
淡然处之  dàn rán chǔ zhī






  • 面对复杂的形势, 他却淡然处之
    Facing the complicated situation, he took everything coolly.

  • 面对复杂的形势,他却淡然处之
    Facing the complicated situation, he took everything coolly .

  • 面对复杂的形势, 他却淡然处之
    Facing the complicated situation, he took everything coolly.

  • 超越了生死,对世俗利益就能淡然处之了。
    Transcends life and death, the secular interests of the Department can be dismissed.

  • 也许很难做到﹐但专家的建议是﹕淡然处之
    As hard as it may be, sit back and chill, experts advise.

  • 亲爱的,那是因为嗅过太多气味,对一切淡然处之啊。
    It has smelled much, and forgiven much, my dear.

  • 值得玩味的是,似乎只有比赛的两位主角对此淡然处之
    Seems the only people not overly psyched about the game are the players themselves.

  • 值得玩味的是,好像只有比赛的两位主角对此淡然处之
    Seems the only people not overly psyched about the game are the players themselves.

  • 或许,年轻的我们尚不能做到对成败得失付诸一笑,淡然处之
    Perhaps young We still can not do put a smile on the success or failure, take it lightly.

  • 有钱人说我穷得只剩下钱了,那是真理,若让一个富人突然去过穷苦人的生活,他一下子能淡然处之吗?
    say that I am so poor that the rich only money, it is the truth, if the rich to make a sudden the poor have been to people's lives, he's all of a sudden you can take it lightly?

  • 到了这个年纪,我对许多事情都不再去寻寻觅觅答案了,因为答案未必存在,或者答案是伤人的,所以我淡然处之
    At my age, I have stopped looking for answers to many puzzles. After all, they do not necessarily exist, or they might hurt my feelings. I've learned to take life easy.

  • 对于一篇文摘八卦她和市长的关系时,她说:“爱只是一种炫耀,你只需淡然处之,‘哦,哇,这只不过将是一次刺激的郊游。”
    As for the tabloid fuss over her relationship with Mayer, she says:"Love just shows up and you go, 'Oh, wow, this is going to be a hayride and a half."

  • 淡然处之造句相关
