
流言蜚语  liú yán fēi yǔ








  • 传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
    The circulation of gossip is vicious.

  • 爱真的需要勇气来面对流言蜚语
    Love really needs courage, to affront (be up against) those scandals.

  • 流言蜚语开始挤得我喘不过气来。
    Rumors began to packed I can not breathe.

  • 她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语
    Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.

  • 是的,流言蜚语不能把我们击倒。
    Yes, words can't bring us down.

  • 她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语
    Scandal and gossip are meat and drink to him.

  • 各种流言蜚语早就传遍了大街小巷。
    Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.

  • 是谁散布这些有关他的流言蜚语的?
    Who is responsible for retailing these rumors about him?

  • 他遭到恶意的流言蜚语的诋毁。
    He was be spattered by malicious gossip .

  • 他就爱听有关同事的流言蜚语
    He likes to hear all the dirt about his colleagues.

  • 他不得不有所节制,免得引起流言蜚语
    He had to limit his attentions to avoid scandal.

  • 务必避免流言蜚语,关注你必须做的事务。
    You must avoid gossip and focus on what you have to do.

  • 他只是离开纽约去避开那些流言蜚语  哦!
    He only left new york to ride out the scandal. oh!

  • 不要听信流言蜚语
    Don't listen to scandal!

  • 不要相信网路上所有的流言蜚语。大部分都不是真的。
    Don't believe all the on the Internet. Most of it is not true.

  • 当我把有关汤姆的流言蜚语告诉詹妮丝时,她确实很惊讶。
    Ja nice really sat up when I told her the gossip about Tom.

  • 甚至也没有任何关于他训练,或者其他花天酒地的流言蜚语
    There hasn't even been any rumors of his workouts/clubbing/love love posted anywhere.

  • 这种权利使人们美好的灵魂免受流言蜚语和高谈阔论的骚扰。
    The right not to have their divine souls stuffed with gossip, nonsense, vain talk.

  • 他们已经在背后指责我了,虽然流言蜚语没有力量,但是羞辱有!
    They blame me already, behind my back , in secret. Though slander is not power, but shame is !

  • 流言蜚语传播说我订了婚,这正是我之所以到东部来的一个原因。
    The fact that gossip had published the banns was one of the reasons I had come East.

  • 你是我的依靠,不管别人的流言蜚语,因为时间是爱情最好的证明…
    I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time.

  • 华丽的胸针难道能为我抵挡流言蜚语?无暇的钻石难道能洗清我的罪名?
    Can the brightest brooch shield me from reproach? Can the purest diamond purify my name?

  • 流言蜚语就像你身后的一个个陷阱,只要你一直往前走,它就不会伤害到你。
    Rumors are like the traps behind you, you can never be hurt if you continue walking on.

  • 你觉得这个消息可靠吗——这段传闻是真实的,还是我们免不了听到的流言蜚语呢?
    Do you know the real poop - is it true or is it just one of those nasty rumors we hear all the time?

  • 我们还要面对许多的人情世故,我们要面对许多的流言蜚语,我们还要为了生存而不停地奔波。
    We have to face many we have to face a lot of gossip, we need to in order to survive and keep on running.

  • 去懂得种什麽收什麽,如果散播流言蜚语他们就收获钩心斗角,如果种植爱心他们就收获欢乐;
    To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant love they will harvest happiness.

  • 让优点自己表现出来。拒绝谈论他人的缺陷。劝阻流言蜚语。那是宝贵时间的浪费,破坏性可能极强。
    Let your virtues speak for themselves. Refuse to talk of another's vices. Discourage gossip. It is a waste of valuable time and can be extremely destructive.

  • 他的私生活也经历了一系列感情挫折,无论在奥尔良王朝的巴黎还是在搬嘴弄舌的今日都引起流言蜚语
    But his private life was a depressing saga of unrequited passions, as much a source of gossip in Orleanist Paris as it is of curiosity today.

  • 有的流言蜚语认为弗洛格是通过巫术召唤来的恶魔,而有的则说弗洛格接受了一些角斗士尸体的器官移植。
    Wild tales included stories of Flog being a demon summoned by occult means, while others said Flog was patched together from the parts of dead gladiators.

  • 不要浪费宝贵的精力在流言蜚语,过去的事情,消极的想法或者是你不能控制的事情上。而是把精力积极投到当前的时刻。
    Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, or issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

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