
流水桃花  liú shuǐ táo huā








  • 桃花流水鳜鱼肥”。
    Peach Blossom water mandarin fish fertilizer.

  • 桃花流水杳然去。
    The peach-mirrored stream goes with wind.

  • 桃花流水鳜鱼肥。
    Peach blossoms, running brooks and delicious trout.

  • 待到情窦初开,正如那桃花流水,好奇地留连着沿途的风光。
    Treats begins to be interested in the opposite sex, just like that peach blossom running water, is lingering curiously scenery along the way.

  • 隐隐飞桥隔野烟,石矶西畔问渔船;桃花尽日随流水,洞在清溪何处边?
    a bridge flies away through a wild mist, yet here are the rocks and the fisherman\s boat.

  • 蜂王才高, 很搞笑!偶也效仿一下: 西塞山边白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。
    By Mount Xisai, white egrets fly Peach blossoms, flowing water, mandarin fish fat as a pie.

  • 面对安陆的灵山秀水,诗人写下了“桃花流水杳然去,别有天地非人间”的赞誉之辞。
    Xiushui Anlu the face of the Mountain, the poet wrote "Peach Blossom Yaoran to water, there are other non-human world, " the praise of the speech.

  • 桃花沟三面环山,高处有水源,四周林木葱茏,终年碧群苍翠,涧有流水,清澈见底;
    Peach ditch San Mianhuan Hill, a high water, verdant forests around, Pik Kwan green all year round, have water and streams, clear bottoming out;

  • 山上的桃花随着流水悠悠地向远方流去,这里就像别有天地的桃花源一样,不是凡尘世界所能比拟的。
    No reply with smile as my mind is care free. The peach petals flow in the stream with water away, My faery differs from the human world like scree.

  • 这里虽然没有潺潺流水的小溪,也没有巍峨雄壮的高山,但那一朵朵引人入胜的桃花却显得更加柔美、更加纯洁。
    Although there is no water here, gurgling brook, and no towering majestic mountains, spectacular blossoming of the peach, but which is even more mellow, more pure.

  • 流水桃花造句相关
