
洞察一切  dòng chá yī qiè







  • 爱是盲目的,友谊则能洞察一切
    Love is blind, but friendship is clairvoyant.

  • 在夜晚的沉静里,向冥冥中洞察一切的天父祈祷。
    Prayed in the silence of night to the Father who see th in secret.

  • 惟有心灵能洞察一切,本的东西是肉眼看不到的。
    It is only with heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eyes.

  • 只有心灵才能洞察一切,用眼睛是看不见事物的本质的。
    It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

  • 谈判者应该洞察一切。你必须既是福尔摩斯,又是弗洛伊德。
    A negotiator should observe everything. You should be part Sherlock Holmes, part Sigmund Freud.

  • 他能够区分出哪些是事实、哪些是观点。同时并不宣称洞察一切
    He can separate facts from( opinion↗ ▼and doesn't pretend to have all the answers.

  • 他能够区分出哪些是事实、哪些是观点。同时并不宣称洞察一切
    He can separate facts from opinions and doesn't pretend to have all the answers.

  • 伯爵说,那镇定的声音和洞察一切的目光证明他始终保持着自制力。
    said the count, with that calm tone and penetrating eye which characterize the man who knows his cause is good.

  • 我知道,当白昼逝去后,我的歌将载我到大洋彼岸,在那儿我将洞察一切
    I feel that the ferry of my songs at the day's end will bring me across to the other shore from where I shall see.

  • 再次,孙悟空还具有超凡的智慧、卓越的才能、洞察一切的眼力和清醒的头脑。
    Oncemore, Sun Wukong also has the eyesight and the sober brains which the unusual wisdom, remarkable ability, sees the whole matter clearly.

  • 我知道,当白昼逝去后,我的歌将载我到大洋彼岸,在那儿我将洞察一切。??
    I feel that the ferry of my songs at the day's end will bring me across to the other shore from where I shall see. ?

  • 若没有爱,即使我们收到先知的礼物,即使我们可以洞察一切知识,我也什么都不是。
    Nothing known will matter-If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, but have not love, I am nothing.

  • 你们这些想要了解公理正义的人,除非洞察一切的行为,否则你们怎能了解公理正义?
    And you who would understand justice, how shall you unless you look upon all deeds in the fullness of light?

  • 可是天主藉著圣神将这一切启示给我们了,因为圣神洞察一切,就连天主的深奥事理他也洞悉。
    But to us God hath revealed them, by this Spirit. For the Spirit searched all things, yea, the deep things of God.

  • 在所塑造的人物中,有能够洞察一切的蒂缇,一名从她丈夫的葬礼材火堆中被救出的年青村妇;
    Among them is all-seeing Deeti, a young village woman rescued from her husband's funeral pyre;

  • 可是天主藉著圣神将这一切启示给我们了,因为圣神洞察一切,就连天主的深奥事理他也洞悉。
    God has revealed it to us, through his Spirit, because the Spirit probes everything, even the depth of God.

  • 可是天主借着圣神将这一切启示给我们了,因为圣神洞察一切,就连天主的深奥事理他也洞悉。
    10 this God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God.

  • 无数财宝显露,在一处隐蔽秘密的地方,光的力量被增强,在这神庙里,圣洁的双眼能洞察一切
    A thousand treasures in their fall revealed, In a secret place concealed, Of which when the power of light increases, In this temple, to chaste eyes, the invisibility ceases.

  • 库图佐夫脸上露出了微妙的、能洞察一切的微笑,他耸耸肩膀回答说:“我只是要说我刚才说过的话。”
    Shrugging his shoulders and smiling his subtle, penetrating smile, Kutuzov answered:"I mean to say to you what I do say to you. Nothing more."

  • 网上交易,不管是C2C还是B2B,交易双方都十分关心自己交易的进展和其可视化,希望及时洞察一切
    Online trading, no matter C2C or B2B, both sellers and buyers care what happens with the deal and hope to get visibility.

  • 他敢于斗争、藐视一切封建权威,具有鲜明的爱憎,超凡的智慧,卓越的才能,洞察一切的眼力和清醒的头脑。
    He dared to struggle, flouting all of the feudal authority and clearly has a love and hate, exceptional wisdom, outstanding talent, Insight all eyes and a cool head.

  • 如果他停留在那�许多年,不再前进,洞察一切的人啊!如果他在那�达到平静,获得解脱,这种人的识是否还存在?
    If he stays there, O All-around Eye, unaffected for many years, right there would he be cooled & released? Would his consciousness be like that?

  • 在这神界和人界,我看到婆罗门无所执著地生活,洞察一切的人啊!我向你致敬,释迦啊!请把我从疑惑中解脱出来。
    I see in the world of beings divine & human, a brahman who lives possessing nothing. I pay homage to him the All-around Eye. From my doubts, O Sakyan, release me!

  • “我亲爱的保罗,”他的妹妹回答道,“你对待托克斯小姐完全公道;我知道,像你这样洞察一切的人一定会这样做。
    'My dear Paul, ' returned his sister, 'you do Miss Tox but justice, as a man of your penetration was sure, I knew, to do.

  • 做君主的方法要象龙头一样,高瞻远瞩,洞察一切,深刻地 观察问题,审慎地听取意见,仪表庄严肃穆,衷情隐而不露。
    Now the Way of the King is like that of a dragon's head. He dwells in the heights and look out far. He sees deeply and listens carefully. He displays his form but conceal his nature.

  • 然而,莎士比亚有足够的能力洞察一切人身上的人类共性,所以他使得夏洛克成为一个真实可信的燃烧着复仇之火的犹太人。
    Shakespeare was capable, however, of seeing the universal principles of human nature embodied in all men, so that he made Shylock believable as the revengeful Jew.

  • 他是没有欲望,还是有渴望?他是具有智慧,还是正在获得智慧?洞察一切的人啊!请向我解释。释迦啊!让我知道什麽是牟尼。
    Is he without desire, or desiring? Discerning or still acquiring discernment? Describe the sage to me, Sakyan with the all-around eye, so that I may recognize what he is like.

  • 可尊敬的诸多迦尼说道:“听说你是一位不贪恋爱欲、越过水流的英雄,我来向你这位清净者求教。请告诉我平静的境界,洞察一切的人啊!
    Hearing that there was a hero — desiring no sensuality, having crossed over the flood — I've come with a question: Tell me the state of peace, O One with quick eyes.

  • 之后的几年,我母亲的视力越来越差,但是她为我创造了一种远见,这种对于世界的远见让我一直受用至今,我也感觉到,通过我的眼睛,她也能洞察一切
    Over the next few years, my mother's eyesight dimmed but in me she created a larger vision, a vision with which I continue to see the world and, I sense, through my eyes, she was seeing too.

  • 对于武汉这个充满活力,又有一副老江湖风味的城市来说,她的珍贵之处在于新旧并存所迸发的独特魅力,让我们通过湖北省博物馆这双洞察一切的眼睛,走进楚文化的世界吧!
    For a city which is as vigorous as Wuhan, the charm lies in its combination of the new and old. Let's walk into the world of culture via Hubei Provincial Museum, the eyes of Wuhan.

  • 洞察一切造句相关
