著淡而无味的食物,孩子能够了解他们有多幸福。
    The bland food help the children realize how lucky they are.

  • 伤风感冒时,可口的饭菜会变的淡而无味,为什么?
    When we have a bad cold, delicious food won't be delicious again. Why?

  • 他没有点通常吃的淡而无味的食品,要了咖哩食品。
    Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet.

  • 生活就像淡而无味的香烟,除了把它抽完,我一事无成
    Life is as plain and void as a blank cigarette, I could do nothing more than consume it to the end.

  • 如果你实在不能忍受淡而无味,选用无热量的新型甜味剂。
    If you cannot be borne really tasteless, choose without caloric agent of new-style sweet taste.

  • 如果你觉得白水淡而无味,那么花草茶是一个不错的替代品。
    If you find water too plain for drinking, herbal tea is a good substitute.

  • 以前有一个愚人到他人家做客。主人跟他吃饭时(他)觉得(饭)淡而无味
    Once upon a time there was a stupid man who went to another man's home.

  • 铁的硬,豆腐的淡而无味,轿子的容量狭小,还加上泥土气,这算他们的民风。
    The intractability of iron, the insipidity of bean curd, the narrowness of sedan chairs, and in addition, the smell of earth could be called the local traits;

  • 但这只限于质量粗劣的书,否则一本好书将像已被蒸馏过的水,变得淡而无味了!
    However, it is just shoddy book, or a good book will have been distilled off, like water, have become insipid in!

  • 加味精到淡而无味的汤里后,它会大大提升美味并且能获得其它方法所达不到的完美。
    When you add MSG to a bland soup or stock, it can greatly increase the flavor and add a roundness that can not be obtained elsewhere.

  • 有的人选择淡而无味,有的人选择甜滋滋的,有的人选择酸溜溜的,更有的人选择辛辣的。
    Some people choose to insipid, some people choose to sweet Zizi, and some people choose to sour, more people choose spicy.

  • 食品生产协会支持保持现有的制度,争辩说过多地减少盐会使消费者由于淡而无味产生厌烦。
    The Grocery Manufacturers Association favors keeping the current regime, arguing that cutting salt too much turns off consumers because of bland taste.

  • 达力加翠湖为五山池中主湖,系火山口堰积型湖,湖水面积210亩,湖深未测,水味淡而无味
    Dalit Cuihu increase the pool of five main mountain lake, a crater lake weir-type plot, the lake area of 210 acres, Lake unmeasured deep, tasteless and odorless water.

  • 达力加翠湖为五山池中主湖,系火山口堰积型湖,湖水面积210亩,湖深未测,水味淡而无味
    Chestwood increase of up to five main pool Hill Lake, Weir plot of the crater-lake, the lake area of 210 mu, deep lake is not measured, water Weidan and tasteless.

  • 我在想我们饮食的这种淡而无味的状况是不是造成我们之中这么多人过于肥胖,甚至胖到了危险程度的原因。
    I wonder if this blandness of our diet doesn't explain why so many of us are overweight and even dangerously so.

  • 一个觉得自己所讲淡而无味之人往往说话犹如放机关枪一般,因为他不想让人们对淡而无味的讲话浪费时间。
    A person who feels that he isn't worth listening to will speak quickly, because he doesn't want to keep others waiting on something not worthy of listening to.

  • 少喝含糖饮料。白开水更便宜──且对你更有好处。如果你嫌白开水淡而无味,那就在水中挤点酸橙汁或柠檬汁吧。
    Cut down on sugary drinks. Water is cheaper -- and better for you. If you still crave some flavor, squeeze the juice of a lime or lemon into the water.

  • 不同于 2005 年的三月雪,大部份没及时改变制作工序的制茶师傅,几乎都将 2005 的春茶做得淡而无味
    Is different in 2005 in March snow, the system teahouse cook who the major part does not have the prompt change manufacture working procedure, nearly all makes 2005 spring teas insipidly;

  • 它的肉是可食用的但是淡而无味且留下一个不愉快的回味。(参考文献 28499) 肝脏被用作一个机器油的来源。
    Its flesh is edible but bland and leaves an unpleasant aftertaste (Ref. 28499). The liver was used as a source of machine oil (Ref. 28499).

  • 13个乐观的,彩色的,固定镜头的录象,被三个淡而无味的类似电影的黑白古怪的故事打断,这些故事试图突破通常亲吻习惯的局限。
    13 optimistic, color, fixed-camera videos, are interrupted by three celluloid-film like black and white, more grotesque stories, exploring the limits of common kissing habits.

  • 对于我们的许多人来说,“节食”这个词语可能会使人产生一种放弃可口的食物和只是吃淡而无味的食物,或者完全不吃东西的幻想。这个很危险的方案会最终得到反效果。
    To many of us, the word "diet" may conjure up images of giving up tasty foods and eating only bland foods, or no food at all-a very dangerous scenario that is ultimately counterproductive.

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